MovieChat Forums > Jim Carrey Discussion > WTF Happened to JIM CARREY?

WTF Happened to JIM CARREY?

In our latest episode we tackle the ultra funnyman Jim Carrey, who has built an empire out of his rubber-faced comedic antics, leaving a long list of fan-favorite films in his wake. Carrey started out like most comedians, doing stand-up, before landing a role on the TV ensemble In Living Color, which rocketed him to Hollywood. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective lit the fuse and from there the actor stacked gem after gem onto his resume. Then, Carrey tried his hand at some more dramatic fare with both good and not-so-good results. Then, his work became more sporadic and he began to develop his tastes as an artist and painter, while dealing with some personal issues as well. But, Carrey can't be kept down and continues to reemerge from time to time to show that he's still here and still got what it takes, even though we still have to ask the question; WTF Happened to Jim Carrey?


He's gone insane from the STDs.


I think it's pretty simple. So far as his public face was concerned, he used to seem a pretty level headed guy. Then the scandals erupted about his (supposed) STDs and his callous behavior that possibly drove his girlfriend to suicide. To compensate for his scarred public image, he joined the Hollywood herd of Trump haters and has been on a mad rampage virtual signaling mission ever since. In short, he hopped aboard the stereotypical Hollywood douchebag bandwagon, driven by the likes of Rob Reiner and Barbara Streisand. My bet is that all these distractions and bouts of newfound self-consciousness adversely affected his acting ability, his sense of humor, and the kind of roles he was offered.


I think that right around 2001, he and Adam Sandler started undergoing a then experimental unfunnizing treatment. Some residual funniness still came out during the 2000s, but by 2010, they had abolished it from their systems completely.


He starred in Sonic which is a very successful movie and his HBO "comedy" is a ratings hit despite not being funny.


I'm sticking with the STD theory!


Simple: he caught the CCD (Chevy Chase Disease).


Chevy Chase is a narcissistic asshole. Jim Carrey is just plain nuts.


Yes, but CCD is when you believe you are funnier and more important than you actually are. Symptoms include a sudden and nearly total decline in observable talent.


I think these things happen when you’re expected to be non stop funny even when the cameras aren’t rolling


His brain went coocoo.
