MovieChat Forums > Hillary Clinton Discussion > Why, in your opinion, did Hillary lose t...

Why, in your opinion, did Hillary lose the 2016 presidential election?

I'd say it was all the enforced censorship by the media to suppress her illegal email server, corrupt foundation money and rapist husband whilst the winning candidate just breezed by the press and spoke to the people directly without their filters in place.

But she was brave, strong and beautiful the entire time. Just like woman of the year < href="">Caitlyn Jenner.


People thought she would die any minute?


There was that too Ben you are right!


The whole email scandal was another big factor yes


Having an email server which wasn't able to be audited by the national security council let alone the FBI or CIA was a massive act of treason against the USA for someone elected to represent them in that position of office.

I'm surprised she's not been brought in for questioning now that Trump has taken office.

Perhaps they are friends behind closed doors.


Oh yes they are friends, but it did get nasty in the elections. I am sure Hillary/Bill sent Trump a congratulation email or more just to get him to not get them imprisoned


I'm sure that email will be lost as well when anyone goes to try and find it.


"Perhaps they are friends behind closed doors." They were friends for years! The Clintons were at Trump's wedding -- there's a famous picture of it. Once Trump got elected, and his claque were yelling, "Lock her up!" just as they did during his rallies, he said that was okay for the election, but "now we don't care about that." There's been no move to go after her, and I'd be terrifically surprised if there would be.

There's also no move to get rid of the IRS commissioner, Koskinen, who headed a weaponized IRS under Obama and used the IRS to punish conservative groups and individuals, then smirked his way through Congressional testimony. That should have been one of the people to go in the purge, but I think it could be that Koskinen knows too much about Trump. At the very least, he could threaten to leak Trump's tax returns, which could show so much about his conflicts of interest in various parts of the world. Too bad the Kushners hold unofficial positions -- I'm sure their tax returns would show heavy conflicts of interest.

It is in the area of conflicts of interest -- if not Trump's Russian connections -- that will probably get him impeached. If he'd only have placed all his business interests in a blind trust, he wouldn't be vulnerable. But I get the impression that the main reason he wanted to be President was to make some fantastic deals. For himself. And his family.

As for why she lost, the election came down to two unappealing candidates. The people who wanted change the most came out to vote for the one who looked most like he'd change direction in the country. The other folks were told their candidate had a lock on it, so they quite likely decided they didn't need to bother.


-The DNC Leaks
-She barely talked about any policies she would propose as president
-The E-Mail Scandal
-Didn't even campaign in certain states such as Wisconsin
-As much as I loathe Trump, he did appeal to the working class in a way Clinton couldn't (although I thought he was full of shit when trying to do so)
-Her supporters can get pretty annoying (no offense to anyone who does support her, but not everyone who picked Sanders over Clinton is a friggin' misogynist nor an obnoxious "BernieBro". And can we please talked about the male Clinton supporters that shamed Emily Ratajowski and Jane Sanders over the way they looked?)


I think the e-mail and Bengazi scandals factored in, but not Bill's scandals. Trump was equally sexist and Bill was a popular president.

The reasons she lost, in my view, were the fears of conservative white men for strong women and a political agenda that made minorities equal to white men. The stuff Trump supporters are preaching since the victory has more to do with racism, sexism, jangoism and fear-mongering and less to do with security and economics as they claimed before Trump won.


That might be your opinion but it has little to do with why she lost. She was supposed to be the intellectual of the two but she could never offer concrete viable policy positions on many issues. She said she wanted to raise the economic boats of women and minorities who are already legally here and yet greatly expand immigration. Does she not know that if you increase supply while demand remains constant for labor that in turn will depress wages. I think quite a few people way down on the economic ladder here in the US could figure that out. Trump is not the brightest person going but even he was not that stupid.


NONE of that is why she lost. You focus on one issue and blame her loss on it? Trump barely understood the platform he ran on and hasn't stuck to it at all, yet he won. She lost because people want to believe Trump is better because he represents their own insecurity, ignorance and lost dreams of the White Male Savior.


Opting for the intangible quantity in angry white men versus a tangible concept in terms of basic economics? Are you saying that most people regardless of background are lost when it comes to basic economics? Further, you seem to think we just went through the election of 1816 or 1916 as opposed to 2016. White males today could be overridden based on the counts of other demographic groups. Hard to say just how many angry white males are out there but there obviously were not enough in 2008 and 2012. Are you saying that these same angry white men were not angry enough to toss to the side a Presidential candidate that identified himself as a minority male. Also, the shell game with the E-Mails did not fool most Americans who could easily tell that there had to be a fire to create the smoke Clinton claimed was not important at all. Count me as one person who will take into consideration that it was a failure by Trump who will not investigate Clinton any further never mind seek charges. At least America dodged a bullet when she failed to reach the highest office of the US and we can only hope that she decides to go away from politics permanently.


I don't know of anyone who voted against her just because she was a woman, but I know plenty who voted for her just because she was. The people I know who voted against her thought she was corrupt and elitist. The people I know who voted for her would have done so even if they had footage of her strangling babies in the street.


Because she's a LIAR and a THIEF, and a truly horrible person, and was a terrible candidate.

She's an arrogant, lying, corrupt, political establishment elite who looks down on the rest of us. A new book illustrates that she was a real shit to the people who worked on her campaign. Slick Willie was also crooked, but likable. Hillary not so much.

