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"Why the rate of single men in the US looking for dates has declined"

I thought this was a fascinating piece from CNN. Yes, I know it's CNN (ugh!!), but still, this was pretty bold and ballsy they even covered this topic.

It seems more and more people are opting for single life and not getting married these days. Both men and women.

My parents remarked it was the "norm" back in the 70s for young people after high school to get hitched and have kids all before 25.

Your thoughts?

--Michael D. Clarke


A lot of this is due to covid. It killed my sex life and everyone's only now getting over the paranoia.


COVID exacerbated the problem, but this was a long-standing issue even pre-COVID. I blame social media which is increasing narcissism. It creates unhealthy, unrealistic high standards, and people are too quick to swipe left over the slightest flaw. This gives rise to ghosting and flaking behaviour. People are too quick to "search for a better deal" like they're shopping for a handbag. Except, they don't realize they're dealing with people with feelings. The "everybody is disposable" mentality.

I also blame "MeToo". Men are a lot more careful these days approaching women. Any slight moves, the woman can accuse him of sexual assault. The law, courts, public tend to side with women and the guy loses his job and reputation. I think many men realize it's not worth the trouble.

--Michael D. Clarke


Okay, good points all.

But there's also a problem with young males and the "incel" syndrome. Too many of them are afraid to get offline and walk outside.

And I suspect there are a lot of young women wondering why young guys are afraid to approach them.


Look at what Johnny Depp went through with Amber TURD for example.

--Michael D. Clarke


It’s far worse in Japan.


I wonder why...



It's been like that in Japan for decades.

What I do find with Japanese men is that despite the high degree of misogyny within a lot of their media (e.g. anime) and the history of using courtesans etc. they generally come across as far more courteous and polite to women than Western men do, on balance.

I'm not saying that sexual violence doesn't exist in Japan (and perhaps I need to do some research into it), but the Japanese attitude towards women seems to be more fearful/awkward or disengaged, when it comes to sex/relationships (with them retreating into porn etc as an escape/a crutch), rather than contemptuous and virulently misogynist. There doesn't seem to be that 'incel' entitlement ("women *should* be attracted to me"); more a sort of resignation ("I'm probably going to end up single, and I'm pretty much okay with that...")


Meh. Incels. Human garbage. Who cares if they commit suicide at a higher rate as long as it's white males, right?


Women are the gatekeepers of the dating market and sex. We as men have no say in it so why bother? The 80/20 rule or more like the 90/10 rule says women only give a shit about the very top percentile of men.


Oh no! Women are being allowed a say in their own sex lives! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!


If blue1981 is right (and I doubt he is; this seems like some BS Jordan Petersen talking point to me, that doesn't reflect the real world I live in, where many regular, even 'beta', guys seem to be married or in some sort of relationship), and women are only attracted to a small percentage of elite men, that surely isn't good for anyone.

It's unrealistic (i.e. women are setting their expectations/sights too high), and in fact MISOGYNIST, because it upholds a patriarchal order in which men are expected to be wealthy/powerful in order to have any value, which is entirely ANATHEMA to what feminists were (supposedly...πŸ€”) fighting for, for decades (i.e. an order in which women and men were *equal* and women could be breadwinners, and men could stay at home and raise the kids, without any judgement).

Sorry, but speaking as an *actual* (rather than a mere 'theoretical') progressive (i.e. someone who walks the walk, as much, maybe more, than they merely talk the talk, in contrast to the DNC and most celebrities, who *say* all the right things, but do NONE of them; and notice that, yes, I do, as you say, occasionally bring up some right-wing talking points in chats, because, you know what? I LIVE a progressive, VEGAN, CARBON-NEUTRAL, PRO-FEMINIST, ACTIVE VOLUNTEER/CAMPAIGNING, SOCIALIST lifestyle, but am not afraid of *discussing* difficult non-progressive issues), I say that if SOCIALISM, EGALITARIANISM, FEMINISM and the like is to thrive, we all need to ensure that our ACTIONS speak louder than our words and beliefs. HYPOCRISY is a NO-NO. Living like an *actual* feminist is far more important than simply speaking like one.

And, despite what you may have heard/been told, NO man *or* woman 'can have it all.' Choose a FUCKING lane, preferably one that adheres to actual feminist beliefs, rather than one that adheres to Jordan Petersen's toxic 'alpha male' bullshit.

Like you say, women have a say. Like blue says, woman are in control...


