MovieChat Forums > Noam Chomsky Discussion > IT'S NOT GENOCIDE!!


"To kill a couple thousand men in a village, after you've allowed, the women and children to escape, in fact trucked them out, that doesnt count as genocide"
-Noam Chomsky

It's an atrocity though. I guess he means as long as you allow the bloodline to continue it can't be labelled as such. Ah, them nuances.


This is why I respect Chomsky. When you blur and misuse terms, they lose their potency.

It's not a nuance. It's an important distinction.

Genocide is what happened to the Jews in Europe. Children were not spared.

If they set the children free, they're not trying to destroy the people's bloodlines.

It's not genocide if the children are purposely allowed to live.

It's just tactical slaughter - kill the men so there are no warriors.


Jews were not exterminated?


Of course not. The Nazis were not able to complete their goal. But the systematic deaths of 6 million men, women and children was genocidal.


How many died as a result of the ongoing war at the time?


World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history in terms of total dead, with some 75 million people casualties including military and civilians, or around 3% of the world’s population at the time.

Nazi Germany, as part of a deliberate program of extermination, systematically killed over 11 million people including 6 million Jews.


...2,830,000 Jews were murdered in the Nazi death camps...


2,830,000 in Poland alone.

From that same article:

Jewish deaths

The Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II. Martin Gilbert estimates 5.7 million (78%) of the 7.3 million Jews in German-occupied Europe were Holocaust victims.[181] Estimates of Holocaust deaths range between 4.9 and 5.9 million Jews.[182]


The European Jewish population was reduced from 9,740,000 to 3,642,000

Did all the Jews that died during WW2 die in Nazi death camps, did no Jews die as a result of the war (i.e. outside of Nazi death camps)?


Probably both. The number was reduced by 6 million. And that jibes with those statistics.


So the Nazis did not systematically kill 6 million Jews in Nazi death camps?


According to your link:

According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the Holocaust was "the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators". In addition, 11 million members of other groups were murdered during the "era of the Holocaust".[1]


The number was reduced by 6 million
All of them in Nazi death camps, no one outside Nazi death camps?


You're asking the wrong person. I'm an anti-Zionist. I just go by the official stats.


I'm asking if the Nazis systematically killed 6 million in Nazi death camps (, or if some died as a result of the war at the time?


the Holocaust was "the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators".

That sounds like a systematic program to round up Jews and kill them, not collateral damage and combat.


I'm asking if the Nazis literally systematically killed 6 million in Nazi death camps (, or if some died as a result of the war at the time?


Dude, I just gave you the fucking quote:

"the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators".

Are you trolling? 6 million did not die in combat or collateral damage. That's according to Wikipedia.


So the Nazis did not literally systematically kill 6 million in Nazi death camps (, some did die as a result of the war at the time?


Dude, flip the "on" switch on your fucking brain.


I don't understand.


Not related to the topic of the post but I never understood the 6 millions jew thing, after a quick search I find out there are 9 million people living in Israel right now, so how on earth is possible to have 6 million jew living in germany during the 40's

Sorry but those numbers dont add up no way on earth 6 millions jews died on concentration camps in Germany


Who said it was concentration camps in Germany only?

Nazi Germany occupied half of Europe.


They include all the jews who died while living in slavic countries throughout history.


Most Jews do *not* live in Israel. Over half of the world's Jewish population lives in other parts of the world.

Also, many of the Jews living in Germany during the 30s were people descended from parts of Eastern Europe, including Russia, which had expelled them during the turn-of-the-century.

Jews had been expelled throughout history in other parts of Europe, including Britain and the Iberian Peninsula, so, many Jews gravitated towards places like France, Austria and Germany, the latter in particular, because prior to the rise of Hitler, Germany was seen as quite a cosmopolitan, intellectual and relatively liberal/tolerant nation, as far as Europe went.


There's 4+ million people living in Ireland and 20+ million Irish Americans.


He didn't really say it's not genocide as some kind of big point, he just said he doesn't call it genocide, and then explained why.


The term genocide is constantly misused. Every day on social media I see some reference to Israel geocoding the Palestinians which is ridiculous ... and ironic since it is only that Palestinian who has the goal of destroying the other side. And not to mention that the birthrate of the Palestinians is among the highest of any group in the world.

The reporting on the Middle East is the worst of any issue ... except now that we have seen what American government propaganda lies can do vis-a-vis Ukraine there is a lot to go back and do reality check on.
