MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Basically every 30 years, society comple...

Basically every 30 years, society completely changes its mind about something

So let's go back.

1993 - marriage was strictly the union of a man and a woman. Genders was male and female and intersex was rare. Men who wore dresses were transvesttites. But black/white marriages were accepted.

Let's go back 30 more years.

1963 - Black/white relationships were accepted in many states, but not all. 1967 it was finally legalized.

Let's go back 30 more.

1933 - Black people weren't even allowed to date a white woman, let alone marry.

So as you can see, with a contentious issue, society seems to change its mind in 30 years.

So what will 2053 look like? What issue will change drastically?


how about owning a home in the 60's 40 thousand bought you a mansion and women could option out of work and stay home


So ....
you've marked out half a dozen points in the black struggle for equality

and mentioned transvesttites were rare 30 years ago .

where are you going with this?


I suspect he is going straight to the operating table to have surgery to become a black woman because based on these trends, in 2053 black transvestites will be worshiped as deities and claim all positions of power in the world.


We are well on the way 🤣






Nah, the trans confusion about gender, and things like the inability to define a word like "woman", will be looked back upon in 2053 as the crazy hysteria of the 2020's.

Trans people will be accepted. But a basic biological truth like binary gender, male and female, can't be reversed by a social construct.


And does that mean, for instance, that both decent and intelligent, as well as the wild and ignorant, ultimately merge together and harmoniously, or even reluctantly, AGREE on it all, and if a certain amount doesn't, its just the ignorant minority then? Whereas before, there was simply a common overall societal malaise or even a problem even decent people didn't recognize?

And do good and bad as well as the dumb and clever often have a lot in common? Or are just separate extreme entities?

Cause in modern civilized societies, often if one publicly steps out of line, they may end up getting condemned and labelled as not only prejudiced and guilty, but also stupid, shameful etc etc, it might not affect some folks but some others it might.

Also, in 2100, will evil at all cease to exist, so much, that not only will we not have problematic societies, but even extreme separate cases will either be at a bare minimum or non-existent? And will sociopathy, psychopathy at all even exist then let alone however major or minor examples of human IGNORANCE?


You should take a philosophy writing course. You have ideas, you just need someone to teach you how to edit them down, and make them clearer.


ignorance or ambition?
greed, arrogance, and strength will demand power and obedience.

civilized society? by whose laws?
if the mad outnumber the sane, what defines civilized?
perhaps a God's Law is necessary to curtail a Kings?
yet, God is dead, we, the murderers of all murderers.

2100? hope?... in my vincent price voice....
for a doomed entitled kind oblivious to their forefathers errors and blindly destined for the next contemporary regressive social contagion?... hope? no.. i think not.


30+ years ago, paper bags were demonized (killing trees) and replaced with plastic bags.
Now, plastic bags are demonized (destroying the ecology) and replaced with paper bags.


That's a good point