...So, the ball is in women's court to shape society in a FEMINIST, EGALITARIAN manner.

Neoliberal, social Darwinist, ME-ME-ME, zero-sum-game attitudes are ANATHEMA to a progressive society. ONLY by ALL committing to cooperation, compromise and sacrifice in a shared socialist, feminist, egalitarian society where we ALL do our bit, whether we're male/female, Black/white, gay/straight, cis/trans, and so on, can we ensure fairness. ANYONE who diverges from this vision will only trigger a domino effect by which other people will rationalise their *own* transgressions ("Well, despite that woman *claiming* to be an 'independent' feminist who believes in equal pay/equal status between women and men, she *only* dates very rich and powerful men, thus, I am NOW going to do all I can to crush other people, including women, to become rich and powerful, so I can thus date/marry elite women.")

It's very VERY fucking simple. Cause and fucking effect. One person or group's actions trigger another person or group's actions, so TAKE FUCKING RESPONSIBILITY of EVERYTHING you do, people.


In other words: You, too, are uncomfortable with women having a say in their own sex lives.

Don't bother to respond, I won't.


His point about women wanting economic equality and yet only dating men that make MORE than them, is clearly valid.

It is a flaw in the system as we have it set up. And likely, not the only one.

Men are not happy with the situation. And neither are women. Women want committed long term relationships and children. The current situation is failing to give people what they want.

Yet, talking about this, seems to be taboo. Very strange.

Why are you committed to a system that is not working? What is it giving you?


Otter is simply a very combative person who treats any attempt to question/interrogate the status-quo/neoliberal consensus as automatically 'toxic'. She' basically the faux-liberal flipside of the far-right/incel moronic Jordan Petersen view of the world, and as the horseshoe theory quite rightly has it (see also white supremacists and Black separatists), such extremists usually have more on common than they realise. They're both invested in a reductive, zero-sum-game, and ultimately patriarchal system.

A post-feminist approach to the world that empowers women to have the same working and employment rights, and pay, as men, as well as the sexual liberty and freedom men have enjoyed for centuries, should be encouraged and promoted. I've always believed in, and championed, it. Any man who isn't making an effort to give his partner an orgasm (assuming sex is important to him), is, frankly, a dud. Men and women should be as attentive as one another when it comes to relationships. No man should take advantage of his partner and expect them to give more than he's willing to provide.

But, we're really not going to get anywhere if women, as well as men, are still wedded to a neoliberal, capitalist, patriarchal view of the world that is fundamentally at odds with a post-feminist ideal. Once again, it is every woman's prerogative to be attracted to, and date, whichever man they want. It's not my place to tell anyone who they should be attracted to.

However, from a feminist POV, it's no good saying "We want men to step aside and make more room for women, when it comes to the social order," BUT "We'll only date men who make a certain amount of money/possess a certain level of power." It's fundamentally contradictory. Where's the incentive for men to take a more egalitarian, pro-feminist approach to society, if women are still pushing them to follow a zero-sum-game/winner-takes-all approach, that says that only powerful/wealthy (i.e. non-feminist/non-egalitarian)...

reply are to be valued, particularly when it comes to dating.

There's a real cognitive dissonance between what supposed progressives and feminists say they want from a social POV, and what they actually pursue.

A purely individualist approach which exclusively prizes one's own happiness/self-fulfilment, will inevitably be at odds with a more principled/idealistic approach.

It's intrinsically counterintuitive to say "We need fewer white men in positions of power," and then reserve one's scorn for those white men who *aren't* in positions of power (in some cases, because they've *chosen* to step aside for the greater good, rather than do the hypocritical Justin Trudeau/Keir Starmer/George Clooney/Chris Evans faux-liberal white man thing of speaking like a feminist/anti-racist, whilst monopolising all the positions of status for themselves).

Men need to drop the Donald Trump/Jordan Petersen 'Might Is Right' macho bullshit agenda, but, likewise, some women also need to forego the fundamentally *anti-feminist* "I want a rich man of status to take care of me" Cinderella/Pretty Woman bullshit fantasy.

Instead, GENUINE feminists, should embrace the idea of house-husbands and women who are paid more than their partners.


Incels are not the problem, they are a result of the problem.


I agree to an extent. There is NO excuse for hatred towards women/misogyny, but the loneliness and inadequacy that involuntarily celibate individuals feel is, indeed, a consequence of the issue the OP highlights.