Back in the day, there were the Travelgate, Whitewater, cattle futures and Lincoln Bedroom scandals. When she and Slick Willie left the White House, they STOLE china and furniture, which they eventually had to give back. She's a THIEF.

And many of her political enemies have been dying (murdered?) in recent years. One was a guy who was going to be testifying against her the next day. He was shot several times in the back, and they didn't steal anything from him.

Then she deleted 30,000 emails from her home server, and said that none of them were top secret. The FBI said they were. Who do you believe?

She lined her pantsuit pockets with foreign donations, passed through Canada through the Clinton Foundation.

She LIED about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire.

She LIED about Benghazi saying that four four brave Americans died because of a video. Then she had the NERVE to say "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

She couldn't even make it into her car in NYC. Her handlers had to dump her into the car like a sack of potatoes. She also had a seizure in public. The female reporters were visibly amazed at her incredible head bobbing during this incident. She also froze in a stupid mouth open grimace at the convention when the balloons were dropped. And then she tripped and fell getting onto her jet (which was hilarious!). What a klutz! People wondered if her health was good enough to be President. Some doctors have speculated that she has Parkinson's Disease.

She pledged to "put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business."

She also pledged that "We are going to raise taxes on the middle class."

She was STUPID enough to insult the American voters, calling half of Trump's supporters "A basket of Deplorables." Good God, woman! How f**king STUPID can you be?? You insult the other candidate, NOT the voters.

She also barked like a dog at a campaign rally, which was hilarious!

Then she lost. Go figure.


IMO, she lost because of the e-mail server and her dismissiveness of the issue. The FBI director opening a nonsense case 1-2 weeks before the election didn't help. Then add in a populist candidate making promises he couldn't keep, appealing to right-wingers and neo-Nazis (who I'm sure never get any attention normally). Her comment about 'putting coal miners and mines out of business' was idiotic and made me, and a lot of other people, further question her judgement. She also tended to switch stances like the wind blew--was she 'guilty of being a moderate' or 'a progressive who gets things done?' Who knows.

And she still won by 3 million votes, but lost the electoral college.


I disagree. Everything you listed is what the Anti-Hillary/Pro-GOP voters think is the reason. The real reason IS that she's a lousy campaigner and lacks charisma. There's also this institutionalized "feminism" which is nothing but a pale shadow of what it purports to represent, much in the same vein as partisan Republicans who support very Un-Conservative social and foreign policy platforms that have very little to do with Conservatism as a whole. The number of people in swing states she counted on in securing the electoral college was just short enough to hand Trump the win. The Black vote that Obama got in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Florida did not turn out for Hillary, thus Donald got those states.

I find it funny that you compare her to Caitlyn Jenner. By the way, Caitlyn's a registered Republican.


Because the public unfairly found out the truth about her.


LOL right?

It's like she gets to complain that she was exposed because Russia was involved. So unfair. What a joke. Sorry lady, you're an evil puppet who belongs in jail and you're no different than Trump except someone more powerful pulls the strings. I support most of the dems platform but I do not support corruption because I know what kind of deals corrupt people are willing to make to get what they want, which usually involved robbing and poisoning the American people. They also will do as little as possible if they can get what they want and get away with it, which her track record shows. She's done very little and seems absolutely pleased with herself because enough people were willing to kiss her ass.

Our country needs more "straight shooter" politicians like Dan White and Bud Dwyer. i.e. they should kill themselves and take a few crooked ones with them.


Because she was obviously at best incompetent or at worst corrupt. She took the presidency for granted and didnt try hard enough. Saying "those arent my people" is going to win who over exactly? Her arrogance and smugness was too much for some people and the fact the dnc stole the nomination from bernie for her did her no favours.

Whatever you think about trump he played the people well. He pandared to their fears and promised to so something about it, that fact he hasnt and wont is beside that point. The fact hes a buffoon is beside the point. They sat him up there in the podeums with all the usual republican trash and made it look like he was being bullied at every turn by the repbuplican party. He was an outsider and someone people thought would be champion for them. They were wrong, but its easy to see how they got there since thats how they feel in a country that doesnt really give a shit about you unless you live in new york or LA.



The idea that anyone with the mental and emotional maturity of an thirteen year old could watch those debates and think Trump was the one being bullied is not credible. I can't and don't want to ever meet anyone developmentally stunted enough that they could identify with his infantile whining and rages.

To be honest. I have no sympathy for Trump voters. They knew what they were voting for. I need to look at them, I need to see the shame in their eyes, to know that they know they shit the carpet and deserve to be whacked on the nose. I want to drive them to alcoholism or worse, in their desperate need to forget their guilt over what they've done. I want them dispossessed like the German people after World War II, and see them cry helplessly and defensively as the world rains down its censure on them. "F your Feelings" eh? Idiots.

(I wonder if they thrash in their sleep, crying, "No, you don't understand! Her e-mails! Her e-mails! She is the dirty, unclean one. Not me!")


No, no. I don't mean he was bullied I mean it gave the appearance that he was. It was him standing alone amongst the usual suspects. He was constantly attacked by both sides of the press. So it's easy to see why people that have been largely ignored would get behind him because they feel they feel the same way.

I get why you're angry, but attacking them is why the conversation was never had about why he was disliked so much. People were afraid to bring it up for being attacked so the polls didn't show the true feelings of the country. We have to debate to get our opinions and feelings across. It's the only way the people can actually get the government they deserve.
