MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > What would this world be like today if T...

What would this world be like today if Trump won the 2020 Election?

I often wonder about that?


we would be preparing to invade ukraine with our new comrades in russia, and trump would be facing his third impeachment. but hey, at least gas would be a buck cheaper, and that's all that counts.


LOL! Fat Donnie (aka cadet Bonespurs) would volunteer Tucker "Squeaky" Carlson to lead the troops!


yeah, and tucker carlson, being the wannabe alpha male he claims to be, would claim "bonespurs" just like papa trump.


Gas under $3 a gallon. No war in Ukraine. The communist Democrat party and their lemmings screaming about how Covid is trumps fault. Any question?




"What would this world be like today if Trump won the 2020 Election?"

Putin would have an office in The WH, Dementia Donnie would be fetching his coffee for him (Vlad), and the Russian flag would be flying proudly in The USA.


Seriously sad how much y’all NEED to suck to at this man’s tit on a regular basis.


Everyone would be DEAD after injecting bleach into their veins!

So this entire thread would be mute...



We would have no inflation, no high gas prices, the economy would be thriving, the border would be secure and we would have no war. We would be in excellent shape.


More gun confiscations would happen while Trump supporters deny that they took place.

Red flag laws without due process will lead to massive gun thefts, The thieves will use the new laws to defend themselves by saying they thought their victims were violent.

More money collected from gullible people to build the southern wall. The people collecting the money (like Bannon) will line their own pockets with the donated money. Trump will never allow the wall to be completed as this would reduce the amount of cheap labor that he and his big business buddies can exploit.

Russia will make more aggressive moves on their neighbors as Trump trusts them not to do so.

Wind turbines will be dismantled as Trump aggressive campaign against cancer.

Sexual assault against women will become more common as the rapists will defend themselves by saying "when you’re a star, they let you do it".

Pandemics will be dealt with by stopping testing for the diseases and promising they will go away like a miracle.


Who knows.

We'd still be divided and fighting with each other. This part I do know. I don't think it would matter who is president.

