MovieChat Forums > Bruce Willis Discussion > What was his last GREAT movie?

What was his last GREAT movie?

2008, he started his 'direct to video' career, and besides the Expendables movies, I don't know what there was of worth. There was a Die Hard movie too, but I'm not a big fan of that franchise.

Anything stand out for you?


His last GREAT movie for me was probably Unbreakable back in 2000... that movie is imo an 8/10.

Everything he did afterwards was imo under an 8/10... a couple of 6 and 7-point-somethings... like Tears Of The Sun, Over The Hedge, Red... but none of them were 'GREAT'.


I guess his last movie that looked 'like a movie' and not a cheap direct-to-video-piece-of-shit was probably Glass but I wouldn't rate that movie more than a 5/10. - This is more about the production values and cast than the story itself - the tone of the movie sucks - very lifeless.

Once Upon A Time In Venice even though was direct to video comedy, also features Jason Mamoa, John Goodman and Famke Janssen... to me it was 'watchable' and reminded me of an older David Addison (Moonlighting). 5.5/10.

Probably his last 'good' movie that he led was Red in 2010... solid cast, lots of action, great production values - looks like a real movie. 6/10.

But again his last 'GREAT' again would be Unbreakable.




Die Hard is his best movie. I personally prefer Lucky Number Slevin and The Last Boy Scout over both Sin City and The Fifth Element. I haven't yet watched 12 Angry Monkeys, but it might not dethrone Die Hard.


Sin City (2005), I'm not familiar with his direct-to-video stuff.


The correct answer is Armageddon.

Looking at that list though, it's really sad to see just how much his family pimped him out over the past couple of years. Disgusting.




Well it's just subjective but Armageddon was one of Willis' biggest ever films in terms of box office. Although it was slightly outranked on that front later by The Sixth Sense, that was more Willis doing a Tom Hanks, which I feel he did better in 12 Monkeys.

Armageddon represents the last awesome performance of action movie star Bruce Willis in an actual awesome action movie.


Yeah. Nice deflection.

Proof his family pimped him out.


Eh? What deflection? You gave absolutely no context to your question! I thought that's what you were asking!

The "proof" of pimping is pretty obvious - as I said, you just need to look at the list the OP's link provides to see that...


Armageddon is definitely the last big hurrah of "old school Willis" in a larger than life blockbuster. I'm a little bias cause it's my favorite movie of all time. He made a whole bunch of good stuff after. But it was different kind of stuff.


Yeah, exactly what I was meaning 👍.




Moonrise Kingdom. I really enjoyed the movie and I believe it's better than the following films. That doesn't mean they're not fun, I just think it's better. My favorite of his career is Twelve Monkeys followed by Death becomes Her. That movie is wild.


Haven't seen, or even heard of, a lot of those, including most of his recent films. After looking at the list, I'd say the great movies in which he's acted and that I've seen, are, in reverse chronological order:

Moonrise Kingdom
Planet Terror
The Sixth Sense
The Fifth Element
12 Monkeys
Four Rooms
Pulp Fiction
Die Hard