That said, no-one is *entitled* to a relationship. However, I also think that people need to be less snooty and more accommodating. No-one should date someone they're not attracted to, but the game-playing bullshit people used to play during courtship has to go. The world, as it stands, has NO time for that nonsense, and all this "I want to be swept off my feet" stuff is a fantasy that belongs in Hollywood movies and fairytales. Real life is bigger than that crap.


People will want to have fun with relationships and sex, but the underlying assumptions have to be more grounded in reality.


How have you made *that* inference?

I don't want any person, especially no woman, to be obliged to be with someone they're not attracted to. Who'd want such a scenario? And who'd want to be partners with someone who didn't love them/felt obliged to be with them?

But I also think far too many women and men are forgoing happiness because they're chasing unicorns.

Like TLC, the *FAR SUPERIOR* Black Girls Band, said "Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls". A much MUCH better message than the frankly *inferior* and relatively shallow Destiny's Child's puerile and neoliberal "No Scrubs" bullshit.


This is a meme
Stop listening to memes


Maybe there’s just more openly gay guys..? It’s a pretty well accepted lifestyle these days.

I think many people’s finances are in disorder now as well, so maybe the men and women go out less.


I suspect it's more a case of the second explanation.

I'm VERY pro-gay rights, and welcome a society in which being gay is treated as regular/natural as being straight, but it stands to anthropological and biological reason that most animals will be innately attracted to the opposite sex. That isn't a bad or good thing. It just is. And that isn't to say that homosexuality is 'abnormal, but just that animals are more likely to instinctively gravitate towards being attracted to an animal they can mate with/have children with.

But economic hardship, particularly among younger generations (remember, the Baby Boomers are the peak generation in terms of social mobility; up until that point, each subsequent generation had been richer, happier and more secure than the last), is making relationships harder, which is WRONG. Westerners (and, let's be honest, it's mostly Westerners who give a shit about how much money their potential partner makes) need to get a fucking grip, and be willing to date/mate with/marry people who are economically-insecure (like MOST of society), rather than STUPIDLY waiting for Prince Charming, or whatever the female equivalent is of a rich and pretty sugar-daddy.


If people aren't getting married, having kids, and buying houses in their early 20s, a big reason is because they can't afford to.

Other social changes aside - it actually is happening that people are putting off having kids or deciding not to breed, even people who'd really like to have kids, just because of the expense involved! And that's because of steadily declining wages, the increasing costs of living, housing, medical care, and higher education. People who can't find jobs with benefits, or who don't think they'll ever be able to move out of their parents homes, just aren't in a position to marry and have kids.


Life must have been way more easier 1970s and before. Back then, you probably could support an entire family on fast food wages.

--Michael D. Clarke


Poverty existed before 1970, don't exaggerate! Sure, life was better for middle-class white straight men in those days, because all the best jobs and housing were reserved for them, but then as now, most people weren't middle-class white straight men.




You're right. Life was easier for the average individual prior to the 1980s, at which point the wealth gap started to rise exponentially, and middle-class wages started to stagnate.

I think Otter is a closet Reaganite, judging by her unwillingness to grapple with, and critique, this reality, and instead blame everything and everyone *BUT* the Reaganite neoliberal consensus, and the various people, like the CLINTONS, who maintained that agenda.


I agree with the financial angle 100%. When I got married in 2001, I was able to buy a house in a not so great area of my city for 60k. I was going back to school and both my husband and I were working minimum(ish) wage paying jobs. We were able to buy a house!! That same house in 2005 was assessed over 200k. There is no way that that could be purchased on minimum wage just 4 years later.

Right now who can even afford groceries, let alone a mortgage and kids?


Seriously! In a world where many can't afford groceries, and more can't afford both groceries and heat, and nobody can afford a house... some of these dipshits think that the only problem with the world of heterosexuality is that women care too much about money!!

Money matters in a relationship, and it sure as hell matters if you're thinking about breeding. Raising kids costs a fortune, a home in a safe neighborhood with good schools costs a mint. Anyone who wants to breed these days needs to show they can afford to do so sooner rather than later.


NO, NO, NO, Otter. Your elitism/conservatism is showing! 😠

Also, you're contradicting yourself. On one hand you admit that people are financially struggling these days, and on the other hand you're saying only the rich should be able to have children. With all due respect, are you a bit dim? Did you struggle to finish high-school? Is your IQ below 100?

