MovieChat Forums > Prince Andrew Discussion > Toxic Masculinity, white males are the p...

Toxic Masculinity, white males are the problem!

His privilege is disgusting , his toxicity hurts others. It's about time he is taken down. He needs to be dismantled like all other white men. Stop white men, stop white privilege. Stop the white patriarch. White have gotten away with it for years.
Im white and I have repeatedly stepped on woman and blacks to get where I am today. I can't live like this, I need to be punished. The entire system needs to be taken down.


Either that was severe sarcasm or you need a shrink.



What an idiot.


Like every white male you are Adolf Hitler reborn ! It is your destiny to be a world destroyer ! Embrace it, live it, be it !!!


have you ever wondered why people respond to you like they are doing?

you're kinda drinking the grape koolaid of unreality that the university made you purchase. wake up, man


Are Butch Lesbians Toxic Males? They exhibit all of the male attributes, style, and bravado of a manly brute.


Come on, folks, you know this is a troll, and not even a good one.


I'm genuinely baffled at how many people respond to obvious nonsense like this.


Some people are problems, regardless of skin color etc.


He ended up paying big. A chink in his white privilege armour.
