MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you a procrastinator?

Are you a procrastinator?

I am, and am current doing so right now: I have less than a month to practice for a video game tournament, and I'm only doing so right now, even though I signed up a couple of months ago. A more prominent example would be my college studies - I always saved my homework for the last minute.


Hmm...I'll have to think on that question. Let me get back to you later.


Funny, you mentioning of the Dunning-Kruger effect in one of your topics eventually led me to post this topic.

My train of thought: Dunning-Kruger effect -> Analysis Paralysis -> Procrastination


Damn, I was going to do that. But I was too slow...

Wait, does that mean I won? MMM?????



Why put off today, what you can put off tomorrow?


Hehe, my thoughts exactly!


What do we want? Procrastination!
When do we want it? Oh, I don’t know?


Haha, yep!


Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?


Yep. I blame the adhd for this but still, yes I am 😑. Or, I start to do the task at hand and end up doing something completely different - especially if I change rooms. I'll Start putting clothes away, 5 mins later I'm repotting a plant 🤦‍♀️


It depends. Sometimes I do things immediately and sometimes I don't even bother finishi


No, I like the get everything done as soon as possible to have a "clean plate", which to me is freedom.


No, experience has taught me it's less work to get on with things in the long run
