MovieChat Forums > Arnold Schwarzenegger Discussion > Schwarzenegger or Stallone movies?

Schwarzenegger or Stallone movies?

I've given up deciding which of the two had better movies overall. It's pointless to choose. I'm a movie lover first and foremost. That's the weasel way out of the argument. The real reason is that it all depends what mood I'm in, and recency bias.

What does that mean? It means that for instance, if I watch Rambo First Blood Part 2, I'll be in a euphoric state where I'm all about Stallone and how awesome his movies are. The same thing happens when I watch Commando, or Total Recall, to where at that moment I'm biased for Arnie.

There is no winner between the two actors. The movie fans were the winners. How profound, I know /snark


I rewatch Schwarzenegger movies way more often than Stallone, but I'm not sure if that means he had the better movies.

Hard to say really, but I'd give the edge to Arnold.


I thought it was the thing that out of the Planet Hollywood 3 (Arnold, Stallone and Willis), Arnold was most built but couldn't act, Stallone was medium built and could sort of act, and Willis wasn't built large but could act the most. that's why they worked as a trio because they were all evenly on the scale


I never considered Bruce Willis in the same league as Sly or Arnie. He was a late bloomer for sure. I agree with your analysis about their general strengths and weaknesses.

Willis is kind of a generation after, because Sly and Arnie earned their Hollywood creds way before. Willis IMHO would be in competition with Mel Gibson for similar roles and physical attributes, though Gibson wins against Willis in all metrics there too.


I would vote Mel Gibson over Willis. He seems to be a better actor and has enough humility to let his tough side go for certain roles. The worse offenders are the ones who contractually make their characters untouchable in fight scenes. Dwayne Johnson is a example of this.


LOL! You're joking, right?

Bruce Willis is 1.85m tall aka 6'1 tall. He's almost as tall as Arnold Schwarneggger.

And ypu're talking like if Sylvester Stallone was bigger than Bruce Willis... LOL!


in Rambo 1, Sly wasn't that big. but in anything else? Sly was a body builder, Bruce has never been built. in Die Hard he's basically just a normally fairly fit guy. Expendables 1, Bruce was no where near as built as Sly

when I say built large, yeah I don't mean height, I mean muscle build


In the Expendables movies Bruce Willis is almost as big as Arnold Schwarnezegger.

Both of them are way bigger and have always been bigger than Sylvester Stallone.

Sly being a body builder was always kind of a fraud. He took many steroids and other products.


sure, I'm aware Sly took steroids. Arnold has too

Bruce as big as Arnold? eh?


LOL! Arnold only took for some time and quit. He was genetically big.

Bruce Willis is and ahs always been bigger than Sylvester Stallone... LMAO!

I bet you even think that Sly is 6 foot tall with his giat heels...? LOL!



there is absolutely no way that Bruce is as big as Arnold, ever. and no Bruce is not as big as Sly. Bruce is not a bodybuilder, he's just a reasonably fit guy

I have no opinions about Sly's height


You are wrong.

Bruce Willis is almost as tall as Arnold and is WAY bigger than Sylvester Stallone.

You're clearly a Stallone fanatic.


are you ok?


Are YOU ok?


Arnold is bigger than Sly and Bruce. Arnold is a bodybuilder, Arnold has taken steroids in the past.

Sly is smaller than Arnold but bigger than Bruce. Sly is a bodybuilder. Sly has taken steroids, may still be taking them.

Bruce is smaller than Arnold and smaller than Sly. Bruce is not a body builder and has a mostly regular physique

I am talking about muscle mass, not height. mmk?


You are wrong.

Bruce Willis is almost as tall as Arnold and is WAY bigger than Sylvester Stallone.

You're clearly a Stallone fanatic.


you're saying this

is bigger than this

(random google images)

I've already said I'm not talking about height so I'm not sure why you persist in mentioning it

the force is not strong with you. are you a bot?


You are wrong. Clearly you are a troll and a bot.

Bruce Willis is almost as tall as Arnold and is WAY bigger than Sylvester Stallone.

You're clearly a Stallone fanatic.


you're repeating yourself. I understand. you're a bot. no probs


you're repeating yourself. I understand. you're a bot. no probs


yeah. please don't sh1t on the Skywalker name


yeah. please don't sh1t on the Quartz name


Willis is more like 5'11 than 6'1. Look at that scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance when he's in the lift with all those German guys. They all tower over him. The height difference would not be as stark if he were 6'1.


No. Bruce Willis is 6'1 tall.

Those Russian actors were almost 2 meters tall and combined with the camera angles it was a trick.


Nope I don't agree. I've never seen Willis listed as 6'1 anywhere. 5'11 or 6'0 yes and frankly he looks like he is in that sort of height range. He does not look over 6ft.

Here he is standing next to 6ft Geena Davis:



Bruce Willis has always been 6'1 tall and it's his official height.

He's clearly taller than Geena Davis. She uses heels most of the times.


Geena Davis is famously tall for a woman anyway, so that picture looks about right. If she had heels on I'm sure she'd be closer to the other guy's height, who is about 6'4/6'5.

I don't know where you get your information from but I can tell he is not 6'1 just by looking at him and I have come across no height statistic of him anywhere on the internet that lists him as 6'1. Sorry to break it to you, if you are some sort of super fan trying to add a couple of inches on to his height or whatever, but he is not 6'1.


You clearly are desperate.

Bruce Willis has always been 6'1 tall. You can even see him at the side of Arnold Schwarzenegger and there's only a difference of 1 inch when Arnold is 6'2.

