MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > Suicide? Killed? Or fled to Argentina?

Suicide? Killed? Or fled to Argentina?

I heard that those who examined the body thought it was a double because the ears were different.

Burning him obviously was a way to cover their tracks.

But would Adolf value his own life that much that he would want to die an old man in Argentina? Would Argentina take the risk of housing him? It's one thing to house nazis, but the fuhrer himself? The most hated man in the world?


How did he get there? Hot air balloon? Zeppelin?


He was transported via the Nazi Bell.


One way or the other he would have likely died soon after the war since his health was already deteriorating and he was suicidal.

Otherwise, I doubt his presence in Argentina would have been hidden for long considering that seven of the most infamous Nazis were known to have fled to South America.


He and his bride of the previous day, Eva Braun, sat on a couch in the bunker. She took a cyanide capsule and died. He shot himself in the head and died. Their bodies were carried upstairs and laid in a shallow depression in the ground. Gasoline was poured over them and they were burned. That's all there is to it. The end.


don't confuse the OP with facts


Lol. Educate yourself kid. He was seen in Argentina in 1978. He even attended a soccer match at the Wolrld Cup between Germany and Poland in Buenos Aires. The game ended in a tie.


And there's a bunch of child clones of him running around in Brazil. I wonder if Baby Hitler will be super adorbs and have action toys and T-shirts based on him...


"I heard that those who examined the body thought it was a double because the ears were different."
Yeah, well, ears tend to look different after burning them to a crisp.

"Burning him obviously was a way to cover their tracks."
He was burned, along with Eva, and also Magda and Joseph Goebbels so their bodies cannot be paraded around by the red army. Hitler or not, that's a very reasonable step, the circumstances considered. Hell, he even killed Blondie so the Russians wouldn't take her as a trophy.

"But would Adolf value his own life that much that he would want to die an old man in Argentina? Would Argentina take the risk of housing him? It's one thing to house nazis, but the fuhrer himself? The most hated man in the world?"
Argentina also housed scum like Mengele, so... yeah.
That aside, Hitler clearly wanted to end his life. There's no way he could have lived somewhere in Argentina as some old dude growing tomatoes. He was extremely sick, addicted to drugs and mentally deranged in the end. That guy 100% killed himself in that bunker, I have zero doubt.


Yes, I agree there's no doubt Hitler killed himself. The Soviets did a very thorough autopsy. The great BBC documentary "The World at War" interviews several Soviet doctors who actually performed the autopsy, the docs in the doc can be seen on YouTube.

Hitler's closest aides were quite amazed how mentally sharp Hitler was all the way to the end. Yes, he was a physical wreck, he even had a heart attack yelling at his generals shortly before his death..but his mental faculties remained.


"...but his mental faculties remained."

That's disputed, to say the least.


This link confirms that most theories about Hitler is he most likely had a personality disorder(s) that began in childhood. At least one doctor that treated Hitler suggested he had "Hysteria" which is nowadays known as the cluster B "Histrionic Personality Disorder".

Hitler most likely was not psychotic nor mentally deranged and like I mentioned there are multiple accounts from witnesses who were with Hitler in his last days that said his mental faculties were intact.


So you ignore all those that say he was ill because random soldiers who aren't psychologists can diagnose these things, okay.


The link you provided states how difficult it is to diagnose mental disorders without direct examination of Hitler. What mental condition do you think he had?


The link I provided also states that many medical professionals did dare to diagnose him.

I am not making a definitive claim if he was or wasn't - you did that.
I am pointing out that the topic is disputed among experts for decades and that for me personally, I believe that in the end he was indeed mentally ill. But that is just my opinion based on what I read, I am not claiming to know the truth when even medical professionals fight over this for decades.

You can find a list of alleged disorders in the link I provided.


Lists a dozen possible disorders, most of them created after his death. Dangerous Leader sounds best!


How would they have been created prior to his death when so many details were not known?
And it is wild to insinuate that any diagnose or alleged one is automatically inaccurate because it is purely politically motivated. You could have read the article I provided instead of just swiping over it.

There are reasons why Hitler's mental condition is a disputed topic for decades, and it isn't because it is clear that he was healthy. I am no psychologists, I won't be foolish enough to make definite claims when even professionals fight over this...


The soviets were not trust worthy, they loved misinformation campaigns. Also when the body was eventually dna tested, it was proven not to be Hitlers.


I don't think Hitler would've wanted to survive in Argentina. He was openly suicidal and deteriorating both mentally and physically by the day. Even if Russia had never stormed the bunker, Hitler probably would've been dead naturally in two or three years. He was an absolute shitshow in his final weeks.


"shitshow" sounds good. 🐭​


He's on the moon with zombies and dinosaurs.


If anyone is interested, here are the fbis declassified documents on Hitler in Argentina.
