MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do You Love Thunderstorms?

Do You Love Thunderstorms?

Or precipitation in general?

I have a porch with covering, unlike most of my neighbors, so I have nature all to myself. There's nothing more lovely than a heavy rain, with some music in the background, and the sound, the sight - so relaxing.


Rainstorms are the best. Howling wind is a bonus


Yes, very much wishing it would rain soon. Miss it.


Same here. We are in severe drought here. We haven't had a good storm in a couple of months at least. I mowed the lawn once way back in May. Nothing since. According to my rain gauge, we've had less than half an inch of rain since May. But hey, the weeds are still green. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


no, causes flooding and power outages.


Yes! The last one a few weeks ago was like I've never seen. It lasted about half an hour and was constant rumbling with loud crashes every 5 mins or so. I dropped my phone on one occasion as it was so loud znd directly overhead. Usually in England it's an odd rumble here and there, but this literally none stop the entire time. The lightning was blinding.


Not if I have a tee time! (My brother and I actually had a golf outing postponed last month due to heavy rain...rescheduled for 2 weeks from today).

If I don't have any outdoor plans...then yes, a thunderstorm can be refreshing. Also, when we were at Myrtle Beach last month, we had a couple of nights where it rained from around 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and I enjoyed that. It was so cool to see the storm move along the really cooled things off.

Winter...I am not real crazy about snowstorms. I'm always afraid I'm going to lose power (It's happened more than once) and that sucks when that happens.


I love a good thunderstorm. At one time, we lived in Tampa, Florida for a couple of years. During summer months, we had thunderstorms nearly every day. You could almost set your watch by them - 4 pm most days. We had a screened porch at the back of our house and I loved sitting out there during a storm. But there was one storm when lightning struck the ground in the nextdoor neighbor's back yard. I think I jumped about 4 feet in the air, and decided it might be prudent to head back inside. Sheesh, that was loud! 💥


Yeah, love wild weather so long as I don't have to be in it.




We had a "Summer storm" yesterday evening and it was still raining when I got home (My boys and I went out to eat last night). What was so great wasn't the sound and feel of the rain, but the smell of the air that you only get after a Summer storm. It smelled like fresh country air, so had been a long time since I experienced that.

It reminded me of Daniel Von Bargen's great line from "O Brother! Where Art Thou?" "Sweet Summer God's own mercy."


Where do you live? We had this year's most severe storm yesterday evening.


Hello...I'm in Columbus, Ohio, USA.


I'm still anxiously awaiting a real summer storm here. I got my hopes up several times, but the coming storms always detoured around us. Rats. It rained this morning for about two minutes, so little that the sidewalks and streets were still dry underneath the trees. It didn't register anything in my rain gauge. Keeping my fingers crossed that we get the rain that they're forecasting overnight tonight because my area of the state is still in extreme drought, in spite of all the snow we got this past winter.


Wow...I never would have guessed you were in a drought, based on the Winter you had. Here in Columbus, we've had a really wetter Summer than usual (especially July). Hope you get your rain!


Yes! Total petrichor addict here.
