MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > When was America great?

When was America great?

And for who was it great for?

50's and before - even white women didn't have full rights

60's - minorities didn't have full rights

70's - women and minorities still fighting for full rights and inclusion

80's? 90's? (Those were not really "great" decades lol)

I'm really curious, what does it mean to "make America great again"

"Again" is the real word I have issue with in this phrase, without it the phrase would be perfectly fine in my eyes.

So trump supporters when was america great and who was it great for?


It was great for white men. That's about it. That is what Trump means.


Ding ding ding!! It's just too obvious.


And for who was it great for?

50's and before - even white women didn't have full rights

60's - minorities didn't have full rights

70's - women and minorities still fighting for full rights and inclusion

80's? 90's? (Those were not really "great" decades lol)

I'm really curious, what does it mean to "make America great again"

"Again" is the real word I have issue with in this phrase, without it the phrase would be perfectly fine in my eyes.

So trump supporters when was america great and who was it great for?

It looks like your confusing 'great' with 'perfection'. Those decades you mention certainly weren't perfect - far from it - but they were great. America moved to progress forward, and for the most part it did during those decades. (Just look how far the American medical industry improved from the 1950s - 2010s!).

That all came to a screeching halt on January 20, 2017. America stopped being great.


No confusion, I'm equating a country's "greatness" with being a great place to live for the majority of its population. Which the US has never been in its entire history.


"I'm equating a country's "greatness" with being a great place to live for the majority of its population."

What are you referring to as the 'majority' of its population, and what metric are you using for 'greatness' ?


Majority = more than 50% but hopefully closer to at least 75%

Great place to live = you don't have to worry about being treated like a second class citizens.

Come on doggie, why you arguing with me, this one's for the trumpets


No, not arguing. Just want to give an honest answer, and I do think if you're going by 'great' and not 'perfect', then yes - despite its drawbacks, those decades show how great it was.


Fair enough.

I still don't think it can be considered great considering how many people were disenfranchised to a certain extent.

We can agree to disagree 😃


You should spend more time worrying about the bags of shit strewn throughout your town. Holy shit! (literally)


Ever the ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, ThreeTen is back....


It was great before Obama became president.


Hmmm I wonder why that is🤔🤔

Possibly because every president before him was at least a white male?


Why haven't other races walked on the Moon? I thought we were all equal?


WOW!! You don't understand history and how it worked at all.

There were plenty of minorities involved with the moon landing, they just didn't have access to the best jobs.

Your true colours are showing and they are gross!


Every single person who walked on the Moon was a white male, and virtually every engineer and scientist involved in the effort was a white male. These facts must really get under your skin.


Actually I'm not so sure anyone has walked on the moon. I never used to be a conspiracy theorist, but I've seen a ton of evidence point to the contrary.


....and the picture is complete.


My response to your previous post covers this nicely. So please read the above post of mine for a reply


Any surprise Joffreylemming has spent every response telling us how he didn’t read any of the responses he asked for. You really don’t need to confirm your ignorance for us. We already know how uninformed and close minded you are.

Just another demokkkrat lemming waiting for an opinion to be spoon fed to them by the hate filled demokkkrat media. Notice he couldn’t rebutt single thing that was mentioned. Just the same old close minded demokkkrat hate. Republicans are (insert flavor of the week demokkkrat label).



Any surprise you and the rest of the trumpet crew never really answered the clearly defined question. Just went off on deflecting tangents.

I don't have to wade through the rhetoric to know it's rhetoric. Just like I don't have to swim in sewage to know it's sewage


If you're Donald Trump or his MAGA hat wearing minions....on your timeline that would be 1959 and before.

Realistically, 1865 and before for them.


Ya, just trying to get one of them to admit it. So far I've gotten 1970's ,1980's & 1990's LOLOL

Anyone with common sense knows that's not what the underlying meaning of "MAGA" is🤔


Well if you put what they really wanted, MAWA, they’d get confused and run down to a chain of East Coast gas/convenience stores because reading is not their strong suit


America is and always has been great. Otherwise why do so many people want to live here. I know I don't want to live anywhere else. It's just the people in charge, like politicians who were responsible for all of the inequities of the past. BTW I am NOT a Trump supporter!


It's fine if you think your country is great. That's a good thing, most people in developed nations think their country is great. My country is fucking super amazing great!

My issue is the phrase makes it seem like america was great at a certain point and now it's not anymore. What's that all about? (Not asking you, you're not a trump supporter as stated. Just clarifying a little)


During the Obama administration.


If you were Wall Street, but not if you were an occupier. Wealth inequality went parabolic with Quantitative Easing. Maybe you will come back as a Lybian Muslim in the next life and Obama can drop a bomb on you.


You can be a yes person or a no person, a positive ion or a negative ion.


Women and minorities are reallly stupid if they would trade a house and a family for a stupid vote in an election between crooks that doesn't even count. I suspect you have too much white male prividge to see this but most people have always been in bad shape financially and now even socially and voting has only made this worse. I don't understand liberals and their bad priorities like universal health care for psychiatrists and Club Med drug rehab when there are so many people who struggle to put food on the table. Rent is astronomical and yet cities are in disrepair.

Through to the early 1900's (before the progressives and their central bank, income tax, and world wars) we didn't even have inflation. We had long steady periods of deflation which is what we are supposed to see with technological innovation. Now economists spend all their time coming up with tricks to hide inflation, like factoring computers in the CPI but not utilities. Nobody can even own a car without debt slavery.


Yep! Only white males should vote in elections between crooks! *Facepalm*

What about my post leads you to believe that I suffer from white male privilege? I'm not a white male.