If anything, we should all be dropping the bar at which we're 'financially able to have children' (an absurd notion in itself). Raise goddamn taxes FFS. The rich aren't pulling their weight as it is, so time they paid more so that the rest of us can have kids and experience a full life, just like previous generations did. NO FUCKING TIME for your TORYISM and fundamentally NAZI/pro-eugenics notion that only the select few are permitted to have families.

Is this *your* form of 'feminism' and 'leftism', Otter? πŸ‘ŠπŸΏπŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ




Thank you for finally confirming my suspicions that you're not a TRUE leftist, despite some of your PC/woke posturings...

By the way, I'm NOT a communist. Fuck authoritarian/statist socialism. In my experience, the most ardent supporters of communism/socialism are the upper-middle-class, who simply want to usurp the super-rich and impose their own supposedly 'merit-based' hierarchy.

No...I am a libertarian socialist, and moreover an egalitarian who is opposed to any form of hierarchy.

And my 'musings' in the above post had NOTHING to do with Communism, and EVERYTHING to do with asserting the rights of Black people and the working-class in the face of white upper/upper-middle-class neoliberal/conservatist 'feminism'. I am a STAUNCH supporter of abortion rights, but I also abhor the use of 'birth control' as a covert means of further oppressing POC and the working-class, as various nations that practiced forced sterilisation, with the backing of 'feminists' like Margaret Sanger, and, it appears, Otter, have done. FUCK and I mean *FUUUUUUUUUCK* eugenics. πŸ‘ŠπŸΏπŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ




Good for you sslssg...

But just because *your* generation was lucky, that doesn't mean the privileged likes of you and Otter should begrudge other generations who aren't so fortunate, but still want to have kids/a family, as is their fucking RIGHT. πŸ‘ŠπŸΏπŸ˜ πŸ‘ŠπŸΏ


[–] HarveyManFredSin (3090) 16 hours ago
It's sad, but it pretty much reflects my own life. With all due respect, it's not so bad for women. They can be single and still have children, but it's difficult to be a single man and have kids, unless one is financially and morally fine with hiring a surrogate, or is able to convince an adoption agency that a single man represents a viable family unit.



Do you judge single mothers, Kowalski? Not very feminist of you, is it? πŸ™‚




So, you believe in double-standards? Single women can desire having children, but not single men? Hmm...Not very consistent with 'equality' or the move towards a more non-binary society that breaks down divisions between the sexes.

Personally, I'm big on EQUALITY and TRANS RIGHTS, but, hey, you do you. πŸ™‚




I can give you my manifesto, if you want.

I'm not sure what you do stand for. Most of what I've so far seen here from you is snark and gay jokes. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ




I am not begrudging anyone. I made my comment because I know I was lucky. I know that it was easier for me. That's my point though. Women are being blamed for being too picky, when I think that's just a small part of it. How the hell can one think about marriage, the picket fence, 2.5 kids, when life is so bloody expensive and the degree that you were promised would get you a good job allows you to work at McDonald's, where you can't even begin to pay down the student loan debt?


Women *and* men are arguably being 'too picky.' Like I say, NO ONE should feel obliged to be in a relationship with someone they don't have any affection for, but when you're chasing unicorns, you're going to end up empty, and by that stage, your biological clock will have passed and you won't be able to have a family (and once again, that applied to women AND men).


Your home buying situation was quite similar to my first home. We bought in 1998 for 90k and sold in 2005 for more than double that. We both had very low paying jobs at the time but they seemed to be giving away home loans back then. It’s crazy how different the situation is now when and if my kids try to purchase a home.


Fortunately the poor are here to be fruitful and multiply, no matter what.


GOOD! πŸ™‚

The eugenicists won't win, but, hey, there's always a solution to people being poor, if that's your worry. The ball is in the court of those people who have money/resources, that they can share with others less fortunate (but, greed, as ever, seems to prosper... πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ). Remember, folks, you can't take your money with you when you die, but people who have children/families, leave LEGACIES for the rest of the world. The rich who refuse to share their resources and help fund the lives of poor families, are being SELFISH *AND* ILLOGICAL.


It's sad, but it pretty much reflects my own life. With all due respect, it's not so bad for women. They can be single and still have children, but it's difficult to be a single man and have kids, unless one is financially and morally fine with hiring a surrogate, or is able to convince an adoption agency that a single man represents a viable family unit.


