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meta/facebook metaverse...

any thoughts about the amazing, new METAVERSE?

This is a Virtual Reality based "location", a 3D space for meeting, socializing, playing, working, learning, growing....

I feel it is very much like certain bleeding edge concepts such as modern 3D Movies and TV: a pretty cool idea overall, that delivers in spades, yet, the masses simple aren't that interested in it, either for visual reasons, like wearing silly glasses, or the effect makes them sick.

I mess with VR a lot, and get what Zuckerberg is saying, and DO think it could be really cool, but even if they reduce the headsets to tiny sliver sized glasses, i don't think the masses will ever bother with in a big way. Sort of left with the kids and the major nerds (like me) to enjoy.

This assumption is based on my previous experience with GAME CHANGING TECH, that wasn't game changing at all.
In the early 90's I was bleeding edge with B/W webcams making video call with friends, and thought "Holy $#!+!!! This is amazing! Everyone will be doing this with in the next two years!" aaaand nothing. No one cared to see their faces over free video telephone. Webcams were cheap enough, people just didn't bother.
Same with 3D TV "Holy $#!+!!! This is a amazing! Every TV will be 3D from now going forward!" They are a great experience, working perfectly, a few years later, all but gone. No one cared.
Metaverse: now you gotta put on amazing 3D VR headset, but "Holy $#!+!! This stuff is amazing!" BUT..... I doubt everyone will be all over it.

It took a global pandemic for business to FINALLY realize the ability of video conferencing in a big way.
I doubt business will ever (except some very specific design niche locations) adopt metaverse in a huge way for meetings and info sharing etc.
Especially with facebooks history of lies about confidentiality.

What do you people think? Thumbs up or down on METAVERSE VR meetings and social etc?

Tell you what, I been inside it a lot, and it is filled with the same 12 year olds that populate everything else VR now. Are there any adults that ever use it or try it?


I don't do Facebook or any type of social media.


Me neither.

I'm just happy to see the egg on Zuckerberg's face.


I don't care what they call it, Facebook is still one of the biggest time-wasters and invaders of privacy ever conceived.

The only good that will come of it is maybe video conferencing will become more of the norm. There will no longer be any reason to waste fuel on unnecessary travel, which contributes to environmental destruction, when business meetings can be conducted in this manner.


Absolutely. Although, we're hypocrites because MovieChat can be argued as a time-waster too.


MovieChat and Wastebook are two different things. Wastebook is for the narcissistic types who are compelled to post pictures of themselves online and brag about everything they do. "Oooh! Look at me! Look at what I did today! Look at what I just purchased. Look at the amazing number of phony "friends" I have! Me. Me. Me. Everything revolves around me!"

I suppose MovieChat could be a time-waster if someone was on it 14 hours a day.


so sounds like responders here also have no interest in it as well.
I kind of wonder who IS interested in it? I mean, besides all the 12 year olds with VR QUEST 2s they got for christmas.

all i hear is squeaky young voices in it. like 95% of the population in "metaverse".

I literally know 8 of my adult friends that have VR... I have never "met" with any of them online ONCE, in over a year of ownership. that's got to be telling of what people's interests are. even the people that already own VR are not participating. not hanging out and having meetings, just gaming. I have not even gamed with them. yes they like me, but VR is no priority on any level for them.


I have no interest in having my privacy invaded. There is already too much tracking and collection of data as it is without adding another means of doing so. People need to keep their noses out of others' business.


"I don't care what they call it, Facebook is still one of the biggest time-wasters and invaders of privacy ever conceived."

See - you and I do agree on some things.


Yes, once in a while, we do.


I am a content user of virtual worlds (maybe not full metaverses, but still impressive nonetheless) already: Second Life and IMVU.


i've played wiht alpha worlds and all the similar... its all cool, but feels like a limited niche interest for just certain people. not the world changing vr verse zuckerburg is peddling


I don’t like it, I’m not some dork that’s all busy talking to strangers on the internet everyday!


Of course you aren't. :)





I'd rather just go to the bar and talk to people, play UO, or linger around movie chat boards. Video conference is fine for most meetings, but it sucks for presentations and interviews.


you must be psychic, I was checking out the headset for it today. It seems new for the average person but I do know what i'm in for as privacy is concerned

for me I played old online games like ultima online and have gotten harassed online by "? I don't know"

I play chess online and the usernames harass me there also letting me know what little privacy I have and makes me question the chess point system online (but I do suck)

Used to pirate mp3's like they were going out of style and that's where all of the harassment with the usernames started by "? I don't know" (this was over 14 years ago)


do you have a VR headset?

I deep sixed privacy by fully deleting my facebook acount, made a new one with nothing in it, and I don't use it to LIKE anything.

I tried HORIZONS again last night, and found more adults in it. I would GUESS that facebook gives out headsets to employees to allow them to use the metaverse freely whenever to make it seem more popular.


like wearing silly glasses, or the effect makes them sick

I have a PlayStation VR headset and have used maybe a total of 5 times in the past 3 years. I always end up with a headache so I usually just steer clear of VR.
