MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Predict the 'bounced out of office' date

Predict the 'bounced out of office' date

I'm sticking with October 31, 2017.

This will be the best Halloween ever!



Yesterday would have been nice. He had some good ideas, but hasn't followed through. He is tweeting, making our allies upset, siding with his Wall Street friends and trying to take people's health care away. He sucks.


Actually, I think he can last another 7 months. We celebrate Halloween in October in my homeland.


where is kewl kat?


not sure


He's over at TMDb, complaining that he was banned from moviechat... so I guess he was banned.


The sooner the better.


His approval rating continues to go down which will make it easier to get rid of him. Intelligence agencies working feverishly to find the goods to get him out. Let's wish them luck.


2 years! K


Trump's like a roach.


It's a shame the US doesn't use the non confidence votes like other countries. Failure to pass health care with a majority should be enough.


Tells the world that Obama has wiretapped his tower, oh crap how dare he, yet doesn't provide a single shred of evidence. Show us pictures of fibre optic cameras. Show us cabling and listening devices. Show us evidence. My goodness man. Stop wasting time if it's a lie.


No idea. I usually stay away from political topics, but saw this on the Trending scroll and decided to see what was being said.

Don't like him, never have, never will, and was shocked that he won. However, unless he does something *completely* outrageous (and by that I mean more than he already has), chances are he'll stay in office. Hey, don't shoot the potential messenger ;p


Really? And who exactly is going to bounce him out? The media or the democrat minority? LMAO Geez, learn friggen politics.


Trump isn't even a Republican. Slowly, the dummies within that party are realizing that he isn't one of them... the only thing they have in common is stupidity. I guess that's why they fell in love with each other but even the very stupid will divorce themselves from the orange buffoon and they will turn on him. Then I can dress as the worst president in history on Halloween and score all sorts of candy from Americans who will be so thankful he is gone.


The Russian scandal is going to blow up so big, Republicans in Congress will have no choice but to begin the impeachment process.

Half of their hides are already in danger for the upcoming mid-terms. They can save some of it and settle for the more "stable" Pence or Ryan and ride the rest of the term out in moderate ignominy, or knowingly stand by a President who has committed treason.

I am not interested in anyone who still thinks there is absolutely no connection between Team Trump and Russia. Please, we are not playing hopscotch and checkers here. You need to update your knowledge to the big leagues. Russia has been involved with the election and key cabinet members. Not since Nixon's time have we seen an administration claim so much innocence, but act so guiltily.


Hope you never wake up from that dream. Reality might shock you into a deadly coma.


"Hope you never wake up from that dream. Reality might shock you into a deadly coma."

I'd say the same to his voters. They promised a thoroughly honest, competent, unselfish and highly intelligent public servant. What we got was exactly what we saw in the campaign and the same Donald Trump we've known for decades. A serial liar who is viciously selfish, obsessed with personal wealth...who dishonors tradition and WH rules, and who said he can't stand to read (where his job requires nothing but reading every day). He's too ignorant for the job.

No wonder why his EOs and health bill failed. He's a brusque businessman who is quickly learning that he's a horrible politician, and that those two worlds are nothing alike.


Not his health bill. It was Paul Ryan. Does he not read either? Or what other narrative can you place on that and associate it with Trump?

Trump voters are getting exactly what they want from him. An office without Hillary Clinton in it, and someone who will try to keep scum out of the country, despite the efforts of all the paid politicians/lobbyists on both sides opposing it.

But yeah, wikileaks is total run by Russia who made sure those incriminating documents where exposed during the election. Julian Assange works for the KGB out of his office in an Ecuadorian embassy in the UK. Seems legit like all these politicians confirming Trump Russian ties without even starting an investigation yet or seeing any documents. Trump can't claim wire tapping but it's perfectly okay to accuse him with zero evidence because he's the bad man. Uh huh


Just wait and see. The Russia thing is real.

Not too long ago Trump voters said there was no such Russian connection at all, and then Michael Flynn (who has completely disappeared) resigned. Sessions recused. Manafort and Page also bailed out.

When you are completely innocent, and someone accuses you of something so wildly false and ridiculous, you can fire back with legal facts that can immediately end all suspicion. But none of them did. They behaved more suspiciously, and could not hold their jobs.

Also, you do not show COMPLETE evidence to the public, especially during an ongoing investigation. You show it at the trial, where it all comes together into a powerful argument.

I have more trust in the FBI investigating Trump than I do Trump "investigating" anyone. The man is a constant liar (not a single one of his lies would've been tolerated had Trump's EXACT words been uttered by a Democrat's mouth). If he and his voters have not been spot on about crucial things, I have no reason to trust them again. Kind of makes sense, doesn't it?


There is NO EVIDENCE. Democrats were making accusations before the investigation even started and of course their fake news ran with it and continues to run it to delay, oppose and block any Trump moves.

Flynn did absolutely nothing wrong.
Sessions has ZERO ties with the Trump campaign. He didnt run, strategize, or take part in any part of the campaign process.
Manafort. Yeah a guy who ran the campaign for Reagan who ended Soviet Russia now flipped. Yeah totally likely. Just doing normal business in Russia is now a crime, meanwhile Clinton can accept campaign money from Israel and Saudi Arabia, two countries that are much worse than Russia. Yep. This doesn't sound like a political witch hunt at all. I can tell the MSM is pulling your strings because you can't think for yourself AT ALL.

All these ties are flimsy and mean absolutely nothing to the election, which Hillary lost because of who she is, and now people like you are trying undermine anyone who isn't hand picked puppets by mainstream, who continue to break thousands of laws, but are never reported on, because the media wants them in office to work for the people who own both the government and the media. You should be ashamed of yourself for being taken so easily, but you're too busy pointing fingers at people being taken by con man Trump to see yourself get puppetrized by an even worse entity. No one is clean, but the people with the most power make sure to look clean, and spin any small dirt into treason to anyone who threatens their power.


You're missing a lot of major details regarding Manafort, Flynn and Sessions. You can't exonerate them in a MovieChat text box and two sentences (did you know about the texts from Manafort's daughter and the "blood money" she accuses her father of accepting? Manafort CONFIRMED the texts were real). I don't know how you can explain that one away. And there's more where that came from.

Like I said, just wait. Come back in three months to this section. Russia is real (I've discussed this at length elsewhere so I don't have interest in retyping everything, especially when you can find it yourself).


"There is NO EVIDENCE. Democrats were making accusations before the investigation even started and of course their fake news ran with it and continues to run it to delay, oppose and block any Trump moves.

Flynn did absolutely nothing wrong."

I love it when Trump voters are wrong again. Have you seen the news today about Michael Flynn, saying he will testify in exchange for immunity? This is a bombshell (that we knew was coming), and the news has been all over the place, but I'll link to FOX News, so you really can't run and hide and say this is all fake, biased news (I'm using one of YOUR sites). When FOX News posts damaging things like this, you know it's the beginning of the end:

Michael Flynn to NBC in September: "When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime."

I won't be responding to anything else from you. You seem to add nothing but fake excuses. Enjoy the Ignore List.


