MovieChat Forums > Alec Baldwin Discussion > Trumps are laughing at Baldwin

Trumps are laughing at Baldwin


trump and george lucas are proof that the tables turn


I have a lot of questions. Why was a prop gun loaded and capable of firing? Why was an actor pointing a gun at a cinematographer and pulling the trigger? Why do those who hate guns so much have no problem profiting from them. Why are those who hate guns and profit from them not learning basic gun safety so as to be able to double check these things themselves? The list goes on and on do you have any other questions? If so list them below.


Not a prop gun. It was a firearm loaded with live rounds. Someone mega fucked up. He pointed at someone and pulled the trigger as he is above basic firearm safety. Because they're hypocrites. The anti gun lot think they're morally right which means they think they don't need to actually be knowledgeable on firearms. For instance you get nonsense like "as heavy as 10 boxes you might be moving" re. the AR15. All sorts of crap about "high capacity clips" etc.


this is what happens when he abandons his Trump character!!! These stupid left actors!!!!!


Well had he been doing a good Trump impression at the time, he would have checked that the gun wasn't loaded.


Alec hasn't exactly been getting a lot of great roles. It's kinda sad the only role he could get is that of Donald Trump and now that is going to go away. Baldwin has been such an arrogant jerk for so long I find it hard to summon any sympathy for him. He would never ever offer that to a conservative if the situation were reversed. He would use it politically.


For sure!


Donald Trump Jr. sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin's fatal shooting

wow take a look at Trump jnrs insta


I don't like Baldwin either, but that's fucked up. There are other people involved here.


Alec Baldwin is a bad person, but more than that, he is a bad person who hates us with a mortality rate thanks to his hypocrisy. And now he is vulnerable, and the rules say he is fair game – his rules. Is it significant that this amoral, leftist, Trumpophobic gun grabber has personally executed more mass shootings than any Christian conservative Trump-loving NRA member? Not in any kind of intellectual sense – it’s just a thing that happened – but it makes a helluva meme.


Totally inappropriate. Very disappointing to see this from him.
