Working for DC

Boycott WB


He did the hit show moesha


Suicide Squad 2 will be Guardians of the Galaxy 3, the first one tried to imitate it so I guess this one will be the real deal. Although I liked neither...


Simply as a filmmaking exercise, I find this idea very intriguing. If they keep Gunn's script for GotG3, we will him go head to head with his own writing and see how important his directing vs his writing actually is.


Boycotting the DCEU is kind of like boycotting JC Penney. It's not a really big thing to not go to movies no one goes to anyway.


Gunn's hiring will be a Win-Win for Gunn and Disney.

It is a pretty substantial turning point for Warner/DC in picking up a true talent with a particular vision (regardless of his earlier attempts at being a provocateur and shock tweeter). Gunn understands comic book properties and he knows edgy humor which is exactly what Warner/DC needs to differentiate Suicide Squad from Marvel/Disney.


I'm going to see his next movie several times, as a show of support.


I was kind of hoping he'd start doing Troma flicks again, but good to hear he'll be back to work.


I'm going to watch SS2 a 100 times. It will easily gross a billion!


Hell of a comedown.


Who came down, Gunn or DC/Warner? Or is it Marvel had their comedown and now their comeuppance via DC?


I thought it would be obvious who's coming down, when a director goes from the most successful film franchise in Hollywood to one that's floundering.

What's net, working in the Dark Universe Development Hell?


SS1 grossed $747m, WW even more.


yeah what a come down

Coming frome sublime films dealing with Dance offs and famously huge raccoon turds to fism dealing with...basically the same only without penis, turds and nipple dialogue.
