MovieChat Forums > Stephen King Discussion > Can't stand all the politically woke Kin...

Can't stand all the politically woke King fans...

I've been recently checking out some of the Stephen King related podcasts on my Apple app and I've noticed a lot of these fans hosting these podcasts say the most ridiculous things about the "racism" in Stephen King's books and movies. They seem to be liberals as is King himself, but they viciously attack his work as if it's Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" itself. What is the problem with King's own liberal fans who crap on him because a character says a bad word they don't find politically correct, or a character is a stereotype? I don't see the logic of being a fan of someone's literary work you find repellent.

Just today I listened to a "Firestarter" episode from a podcast called "King Me: The Stephen King Movie Podcast," and the hosts took umbrage with the John Rainbird character as what they called "racist." All because John Rainbird is an American indian who wants to kill Charlie to take her power with him to the other side when he dies. Why that's racist in their minds I don't get. At worst it's stereotypical, but I wouldn't even call him that. They even imply there was a pedophilia desire for Charlie on Rainbird's part.

Another podcast called "Derry Public Radio" ripped into "The Running Man" for being "incredibly racist" all because the main character Ben Richards says the "N" word during a psych exam.

I wonder what kind of bland, non-offensive, woke books these people want. They must know King is one of them.


Welcome to 2020 my friend! And things will keep getting worse and worse I think!

The worst part in all this is.... is when these SJWs start to complain about things that offended them in movies, books or any form of art which were made decades ago. They judge them by TODAY's standards.... this is SO fucking retarded.

And there are some examples on this website unfortunately..


> They judge them by TODAY's standards.... this is SO fucking retarded.

If you are laboring to say something meaningful and intelligent and you are not a 4 year old, why phrase it as a 4 year old would?


Because I don't have one of these kinds of complexes and I don't care so much about how I write on a public message board? Which is not exactly a field for Sheaksperian writers anyway as far as I know.


> I don't care so much about how I write on a public message board?

Yeah, that's the point, and no one cares about what you say.
Guess I am going to have to add you to my ignore list.


No one cares about what you say neither. Go on, like if I care.


Guess I am going to have to add you to my ignore list.

And yet he calls YOU the 4 year old? Little baby has to add you to his ignore list because he can’t handle what you say. He fits right in with 2020. Haha.



He said "this is SO fucking retarded" WRT to SJWs, and you call HIM a child. Typical SJW.


It's very buzz killing when they do this, but King's fans seem extreme with this attitude. Sometimes I check out his Twitter feed and on the Academy Awards he Tweeted he never judges a work of art on the racial makeup of the artist, and 99% of his followers piled on him like a bunch of rabid dogs. Sadly, he soon backpedaled, but I don't think that satisfied most of them.


It's just that the SJW King readers (I hesitate to call them fans) are very vocal. It's the same less than 10 percent that are responsible for like 90 percent of Twitter content.

I think most of his readers don't have a problem with, say, a story set in a small town in rural Maine features white people as the primary characters.


Yup, and apparently saying the truth just put me on an ignore list lol.


Sadly, he soon backpedaled, but I don't think that satisfied most of them.
He shouldn't have backpedaled. Some take this as a sign of weakness.


Two sock accounts.



".. if you spend your time combing through old TV shows [or, in this case, old books] to identify stuff that by today's standards looks bad you're not woke you're just a douchebag." - Bill Maher


I'm a writer and I don't hesitate to to use words that are not politically correct, including the n-word. People have got to understand that authors are not being racist when they do this; they are expressing thoughts and words that their characters use.

Sometimes this happens so that people will understand just how evil these characters are.



Just because two people agree on the SJW cult, doesn't make them sock puppets. Typical SJW!


The woke crowd can get pretty aggressive and competitive with each other. Given that, its not surprising that they'll scream "racist" because of things like a character using the N word, regardless of the context.

By putting down a writer like King who tries to be pretty woke himself, they let the world know that they are so woke that King seems racist to them.


Just putting in my two cents...I have been a fan of Stephen King for many years. I have read a lot of his work. From his interviews and through the way his characters speak, I am well aware of his political leanings. I mostly disagree with them. But it doesn't stop me from enjoying his books. I buy his books for entertainment. Don't give a rat's fanny about his political beliefs!!


King's pretty outspoken about politics, but his books have never struck me as being terribly preachy in that respect. Especially his early stuff. Once in a while you might come across a comment or a character that gives away his politics, but I don't think he's out to send a political message with most of his work.


True, but I have noticed his political leanings through some of his characters. That's only fair. If I were a writer ,my characters would probably speak with my voice. I have always enjoyed his books no matter his political beliefs.


In "The Stand" (my favorite King book by far) he has one of the main characters being congratulated by Ronald Reagan for being the oldest registered Republican in her state, and has another character that was very much against Reagan.

It cuts both ways.

Like I said in another post in this thread, I am a writer myself and I have characters argue politics, ethics, and other things. It's actually quite common.


What happens with prolonged peace, the mind degrades. We need another world war or something. That or the Coronavirus and just you wait if and when it arrives, these folks you complain about will go crazy. Just you wait.


People have gone crazy over SARS-2 (covid-19). Hugely inflated death rates. Don't worry if you're under 50! What kind of lunatic buys a years supply of toilet paper?


Liberals always start eating each other when realize their teeth are too dull to chew Conservatives.
