

Why are you a f'ing moron?


Her fanbase are morons. They might be worse than MJ fans.


Her fanbase are not the same as the "Free Britney" nutters. The "Free Britney" nutters don't give a rat's ass about her, they were just horrified by the conservatorship, and they've all vanished now that the conservatorship is over and Brit is off her meds.


They're still all over social media and they're still a mob.


Yeah? What do they say about her being off her meds and spiraling?


I’m curious to know this as well.


Mj fans are way worse because he was obviously a child diddler


Are you capable of not being a 5 year old? You just yell and throw tantrums.


I'm not throwing anything.


Not you. That asshole who was yelling at you. He is one of them.


Wow ngl. That's kinda hot the way you defended me.


He just wants to cyber fuck you.




its pretty clear she's mentally ill


👏🏼 👏🏼


I like her recent booby pics


#me too...


She's stupid. But the reality is lots of people in the country are stupid. The conservatorship didn't really make a lot of sense to have gone on as long as it did. She had what appeared to be a mental breakdown. A lot of people have breakdowns every year... but in most every case they recover within 6 months to a year. To have her supposedly in need of a conservatorship for more than a decade was incredibly odd.. Now if she had been a blubbering drooling mess, you could make the case she still needed it. But when you factor in that she was capable of putting on live performances 7 days a week for years... well that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. If she was so mentally fucked up she shouldn't have been used as a performing monkey. In the end it appears that she was being used as a cash machine by her family, so a conservatorship that was supposed to look after her financial best interest was not happening.

She is likely to piss away what is left of her money now... but so what. When lottery winners win hundreds of million the reality is most everyone of them will be broke within 3 to 5 years... but we don't force them into a conservatorship to make sure they don't lose it all. We shouldn't do it for Britney either. I haven't seen her dancing on the ledge of skyscrapers or jumping in shark tanks, so she doesn't appear to be a threat to herself. She is an idiot... so what. Let her piss it all away and end up homeless... that's on her as it should have been years ago.


The #FreeBritney movement never offered any sort of evidence on why Britney should’ve been freed from her conservatorship with no questions asked. If they simply wanted someone else in charge of it who wasn’t her father, who was shown to be using her conservatorship for his own benefit, I would’ve understood that. But no, they just wanted her to be completely free of it without showing any evidence that she is in any way mentally competent, if they even knew anything that her attorney, her family, or the judge didn’t know about the case.

They seemed to have completely forgotten why she was put under a conservatorship in the first place. I remember hearing about the severe mental breakdowns as they were happening, and how she ended up losing custody of her kids. In the state of California, it is very hard for a woman to lose custody of her kids. It is even harder for a rich and famous woman to do that in the state of California. That should tell you something.


This one time, I'll be honest.

Just hoping that she will drop off a big box of money and maybe stay an hour or two for activities.


She tried to kill her own sister. She threatened to kill her children too back in 2008 threatening to drive them over a cliff. Just read the real ''dirt'' on her. Don't listen to the deluded fans, this woman is INSANE. They're under the belief that she's alright in the head and her family were just taking advantage of her money. No she's incompetent.

She wouldn't have made it it out of the 2000's if her father wouldn't have stepped it. She was going to kill herself, her kids or someone else. Was the media tormenting her? yes, but she was on an extreme spiral and totally out of control they couldn't help but follow her.


When did she try and kill her sister?




Her talent doesn't include murder.

This is good.


Sadly some mentally ill.people do not want help.


thats what mental illness is Einstein.


Society is blind, they listen to what the media says, and they don't do any research about Britney. If the public knew more about what Britney is about, they would've told her to get another conservator instead of being "free". I don't think she's going to last long in the real world without a handler.
