MovieChat Forums > Brie Larson Discussion > Brie Larson wants to hear from minority ...

Brie Larson wants to hear from minority film critics, not just 'white dudes'

The future "Captain Marvel" star used her platform Wednesday night at the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards to drive home new statistics highlighting the dearth of women and minority film critics.

In 2017, only 2.5 % of top critics were women of color, she noted.

"I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time," said Larson. "It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color."

Larson clarified: "Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie, and review your movie."

In a room full of executives, managers and publicists, Larson called for studios to screen their films for underrepresented critics and include them in their junkets

She also announced that the Sundance and Toronto film festivals will both allocate 20% of press credentials to underrepresented journalists going forward.


Don't attractive white women dominate starring roles for actresses in Hollywood too?

Maybe she should do something about that. Go on strike until they start casting more overweight women of color in starring roles.


I thought they should have cast Nell from Gimme a Break as Captain Marvel but no one would listen to me. "She's dead!" they said, but that's just another underrepresented group right there. What, someone dies and somehow all of a sudden they're not useful to society anymore. I would go so far as to say that every movie made these days should star a dead, transgender, muslim,, eskimo dwarf with three arms and an undeveloped Siamese twin on it shoulder. Where's the love for these folks!


Where it the outrage for underrepresented dead overweight actresses of color!


She also felt a man asking for her phone number made her uncomfortable and feel defensive,and said it showed how a woman has to constantly be on the defensive in this world. Fuck her self righteous attitude.


To be fair the guy was at work and in position of power. Brie was in the right there. Sure she might have been a little dramatic how she went about it, Brie was right though.


Come on, he was TSA who found her attractive and in no way used his "position of power" to try to persuade her. You can say someone taking your order at McDonald's has a position of power just because he's serving you and you'd be afraid of them spitting on your food if his attention wasn't requited. Life is about meeting people, and sometimes that happens at work. People meet on the job all of the time. The only reason she should have complained is if he actually used his position to try to influence her. He was just a person asking if another person was interested in him. He didn't pursue it, didn't make it uncomfortable and didn't act like a spoiled Hollywood elitist when she said no. Even remotely trying to justify her way of dealing with it undermines real issues of sexual harassment and abuse of power. Those things happen, and this wasn't it. She should be ashamed of herself for trivializing a serious issue with her petulant and spoiled attitude.


You are encouraging wealthy women to spit on working class men.


No and that’s not what Brie did either.


Yes it is. You used sexism not even as a shield but as a bludgeon for class warfare. I think you must be wealthy or something which is why you cannot see that it is Brie who has the upper hand with the TSA employee not the other way around, because of her wealth, and her sex. You would never in a million years choose to be a male TSA employee over a female movie star. Because you might die of mild inconvenience if some poor schmo asks you out on a date and forces you to dignify him with a response of no? Watch out everyone, if the Queen of England steps on you, she might slip and hurt herself!


I do well, not as well as Brie Larson though. The point is the TSA agent shouldn’t be asking anyone for their number celebrity or rich doesn’t matter. Now if he was just asking as a person who met her on the street that would be a different story.


She’s a typical libtard, brainwashed and politically retarded. She’s got a nice body though.


Idiotic thing to say. Why? Because there are natural differences between races and genders that affect weather or not someone will become a film critic.


Considering she's dating a 'white dude' I doubt she hates them as some here seem to think.

Her point is semi-valid. Critics historically have been predominantly male and white. It's a valid point that certain films are made for target demo's which may not be represented amongst the critics reviewing the film.

It's true that a middle aged white man will likely not enjoy a film that was made for 12 year old non-white girls.


I agree, the problem is that she said it in the most racist and sexist way possible, so no one even heard the point that she was trying to make.

If she had simple said that the most harsh criticism were coming from people that were not the target audience, more people would be on her side.


The way she said "40 year old white dude" was "the most racist and sexist way possible?


Dudes aside, does not Ms. Larsen know of the female film critics going back to the 60s , including Pauline Kael, Judith Crist, Molly Haskell, Renata Adler, Janet Maslin, Penelope Gilliatt...and the diverse rosters at the Roger Ebert website and on Rotten that Stephanie Za--something at Time...


I love how all of the SJWs on here are revealing how racist they really are without even realizing they are doing it.
