MovieChat Forums > Elisabeth Moss Discussion > Why do men find her so ugly?

Why do men find her so ugly?

Is it The Whole package? What about her is so unattractive? She looks normal to me but so many men seem absolutely repulsed by her.


Eye of the beholder and all that jazz. She's not pretty but I wouldn't call her repulsive or ugly.


She's cute and seems like a cool girl to have a beer with.


She's not ugly. She's not conventionally a knockout, but not ugly by any means....


they are blind


I wouldn't say she's ugly at all. She's no Kate Beckinsale, but few are.


She has kind of a different look but she’s pretty.


I would not say she is ugly, but she has the kind of face you have to get used to before she is attractive. But I would also so in no was is she really pretty. Although, in The West Wing, I thought she was really cute when she was young. I don't know how old she was at the time of filming West Wing, but she had exactly what was needed for that role. Someone that was no overtly sexual ... for the President's daughter. Great actress for sure though.


I wouldn't call her ugly as such but she is far from what I would call pretty. She's also a feminist so meh.


She isn't traditionally good looking IMO but there's something about her that I find very attractive.
