MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > This guy sounds much more reasonable tha...

This guy sounds much more reasonable than Trump...

...and being VP to Obama, he's sure to be.


He really doesnt


You're right, crocodile. Biden is really not very reasonable. He once called a voter a "damn liar" and challenged him to a push up contest. And just a few days ago, he got angry at a newscaster over taking a cognitive test. He even called a female voter a "lying dog-faced pony solider" whatever the hell that is? LOL!

Biden's list of outbursts is pretty long. It's amusing that Foebane would admit he doesn't know much about Biden but posts a thread like this. LOL... funny guy. :)

and here's a link to all three instances I listed above of Biden getting testy with people -



Charles Manson sounds reasonable next to Trump. It's not exactly a high bar to clear.  😳

Biden wouldn't have been my first choice, but he's infinitely better than the steaming pile of dog shit stinking up the Oval Office right now. The bar is on the ground at this point. Seriously - you can get up on stage, bluster, act stupid, insult people, tear up every treaty, react to a raging epidemic of disease by refusing to do a damn thing, and that's good enough for the right. Just because you whine and rage. That's all the discriminating base is looking for. An asshole being an asshole. They love it!

Hopefully the GOP will implode and be replaced by a new party, formed out of the moderate elements. The far right scraped away like a turd off the bottom of their shoes. Get these fucking white nationalists and conspiracy nuts the hell out. Let them try running their own party, if they can. Aside from a handful of districts in the entire country they won't ever win an election. I can't say I agree with all the Democratic Party's ideas. We need more than just these two money-fueled Big Parties. But for the time being, the agenda on one side is a lot more palatable than the racism, cruelty, and total surrender to the billionaire class on the other side.
