MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Where were you on 9/11 when it happened?

Where were you on 9/11 when it happened?

I was sleeping. I live on west coast, so 3 hours behind when it happened. The rest of the day was a bit of blur, but I was in 8th grade and remember everybody glued to the TV screens.

--Michael D. Clarke




two miles north


Mohamed Atta likely flew literally right above you.

--Michael D. Clarke


My mom heard the plane fly over and thought it sounded very low. I was sleeping.


That must be a creepy feeling.

--Michael D. Clarke


It was 21 years ago, and my mom has since passed away...not to be a downer or anything


Sitting in front of my computer writing a program in C++


Santa Rosa, CA


I was on vacation staying at my dad & step-mom's place in Yountville, CA. I had woken up early (about 5:45) before they did & turned on the TV & was flipping thru the channels when I came across the initial reports about the first plane. My parents woke up around 7a, by which time the 2cd plane had hit, & the initial reports about the Pentegon were coming in & continued watching the ensuing collapse etc, not believing what was happening. Around 8:30 me & my dad left to meet up with my step-brother & his friend for a round of 9 holes at a local golf course, where everyone was just stunned by what happened.


I had just pulled into the parking lot at work.



I still remember the whole patriotism thing in the country right after 9/11. And that it was considered a great insult to go against George W. Bush. I don't want to go much into politics but that sticks out vividly to me. I haven't seen anything like it since then other than maybe Osama Bin Laden's death.

--Michael D. Clarke


i watched tv when the first plane hit, then i went eating out a pizza, thinking it was an accident.
when i came back home, my siblings reported the towers collapsed.

two years later it became obvious, it was a controlled demolition.


Who eats pizza in the morning????

--Michael D. Clarke


im in europe. it was 2pm


I was at school. We got the news from our English teacher.


Our local school board ordered the teachers not to say anything to the students and pulled all the TVs out of the classrooms. They later said they felt it would be better if the young children heard it from their parents at home rather than have all the kids panicking in the schools.
