MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > If he becomes President again, what will...

If he becomes President again, what will he do?

If he wins, how will he spend his time doing his job as President, aside from playing golf 24 hours every day?


Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead and the GOP wants nothing to do with him. He will never be president again.


Who knows..... there can be some big surprises that nobody sees coming.



Shuffling around the White House with an ankle bracelet and an Ipad


I like that one. But what about his role as President? What laws and guidelines would he lay down?


Getting Mexico to pay for the wall and doing interviews showing off his ankle bracelet.


Sell pardons. Steal more classified documents to sale after he leaves office, if he lives that long. He will do whatever makes him more money and encourages people to kiss his ass.


He said he would pardon a lot fo the 1/6 people. That's a good thing.


Trump will Make America Great Again Again.


Since no one is taking this question seriously I will.

First off I expect all of his policies related to the economy, energy, and immigration to be restored and fully enforced.

All political prisoners that the current regime have convicted or are now in prison must be pardoned and fully released. This includes all people in jail on charges related to Jan 6th. Also Douglas Mackey as he convicted for being a Twitter troll. Free Speech must be restored.

I know in the CNN town hall he talked about how he plans to tackle America's Crime epidemic.

He must defeat the Deep State and clean out the corruption in all branches of our government, bring back a strong military, and I believed he mentioned wanting to shrink the size of the Federal Government. All of these things need to be done or America is headed for a national divorce.


You’re insane


Also President Trump must make America Great Again and return it to being a stronge Nationalist state built for the great good of our people. We are not a toilet meant for the rest of the World's trash.


You’ve been had… send money to perhaps the greatest grifter of all time


Most Americans hate Trump, the MAGA party is about dead and the GOP wants nothing to do with him. What makes you think Trump will be president again?


A whole lot of pardons and more burger king parties. I think Putin might de-escalate his war for a few years. And i'm sure he'll put his executive order pen to work sweeping some of Biden's trash out the door. For sure it'll be the end of billions of dollars being funneled into Ukraine.


No doubt something to make him become the first POTUS to be impeached three times!


Trump will Make America Great Again Again.


Trump Will Be Impeached Again Again Again.


That does not stop him and so he will Make America Great Again Again Again Again...
