MovieChat Forums > WrepDrep

WrepDrep (329)


This movie tries to be clever I decided to watch "Quiet On The Set" expecting him to be a monster So...another The Namesake This is the best MCU movie Ant-Man had the best MCU movies until this movie Arrest him! What the hell was that ending? Why does she sound like Multiverse or just magic ticket from "Last Action Hero"? When will POC women learn?? View all posts >


You described them as freedom fighters. The neutral term would be "Palestinian militant". Palestinian militants these days are almost exclusively Hamas or Islamic Jihad. I'm pretty sure those mock militants weren't supposed to be honorable freedom fighters who just want their people freed. They are supposed to represent the Palestinian militants or random lunatics who carry out attacks against Israeli civilians. "Took them to some entertainment experience where they could machine gun down mock freedom fighters, whilst visiting Israel." Who are the freedom fighters? Your post implied that you are. I consider PFLP as freedom fighters even if Israelis consider them as terrorists. But Hamas? They are as much of freedom fighters as Al Qaeda, who want to "free" the "Ummah". Are you an Islamist? If not, then why would you support them? Hamas are freedom fighters? Why is this guy against American right-wing? His Wikipedia-page suggests he's an Israeli right-wing. Because of suppressed homosexuality. You're mixing him up with Ben Stiller. Adam Sandler was funny in his 90s movies. White Americans will claim Amerindian descent when they're fully white. Brown Latinos will only claim Spanish descent when they're clearly mixed with Amerindian. In the US, "white" is seen as boring, uncool, racist etc. In Latin America, "white" is the ideal. That's because Twitter and certain Youtube comment sections are a cesspool where all the human trash and mentally ill are concentrated. View all replies >