He has always been listed as 6'1.

You're clearly are a fan of some actor and wants your favorite actor to be taller than Bruce Willis.


IMDB has his height listed as 6'0 (183cm) as does Google, so where are you getting this 6'1 from?

I don't know which picture you're referring to but I know Schwarzenegger has lost some height due to age.

You're clearly are a fan of some actor and wants your favorite actor to be taller than Bruce Willis.

What? 😄


You clearly are desperate.

Bruce Willis has always been 6'1 tall. You can even see him at the side of Arnold Schwarzenegger and there's only a difference of 1 inch when Arnold is 6'2.

He has always been listed as 6'1.

You're clearly are a fan of some actor and wants your favorite actor to be taller than Bruce Willis.


I always felt that Stallone was an under-rated actor. If you look at his 70's and very early 80's material, before he decided he wanted to be the alternative to Schwarzenegger, he was actually great. At some point he decided that there was more money on bulging muscles, explosions and gunfire in every movie so he sold himself short, but the talent was there when he wanted to to show. This is why now that they are aging and can no longer be convincing as action starts, Stallone seems to be having an easier time of it.


Arnold had only Terminator series as his defining franchise, Stallone had Rambo and Rocky. Its 2 to 1: Stallone wins.


Arnold might be defined as The Terminator, but he was the king of sci-fi if you think about it. Running Man, Total Recall, Predator.

Stallone had a huge advantage in dramatic acting ability. His movies always were worthwhile to the average working guy, maybe down on his luck, struggling in life. He almost always hit homeruns with that trope, even Over The Top is cult classic, everyone might make fun of it but deep down, we all love it.


First of all, if you want to defend Arnold, never ever forget Commando.
Running man was shit, and I can compare it with Stallone's Cobra. Sly wins...almost.
Total Recall - lets say its Stallones Demolition Man. Sly wins.
Predator - i put it vs Cliffhanger; that one was good, forgot about it, points for Arnold.
You forgot True Lies, thats a win for Arnold.

Anyway, Sly wins by exactly what you said: "dramatic acting abolity"


Those are bizarre comparisons at first glance...but I reckon with Predator and Cliffhanger it does have the "being hunted" as an aspect. But these are still different movies and genres! Demolition Man is fantastic! But Total Recall is a very different story and setting


Just comparing them in terms of relative impact with the public at their respective times, not about plot similarities.


Good reason to compare them.


Different decades.

Both were super popular during the mid-late 1980's, obviously, it goes without saying. It'd be super tough for me to pick a winner during that time. However, Arnold in the early 90's started his critical downturn in 1993 when he got absolutely hammered about Last Action Hero (A movie I absolutely love, one of my favorites). Stallone on the other hand, grabbed the 1990's by the balls and firmly took the mantle of king of action movies during this time. Demolition Man as pointed out, Cliffhanger, Assassins, even Judge Dredd was great IMO.

I think since 1994, Stallone has topped Arnold in quality. I think Arnie's hayday was absolutely the 1980's, I mean Conan The Barbarian is in my top 10 of all time across all genres. But, Stallone has proven to be a force all the way to the present day, Rocky, Creed, Expendables...the guy is a machine.


That is a good argument to include consistency. But Schwarzeneggers prime in the spotlight way outshined Stallones prime in the spotlight. Schwarzenegger was the reason why action stars suddenly needed to be muscular to be taken seriously. Also True Lies was in 1994 a year after Last Action Hero and he was still considered a megastar. I think Arnolds downturn began with The 6th Day in 2000, Collateral 2002, and Terminator 3 in 2003 they all showed he didnt have that mega stardom anymore. His heyday was over after the 1999's End of Days.


You are aware Total Recall came out 3 years before Demolition Man, right? So it's more that Stallone stole from Arnold there. Also I think Total Recall is better than Demolition Man.


That movie was so ahead of its time, Total Recall predicted the Covid Tests!


Conan was Arnold’s first defining franchise character. I wouldn’t put it up there with Terminator myself, but some people would.


If you asked me who the better actor is, I would have to say Stallone. But if you asked me whose movies are more fun to watch, its Schwarzenegger. They both have good films, but overall I like Arnolds movies more.


yeah, I'd bet your answer is the most common answer among most folks. Definitely hard to argue against it.


I give the edge to Stallone as he's a better actor. He's also done plenty of writing and directing while continuing to act as he's now 77. The joke has always been that Arnold can't act and didn't have much of a career after he was governor of California.


Arnold. I haven't watched the first 3 Rambo movies that often despite owning them. I am not that into Rocky (couldn't get through the 2nd film) and I hadn't watched a lot of his other movies. Arnold is who I watch more.


1977 Oscars for 1976 films...Stallone nominated for Best Actor. Screenwriter Stallone nominated for Best Original Screenplay. Rocky wins Best Picture and Best Director ...John Avildson...with Stallone's performance and Screenplay. Arnold never achieved that.


"First of all if you want to defend Schwarzegger, never ever forget Commando." Why? Is it good or bad?


Rocky was good but imo Commando, Predator, The Terminator, and Terminator 2 are all more fun to watch. When it comes to movies from the 70s I like One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Tales from the Crypt, King Kong, and the original Star Wars movies.


Not in the same league and not the question but dont forget Vanne damme, you cant beat kickboxer and Bloodsport.

On the actual question, err dunno I'll go Stallone no Arnie no Stallone oh no I'll go Arnie err not a clue.


To me Arnold Schwarnegger is the clear winner.

He has way more classic and fun movies than Sylvester Stallone.
