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Why are you MAGAts so keen to protect him?

I just don't get it: former presidents like Reagan, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Dubya Bush and Obama have seemed very reasonable, even if Clinton had an affair and Dubya made verbal gaffes, but they've all seemed very reasonable and rational.

Then along comes this idiot and you're all fawning over him as if he's the "beztezt prez evahh", when he's said so many stupid things like injecting bleach to cure covid and other ridiculous things.

It's like the Orange is the vocal mouthpiece of the sizeable portion of the US population which has embraced ignorance, stupidity and conspiracy theories and he enables them via his numerous rallies, mainly for his own pleasure because he needs to feel loved and to rile them up still further.

The man is dangerous, and has a potential army of idiots to follow him, and they attack criticism by turning it back on their enemies and making them look bad when they're not. It's literally as if the USA has gone insane in the last few years, at least around half of it.

These indictments are like the beginning of the end for this insipid MAGA movement and Trump and his followers are determined to stay relevant, risking a second civil war if they feel particularly threatened or emboldened.

Justice against Trump cannot come soon enough: jail the Orange in an orange jumpsuit, at least they'll both blend in.


So, what's the crime that he supposedly committed that makes it a felony. Bragg refused to say, yesterday. What's this big crime that demands "justice"?


There were almost three dozen separate counts, not just that prostitute hush money one. They obviously want to nail him to the wall, and I'm with there with the hammer.


Almost three dozen identical misdemeanors at worst. You'll be waiting there a long time with your little hammer lol.


You must not have been listening. DA Bragg did state them. He even had a graphic.

[–] Destinata (1966) a minute ago
So, what's the crime that he supposedly committed that makes it a felony. Bragg refused to say, yesterday. What's this big crime that demands "justice"?
There are 34 Felonies:

The crime is Falsifying business records:
S 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
Pretty much bland boring stuff. Am I right?


As I've already said, it only works with another crime which has not been mentioned. It's all bullshit whipping TDS morons like you into a frenzy.


Reporters asked Bragg pointblank what that unnamed crime was, and he said under New York law, he didn't have to mention it.

It's at that point he should have been laughed off the public stage. If we lived in a proper country, he would have been.


Absolutely. All these people that think it's great yet I wonder how they would feel if the police knocked on their door, told them they were being arrested but wouldn't tell them for what crime.


Because he was a great President despite your death cults smear job and now he’s being persecuted by a corrupt justice system. Why are you libtards so keen on defending Diaper Joe and your cult leaders who have ordered violence against “MAGA Republicans”?


You’re insane


Here we go again. You keep making the same comments but you never show any proof of your claims. Just more conspiracy theories and anger from you. I fear you may have a mental breakdown the minute you realize that Trump will never be president again.


I have provided plenty of proof, you just automatically dismiss it because it doesn’t give you the answer you want. While in the meantime you dismiss actually evidence of corruption when it comes to your cult leaders


You haven't proved shit. Just conspiracy theories and your misguided anger. Besides, if Biden is the criminal you believe he is then why hasn't the Republican controlled House done anything about it? I guess they are too involved with drag queens to do anything else.


Not conspiracy theories, your cult and the fake news just label any legitimate story that makes them look bad as "conspiracy theories". The Republicans are gutless, I don't like the Republicans, they don't stand for anything. They are really left leaning just like the DemoKKKrats they just say they are conservative to get votes. And it's the libtards who want to expose children to drag shows and pornographic literature in schools, it's child abuse.


You are insane! You just keep repeating the same nonsense over and over with no proof of your claims. I hope you find professional help because you would definitely benefit from it.


Unfortunately you are in now position to accurately evaluate anyone's mental health because you are so warped and brainwashed by your cult that you cannot view the world objectively.


Yay! You win... 🥇 I can't top that. But I do hope you find peace in your life when you realize that you've been suckered by Trump, the MAGA party and Republicans. Bye now...


I hope one day your cult stops brainwashing you or you come to your senses and realize your cult is brainwashing you and get out, it’s never too late.


All of this talk of a civil war by MAGA is nothing but talk. They all turned into snowflakes once they saw the insurrectionists being sent to prison. Deep down they know tRump just isn't worth it. MAGA is doomed and good riddance.


Its not even about Trump...your woke movies sucks really bad and something needs to be done about it.


It’s more about protecting paternalism, fundamentally.


I agree with everything you said in your OP .
except the last sentence

Justice for what specifically?
Whats the major crime thats orange jumpsuit worthy?
paying Stormy to stfu doesent seem that bad , or even illegal at all to me .
.. and maybe his company bent the law - thats nothing to do with his term as president

At the end of the day , being a self obsessed compulsive liar with the intellectual development of a 5 year old isnt illegal.


Why are you TDS sufferers so keen to jail him? This will not cure your desease.


"Reagan, Bush Senior, Bill Clinton, Dubya Bush and Obama have seemed very reasonable, even if Clinton had an affair and Dubya made verbal gaffes, but they've all seemed very reasonable and rational."

Are you joking? WMDs, wars, Obama's addiction to drone strikes, Clinton's paedophilia? Any of that ring a bell?


Yes, I deliberately didn't mention wars because every US President has been involved with them, so what's new? However, since when was Bill Clinton into paedophilia? Monica Lewinsky wasn't a minor, as far as I know.


Tell me, how many wars did Trump start?

Bill Clinton, best buds with Jeffrey Epstein...Epstein Island. Frequent flyer on the Lolita Express...


Perhaps, but...

“He’s a Lot of Fun to Be With”: Inside Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump’s Epic Bromance

Beginning in the late ’80s, the infamous sex trafficker and the future president (and their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell) palled around for almost two decades. In an excerpt from his new book, American Kompromat, the author exposes their shared tastes for private planes, shady money, and foreign-born models—many of them “on the younger side.”


A whole lot of hearsay and speculation in that.


That's how smears work, that's all they have.


As opposed to your claim of "Bill Clinton, best buds with Jeffrey Epstein...Epstein Island. Frequent flyer on the Lolita Express..." which is obviously the gospel truth!


You Trumptwats really do live in your own little delusional universe, don't you?


I find it interesting that you choose to focus on an article from a book excerpt, rather than addressing the current issues facing the country. But to address your point, it's important to distinguish between association and guilt. Just because two individuals may have been acquaintances in the past does not mean that one is responsible for the actions of the other. In fact, President Trump has publicly stated that he had a falling out with Epstein years ago and has condemned his actions. Let's stay focused on the present and the issues that matter.
The article you shared is from Vanity Fair and has been widely discredited as being full of unsubstantiated claims and hearsay. It's just another example of the biased media trying to push a false narrative about President Trump.
