TRUMP 2020

Bring it on!


2020....Dateline....whichever outlet does the expose on his criminality it doesn't matter.


He has it sewn up. All these hoaxes are helping the cause.


Your account is a hoax :)


Trump is messing everything up!

We got to get him out of there.


Lol, he'll crush it. Won't even be close.


i was onboard the trump train until this bozo banned the bumpstocks. lost my vote. gonna have to vote libertarian again...


I am sure that will work out well.


voted for gary johnson in 2016 and i dont regret it. trump is a libtard gungrabber and hitlery cliton is pretty much satin. my vote went to a candidate i believed in and i dont regret it one bit


Hillary Clinton is a silky fabric?


that bitch be the devil incarnate is what i meant...


Lol, I know it was just a typo, but it seemed funny to think of satin as an adjective for her.


Eye. Warship. Satin...?


It was a misspelling. It's Satan, with an "a". I thought satin sounded very un-Hillary. She's more of a sandpaper analogy to fabric.


lol I know. I was making a deep reference. Couldn't blame anyone for not getting it. It's from 1992's Stay Tuned.


Lol, very nice. I remember that movie and scene very well, now that you reminded me. Yes a VERY deep pull, but amazingly fitting.


Trump being a gungrabber is a bit extreme. Hillary would be the true gungrabber.


he said the 2nd amendment was safe under him then he goes and bans bumpstocks. unconstitutionally rewriting the law without congress. no compensation for owners of bumpstocks purchased 100 percent legally. owners of bumpstocks will now have and illegal machine gun that can land em in prison of 10 years and 250k dollar fine. if that is not a gun grabbing move i dont know what is. Trump is complete bogus! i was honestly a fan of him before he pulled this stunt...


There is nothing in the 2nd Amendment about bumpstocks or automatic weapons. If you feel the need to carry a automatic weapon than you are in the wrong Country.


pre 1986 full autos are still legal for civilian ownership. its a travesty they banned the new ones, damn liberals...


Wow I'm shocked at the sensibility coming from Bubbathegut when he's arguing with a disillusioned former Trump supporter who is further to his right.


I never supported Trump. Voted Gary Johnson in 2016. I only said i planned to support Donald Trump. I liked him and was gonna vote Trump in 2020 before he showed his true colors as a commie gun grabber.


You didn't support him in terms of your 2016 vote but you did support him until his bump stock move. That's what I meant.


Wow, you supported him until he did ONE humane and sane thing and then jumped to the fringe.

That’s three stupid decisions in one sentence!


i vote in what i believe in. and i believe in the second amendment. i could deal with all the bullshit trump pulled in the past but when he came for my guns he crossed the line and went to far. trump is nothing but a commie libtard in my book


And you show exactly why we need restrictions on who should have firearms.

Or just arms. It would limit your posting.


ahhh shutup u libtard. my parents were born it shithole commie countries without any freedoms. i was born with the second amendment and i will defend it till the day i die! I was the first person in my family born in this country and appreciate the freedoms we have here. go move to europe or china or any other shithole if u love gun control so much and stop trying ruin this country with your libtarded views...


You’re an anchor baby? T-rump despises you and your family.


Im a proud American! My fam be from eastern europe but i was born here and have as much freedom as any other bozo. I dont care what trump thinks of me. all i know is he is a gun grabber and i aint gonna vote for his ass in 2020


You say you're voting libertarian but there's not a lot to choose from who are pro bump stock. Rand Paul is probably the best libertarian choice out there but his stance on bump stocks was weak at best.

I think its time to realize you and your ilk really have no representation in this matter. No politician is willing to fall on their sword to liken bump stocks to the 2nd amendment. Thats how Trump got away with banning them with barely a squeak from the NRA.

You're kinda alone on this one.


yeah i used to be a member of the NRA. after there lack of opposition for this ban i will never give them another dime.


Its one of those rare moments where a democrat in office probably would've served you better. Republicans fight harder when its a democrat pushing for something. Anything really. A democrat can't even push for cleaner air without the entire republican party claiming its an attack on our liberty.


No he's not. There's not a single liberal who will speak out against full auto weapons for the millitary. The left loves guns, so long as they're being used by the millitary industrial complex to force globalism or Jewish nationalism.


That’s the definition of an anchor baby.

So he was right.

Just say so and move on. Adults are talking.


dont u have to have illegal immigrants as parents to be an anchor baby? my parents already had citizenship by the time i was born. If it makes u feel better u can call me an anchor baby but i dont think i am one




Borat is the interesting case of the single issue 2nd Amendment voters. There are quite a few out there like him where it's the only issue they actually care about that motivates them to vote. It's illustrative of why the NRA has so much money and lobbying might.

I'm interested to see whether the NRA might end up taking a hit because of former members like Borat and his uncompromising stance that the NRA didn't oppose Trump on a bump stock ban.


Please don't.


Just don't forget to go out and vote on November 8th of 2020. If the DemonRats are mobilizing, we sane people have to mobilize too. We can't afford to lose him to being a 1-term president.


