MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do You Love Thunderstorms?

Do You Love Thunderstorms?

Or precipitation in general?

I have a porch with covering, unlike most of my neighbors, so I have nature all to myself. There's nothing more lovely than a heavy rain, with some music in the background, and the sound, the sight - so relaxing.


I really enjoy a good rain under the cover of my garage:)
Music is fairly constant here👍

I have a small breezeway and garden courtyard and the downpours smell and sound real nice there too.


I like rain and cloudy days. I hate lightning and thunderstorms though because that's a precursor to the possibility of the power going out. I would like it though if it was impossible for the power to go out.


Right. I wouldn't mind thunderstorms if that wasn't a possibility, but, if I had to roll the dice, I rather have thunderstorms than sun. I never, even as a boy, understood why mothers (or anyone) would say "It's such a wonderful day" simply because it was sunny. Especially as kids, we'd be playing basketball, sun in your eyes, or while driving.. It's also usually chaos outside. When it's rainy or even cloudy, it's more relaxing.


I've brought this up here before, but I find the sun and warm weather to be depressing and I find myself more miserable during the spring and summer months. I like the winter when it gets dark at 5:00pm and love it even more if there is a blizzard outside. I'd rather hang outside on the patio drinking a coffee during winter than hang out on the patio drinking something cold while at a barbecue.


I like a violent electrical storm, it’s very dramatic and loud. However, you are correct, I worry about the power as well.

I have a large generator out back in my little barn and it’s quite effective for running the water and lights but a big pain in the ass to set up.


Funny enough, I've literally never had the power go off on me during the winter for more than a few seconds. Every time it lasts longer than about 10 seconds, it's been during the summer. About 7 or 8 years ago it went out for 2 days just because of the heat. Somehow the cold weather hasn't affected the powerlines in my area. Mark that another win for WINter.


Sorry, beach life for me 🏖️


Thunderstorms are awesome.

Less so when they cause your power to go out and you're trying to take a dump in the dark.


As long as I'm indoors.


Love them like Eddie Rabbit did:


Same here,it is kinda pretty, unless the thunder is very loud and scary. I always draw away from water and electricity, when I am home. A plus is if the temps cool afterwards. Year ago, I was shocked thunderstorms occurred in the winter.


Yes! And around here, I have to love them for the rarity value!

I love clouds, rain, and thunderstorms, of course I live in a sunny, "semi-arid" climate.


I wish there were more storms early.. A couple of years ago, there was one at 11am, and the skies were purple! 7 hours later, it made for the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen, and since then, I keep waiting. (and any other source) is always wrong. I even would take a snapshot, and 99% of the time it's supposed to storm, it doesn't. Or maybe a few drops. There's nothing worse than a thunderstorm at 3am to wake me up, so even worse than a waste.


It's true, a 3AM thunderstorm is a waste of special effects! Hardly anyone is up to appreciate it, and those that do can't possibly be in the mood.


I like storms especially if I'm tucked up comfortably in bed. It's soothing to hear the sound of heavy rain splashing against the window. I like the sound of thunder except when the storm is directly overhead. I always thrill to old horror movies where constant thunder and lightning is clattering around an atmospheric old house.


Even when it has nothing to do with the movie, or foreshadowing, and just random, rain just has this amazing effect on movies.


This new release sounds just right for me:-


There's a lot of nature videos on YouTube, including some that aren't only stationery. Sometimes it's people trying to sell lakefront property, but it's nice to look at once a year.


I love dark days and thunderstorms. Full force.
