MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > In non defence of Chris Rock, the so cal...

In non defence of Chris Rock, the so called Hollywood "funny" man...

1. The joke wasn't even funny. The reference was about as dated as Chris Rock himself. He may as well have said "Yo Will Smith. Your wife got a baldy slap head."

2. Despite being ubiquitously precursored as "Hollywood funny man" he just stood there like a chump as the seconds passed before coming out with some lame garbage. A real funny man, someone sharp / switched on would have hit back instantly with a great line. Rock had nothing.

3. He took a slapping from another man. In public. And just stood there.


Comedy is dead in this spineless society. The “offendeds” have won. People are too self centered to laugh at jokes anymore. Every joke said is turned into some personal insult supposedly directed at “them”, so they can complain about it and how it relates to “them.”

Of course, Will Smith didn’t get up on stage and slap the ladies when they made a joke about his marriage at the beginning of the show.

I’ve already seen this incident somehow spun into a statement on race, sexism, and every other “issue” in the world. I can’t stand people anymore. They officially suck.


Hit the nail on the head sut!


"I will never understand people"

"They're the worst!" They OFFICIALLY SUCK!


The Academy had the responsibility to step up and punish Smith in the moment for committing an assault and offending the dignity (such as it is) of the event. It wouldn't be the first time a winner was not there to pick up the award. AFTER the show was over was the time to get to the bottom of what happened and why. But to just hand waive it away and carry on as if nothing happened? No, sorry. Rock's talent or lack thereof for wit or a snappy comeback wasn't relevant at that moment.


No, sorry. Rock's talent or lack thereof for wit or a snappy comeback wasn't relevant at that moment.

But yet it is for this thread.

There is enough discussion around what a clown Smith was. The point of this thread was to discuss the poor performance of the guy who was literally supposed to be the clown / court jester...


I didn't watch the whole show, nor do I follow Chris Rock closely, so I'll have to take your word for it that his performance was poor. So, you're saying an assault should be hand-waived away by the Academy because you deemed Rock not funny enough, or quick-witted enough, or up-to-date enough (although Jada and Will seemed to "get it"). Your point number three "He took a slapping from another man. In public. And just stood there." seems to indicate that it IS about Will Smith slapping him not Chris Rock's humor. Rock should have done what? Bawled like a baby? Started a brawl seen all over the world? Why is this relevant to the quality of his performance? If any thing, as the MC maintaining order and keeping the show going WAS part of his performance in addition to telling jokes.


Well of course it IS about Will Smith slapping him! That why we're all here, but Chris Rock's response as a comedian IS NOT an aspect of the situation which cannot be discussed.

I never watched the show nor follow Chris Rock either, so don't take my word on anything. I'm making my judgement purely on the footage of the immediate aftermath and the fact that you can almost see the cogs turning in real time as his brain struggles to find something before coming out with that lame "greatest night of television" line...

Perhaps you're disconnected from the live stand up experience but quite often comedians will be heckled (although admittedly in the verbal form!) from someone in the audience. The mark of their quality is how fast and jarringly they'll put that kind of attack down and rip the heckler to shreds.

Chris Rock was a long way from showing any kind of quality.

But don't conflate what I'm saying here - I don't know what you mean by saying "So, you're saying an assault should be hand-waived away by the Academy because you deemed Rock not funny enough". I never said anything like that. I'd be more than happy to see Smith get a deserved comeuppance. It's just that wasn't the point of discussion for this thread.


Being assaulted isn't the same as being heckled. He did as well as anyone, considering the circumstances.


Being assaulted isn't the same as being heckled.

You're not wrong with that.

But then you kind of fall into my point - once he decided to treat it as such and continue on - i.e. act the consummate "professional" / on with the show, all that - we can say he did as well as anyone, like you and me, but not as well as a Hollywood "funny" man...


"we can say he did as well as anyone, like you and me, but not as well as a Hollywood "funny" man..."

This entire thread is idiotic. No Hollywood "funny man" host has ever been slapped live on television at the Oscars. Even Don Rickles might not have done so well. Rock kept his composure and got on with the rest of the show. It's what happened during the rest of the show that I actually have more or a problem with.


I'm sorry but as far as I can see this most idiotic thing in this thread is your inability to dissociate the act of Chris Rock being slapped and his subsequent low quality comedic riposte.

This is the third post you've made talking about Will Smith and the rest of the show. As I've said before that's fine but there are many, many other threads discussing that. The purpose of this thread was to discuss Hollywood funny man Chris Rock's low quality response in terms of its humor.


The joke wasn’t very good but the thing is it would have been forgotten about 10 seconds later had Smith not walked up and slapped Chris. Now it’s an iconic moment in live television history haha.

Also he didn’t just stand there, he finished his presentation like a professional which was the right thing to do. Chris Rock is still human after all, it’s understandable he was taken aback by Smith slapping him on stage on live television, anyone would have been. Has anything like this ever happened to a professional comedian doing a set before let alone to a host at the Oscar’s?

Also I wouldn’t really judge the quality of his jokes from The Oscar’s as well, the guy is hardly going to put in his A material for an awards show that gets such low viewing figures. Fair enough if you’ve watched his recent standup and think he’s ‘dated’ but basing it off of the few jokes he told at the Oscar’s doesn’t seem entirely fair.


Look at it another way... Shes an attractive black woman with a buzz cut. The same as Demi Moore in GIJane. If there was a remake, say "GIJane 2 " it sure would be great to have a black woman get the part.
Not an alopecia put down
Hes a comedian not a cunt.
Also I have thought for 20 years that Will Smith was the coolest black man on the planet. Now hes lost my respect.


They're making alopecia into some kind of cancer. Cry me a river! The majority of men have alopecia. It's not deadly.


Exactly, and she's shaved her head in the past anyway, as a stylistic choice.


Yeah, I had no idea she had it until after the incident since she often cuts her hair short.


"If there was a remake, say "GIJane 2 " it sure would be great to have a black woman get the part."

Please, no more sequels or soft reboots of Ridley Scott films.


Those are your first thoughts when someone hits you in the face, a snappy comeback and slug them back. Real classy. You can’t compare this with Niven’s shortcomings quip. A joke at this point would be tasteless. A punch would be the worst. The viewer has to wonder why Smith reacted to the “joke” at first with hysterical laughter with head back and then suddenly moves to attack. Chris Rock looked to be the better person. I don’t think he knew she experienced alopecia.

You’re not from the US are you - UK? Is that what happens at BAFTA?


Those are your first thoughts when someone hits you in the face, a snappy comeback and slug them back.

No, simply to punch them straight back and harder. I'm not a comedian, so snappy comebacks wouldn't come into it for me.

The point to consider though is Chris Rock's first thoughts - He takes the slap and you can clearly see him standing there, cogs turning as he tried to think of a comeback line. That's his choice. Not yours, not mine but that is what he decided he was going to do and therefore it then becomes open for me or anyone else to call judgement on whether the riposte was any good...

Another aspect of the sheer lack of quality is the fact that he clearly had nothing at all lined up in advance. He knew he was going to make a provocative joke at the expense of Jada. Sure he may not expected to be slapped but any comedian should have had something prepared for verbal heckling / Smith saying something in response. Clearly he didn't or he could have woven it into his post slap response.


He's no Reggie Warrington, that's fo sho
