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Little Known Facts (you can add your own)

ABBA sang their songs phonically. They could speak about as much English as the Swedish Chef.

Hitler farted constantly.


The role of Archie Bunker was supposed to go to Mickey Rooney. But he turned it down. Thanks Mickey the show would have sucked with you there.

And the role of Monk was conceived with Michael "Kramer" Richards in mind. He turned it down. Maybe he wanted to focus on his stand-up act.






Hawaiian pizza was invented by a Canadian.


I heard that about ABBA from a teacher of mine, but I remember seeing an interview, and one of them spoke good English (?)


Maybe they took the time to learn English. Or maybe it's an urban legend.


Charo was (or is) a world class flamenco guitarist.


The iconic Star Trek transporter was the result of budget and time constraints.

Gene Roddenberry's original concept was to have the USS Enterprise land on every planet the crew visited. This idea was scrapped when it was determined that the constant use of models and sets would have been too expensive and too time-consuming. The shuttlecraft idea was chosen but the models and sets were still under construction when filming began. So they settled on the transporter, utilizing a simple camera fade technique and superimposition of light beams.

"Beam me up, Scotty" never would have entered the pop culture lexicon if Roddenberry's first concept had been feasible.


This is why I feel that restricting the budgets that directors and other creatives have access to is a good thing. Two great examples are:

The Wachowskis had a measly $4 million budget when they made Bound (1995) because Warner Bros was worried about their inexperience. And that turned out to be one of the best films on their filmography.

When Peter Jackson's budget was restricted he gave us the iconic and classic Lord of the Rings trilogy.But when his budget were greatly increased he punished us with King Kong (2005) and the Hobbit trilogy.


Too many current filmmakers rely too much on CGI. Like you said, a restricted budget forces them to use creativity, something that is lacking in a lot of movies today.


The Great Dane and the Danish pastry did not originate in Denmark. Both the dog breed and the pastry have their origins in Germany.

German Chocolate Cake is an American invention.

Chocolate chip cookies were invented by accident in the late 1800s.

The ancient Chinese were the first to invent the seismometer to measure earthquakes.

The first person to realize the earth was round was not Christopher Columbus, but an ancient Greek who measured the angle of the sun in various wells around Greece and other towns.

Galileo would not have gotten in trouble with the Church if he hadn't tried re-teaching the guys in charge how to interpret his findings in the Bible.

Joan of Arc would not have been burned at the stake if she had stopped dressing like a man while in prison.

Marie Antoinette never said "Let them eat cake." That was all anti-royal propaganda put into the French newspapers to turn the French people against her.


I think I heard once that someone named German invented the so named cake.


Jerry Lewis and Sammy Davis Jr. were both champion fast draw shooters.
