MovieChat Forums > J.K. Rowling Discussion > Why are there 7 HP books but 8 HP movies...

Why are there 7 HP books but 8 HP movies?

Was the last book too long to make just one movie from it or something? I haven't read them all yet.


At the base level, probably Hollywood greed. Remember The Hobbit. One fairly short book for kids. Turned into three movies.


I actually never saw The Hobbit. I've heard of it though.


Three bloated movies filled with fanfic that all but overwhelmed the original story, at that.


I thought they were good films. I seperate judging films from the books they were based on..


A third of the last book consists of Dumbledore's past and isn't fully covered in both last movies anyway.
The main reason for 8 movies: money.


Money it was the same with Twilight


Splitting the last book into two movies really allowed for the story to be told. Books 4, 5 and 6 could easily have been split into two movies each, but the choice was made to cut most of the stories that didn't specifically have to do with Harry and defeating Voldemort. It was unfortunate, but it made sense. Book 7 didn't really have much extra, so it was either not tell the complete story or make two movies.

I've never understood why people complain about getting two movies out of one book. If it's done well, why would you not want two movies?


People complain about being greedily exploited, genius.


You didn't read the books, did you?

Two good movies that actually tell the whole story are much more satisfying than one rushed movie that leaves out half the story.

While there are examples of books unnecessarily split into more than one movie, Harry Potter is not one of them.


I think that the issue isn't so much that The Deathly Hallows was split, it was that every teen book series that came after than split the last book, needed or not. I'm just glad that Divergent put a stop to that.


I do get what the "issue" is, but I responded to the original question, which was specifically about the Deathly Hallows. Not sure why someone felt the need to insult me.


The thing is they didn’t tell the whole story, there were still multiple subplots that were taken out such as Dumbledore’s backstory.


They took out most of the subplots. So much more happened in 4, 5 and 6. If they kept all the subplots, they would have easily needed two movies per book. There was not as much to cut from book 7, but that doesn't mean there was nothing to cut.

Dumbledore's backstory wasn't completely cut, but it also wasn't necessary. They did include more of it in the new Fantastic Beasts movie.

I do think it would have been good if they had been able to include a few of the details that may have been confusing if you hadn't read the book: why did they stop saying Voldemort and start saying "You know who," how did Snape know to send the doe. I believe there was another detail in "The Price's Tale" that I would have liked to have included, but I can't remember what it was.

Still, overall, I thought they did a great job!


It was originally one large movie, but they dropped it and broke it in half.


There were twenty-four "Tarzan" books by E.R. Burroughs, but at least forty-five "Tarzan" movies. As long as the money flows in, they'll crank them out.


The printers used a really big font, which made the book look enormous. When the film makers saw it they thought, 'Blimey! We'd better make it into two films.'


It made more money as two films.
