MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > This guy sounds much more reasonable tha...

This guy sounds much more reasonable than Trump...

...and being VP to Obama, he's sure to be.


Why can’t he put a coherent sentence together to debate President Trump? “C’mon, man’”!😂


Proof? Post at least 10m of Joe speaking in the last month!


Sorry, all I hear from him is a "word salad,' meaning nothing.

An occasional gaffe is understandable; we all make them. But Sleepy Joe has set a pattern that indicates something is wrong.

Why do you think his campaign keeps him from the public? 🙄


If elected he'll likely resign in office due to his declining health and dementia.


He has a very right-wing record


Well then Democrats should vote for the centrist, Donald J Trump.

0:10 a democratic and polite way to treat your voters
0:45 I'm Joe Biden’s husband LOL


"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
- William Shakespeare


Gubbio- LOL in keeping with your theme...

Juliet- Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

Biden- psst! I'm down here! At least I think it's me, man! Where's the elevator?


How is Trump not reasonable? He gets along with the likes of Kim Jong-un and Vlad Putin but somehow he's not reasonable? ohhh kay. whatever you say, Fred.


Trump is a moron. OK, so I know very little about Biden, but I know he's most likely too old now, but I do know that ANYONE would be better than Trump as POTUS.


They're both dorky but to say Trump is not reasonable is just dumb. He'll sit down with just about anyone and have talks with'em.

But yeah, Biden is definitely showing his age, its going to be really awkward watching these two old guys debate. That is, if they have any debates. Biden is trying to avoid the debates.

What country are you in, foebane?




ohhh that explains it.


He sounds less obnoxious and idiotic but odds are he's not quite all there. Let's be real, he's just a placeholder for whoever his VP will be.
