MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is living in Hawaii worth it?

Is living in Hawaii worth it?

Would you live there?

--Michael D. Clarke


Jason Momoa says don't go there!


I've went there in 1996 for 12 days and visited 3 islands: Oahu, Kauai & Maui.. Wonderful place to live, too expensive to live there though.. Gas prices in Hawaii back then were over $5.00 a gallon which was unheard of.. I've been to Lahaina on Maui and just like you see it on the News, all the business and homes are made of wood which will probably change now.. I wouldn't be surprised if the people who've lived there so long and refused to give up their homes, were forced out ultimately from these investors who had something to do with this including Oprah..


No way, even if I had Bezos money. Island Fever. I read that Hawaii's closest neighbor is the furthest distance from anyplace else in the world. It's a 5 1/2 hour flight to L.A.

The top 5 states are

1. Vermont
2. Maine
3. New Jersey
4. Minnesota
5. Hawaii

I wouldn't want to live in any of those states.


Care to elaborate why these are on your list? Does cold weather put you off? I understand Hawaii may be cost of living, but also "rock fever." I wouldn't mind being in Hawaii for a couple of months, but long term? No, because I know I'd have rock fever. I have been to Oahu, Maui, the Big Island, and Kauai. That last one is my favorite.


I've never encountered the expression "rock fever" until now but can intuitively understand it. When I was living on Oahu, "living on the rock" was an expression often used.


I was there a very long time ago, so I imagine the jargon has changed.


imagine with the time zone differences it would feel like you are missing out on everything. especially sports.


You know, someone asked me that very thing once: “would you live in Hawaii?”

My response: “Huh…why?”





I did, in the mid 60s, as a teen age army brat and loved it at the time, albeit there was obvious racial/cultural tension between the islanders and "haoles" (white people). I had a Hawaiian and Samoan girlfriend while I was there. I got to witness Harold Sakata, (OddJob in Goldfinger) in a wrestling match, had ringside seats. The guy was like a human bulldozer! I routinely went to a beach specially designated for military dependents via an Army shuttle bus.

With this nostalgic backdrop, I've been following media coverage of the historic wildfires there with sadness, knowing the profound natural beauty of the place.


Have you ever seen the movie The Descendants?


Buy me a ticket. I'll let you know.


We intend to go there one day.


I'm curious, Andy. How far ahead does your travel itinerary go? By that I mean how many trips are in the planning stages? Do you plan months ahead? Years? Or is it more that you get home from one trip and start planning the next one? Or do you already have several in the works at any one time?


On average about a year in advance, although we can occasionally be quite spontaneous.

We have several lists: -
5-8 hours airtime
Long haul

I like to keep a top 10 on each list that gets updated as we visit places. If something catches our eye, it will get pushed to the top of the list.

We know that normally each year April, August and December will be month long holidays (barring pandemics, adverse weather, hospital admissions or conflicts).

Also, I block out all the school holidays and bank holidays for the following year.

Once we have decided on a destination we will both do several hours of research and then I will draw up an itinerary (it’s like a military operation, lol). Most days are fixed with a few days that are more flexible. The idea is that we don’t waste a moment of our time away.

After all that, we feel like we need another holiday to get over it 😮‍💨


Thanks for the response.

(it’s like a military operation, lol)

This does not surprise me! 😉 I should think you'd have to be organized for as much traveling as you and your family do. Your topic lists make a lot of sense. Obviously, fitting in trips around work and school commitments could be a challenge at times.

I'm curious what places are on your lists. Also, are there places that you'd like to visit that you think you'll have to skip due to political situations or violent conflict?


My full list is on my laptop at home, but from memory we have: -
St Michaels Mount, Cornwall - a castle on an island that we hope to see on this trip
Gallows Causeway, Northern Ireland
The Northern Lights - probably via a cruise
Madrid, Spain
Venice, Italy
Vienna, Austria
USA - there’s lots we haven’t seen yet, especially Hawaii
Brazil - we have friends there
Australia - there’s lots we haven’t seen yet
Japan - one of our favourite destinations
South Korea
Taiwan - we have a good friend from there
Hong Kong - we have a good friend from there
Indonesia - there’s so much to see
India - literally, just to see the Taj Mahall, then get the hell out of there.

Places to avoid - most of the African continent (barring Morocco and Egypt). Life is cheap over there and killings are common.
