MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > So many of the IMDB top 250 are complete...

So many of the IMDB top 250 are completely dull or bad movies

Inception was a pile of junk and yet it is in the top 20.

And then there's all the irrelevant 1970s and 1950s movies that appeal to "cinephiles" (ugh)

Why would anyone trust a list of movies that was voted on by easily-impressed 14-year-olds and basement dwellers...


Hey, you're really cool and edgy for not liking this thing. It doesn't matter that this is an empty complaint with no mention of your movie preferences for comparison - it's still a clean, rad and powerful statement.

Would you like to name some movies you would like to see on the top ranking list, or shall we leave you alone to whine?


comedy movies always get boned on imdb and they are the best most entertaining movies one can watch


I agree with the general conceit that the IMDB top lists are user-driven rankings that might not reflect the overall quality or enjoyment of a film on a personal basis. A lot of titles and styles are underrepresented. OP might have lent credence to his premise with some examples of films that he thinks should get their fair due, but presently this user has started a discussion topic with little more than empty contrarianism. He doesn't have to submit his own top 250 list, but it might help his case to mention a few movies.

I'd like to take this opportunity to mention the StoneKeeper's Mystery Movie Guessing Game that frequently yields overlooked gems and popcorn classics alike. We are always open to new players, however esoteric the rules might seem at first.


Long ago I gave up trying to decipher the rules and hence, participate. My brain must be a StoneKeeper's paradise.


It's really not that hard. It's like 20 questions except instead there are 12 questions and they're just movie titles.

All you have to do is follow the clues.


All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!


Would you like to name some movies you would like to see on the top ranking list, or shall we leave you alone to whine?

Oh no I was called a "whiner" by some generic douchebag on the internet. I'd better change all my opinions now. In fact why stop there, I'll change my religion and gender too.

You are my hero and one of the most truly impressive people I've ever met.


Cool. I still invite you to mention some movies that you feel should at least be considerations for the IMDB top 250.


I'll do it after you tell me why Inception (at number 13, fer christs sake) is a good movie.


I think I can explain why so many people might have liked it enough to vote it so highly. Would that suffice?


I already did. Because they're easily impressed simpletons.

Look at you, "suffice" hahaa. Ooh I bet you have such great dinner parties with yourself, oh educated one...


Hey, uh, douchebag, let's keep it reel, right? Don't go talkin' over peeple's heads. And where's Benji in the top 250, huh? (sarcasm)


Haha (sarcasm)

Sarcasm is always so much funnier if you have to explain to people that you're being sarcastic (sarcasm)

Who or what the hell is benji ya weirdo (sarcasm)



I banged your mom and Im not even into chicks. (sarcasm)


All I was asking was if you'd consider empathizing with a different perspective from your own, but I can see you're trying to bring in some of that contentious Politics board charm.

It also says a lot about your beliefs and values how you reflexively mock education as a go-to defensive maneuver.

You have under 100 posts and already have a pattern of aggressively negative discourse. What do you hope to accomplish with this behavior going forward?


yeah inception is pretty shit movie for all its praise. it is decent entertainment if ur stuck on a plane or something, and it is not a bad movie if you get over the cheesiness of the whole dream entering bullshit and just enjoy it for the fiction it is it is but yeah it is by no means a masterpiece or has any right being so highly rated. its visuals and special effects carry it greatly. kinda like avatar but that film completely sucks ass if u get rid of the visuals, inception is a mid ranged movie once u lose the visuals


It didn't have a coherent story at all. It was a total pile of sheeeeyit.


yeah i cant even remember the story really just that they are stealing some rich kids company and Leos dead wife kept coming into the mix and fucking shit up. and they were always getting sucked into portals and shit and always falling. it was a clusterfuck without any coherent story at all. i have seen this movie a couple times and i dont even remember the ending. it was not very memorable film. there were cool artistic dreamlike environments that can be appreciated if ur stoned enough just to stare and get past all the other shortcomings, i do remember it having that going for it at least


I never expect my personal favourites to land in these lists so I don’t let them bother me. Same goes for highest box office lists. I mostly prefer movies that are less mainstream, but each to their own. At least people still love movies enough to bother rating them online at all.

And I like the 50s and 70s! Not as much as the 60s and 90s, but I don’t think any of them are irrelevant in terms of movies.


Don't feed it.


Exactly. It’s completely obvious the original post was made to stir the pot here. Just look at how it’s worded.


And his username.


Yes, and that. 😀


And his dress sense.


Well yes, that goes without saying.


And his hairstyle.



uh yeah in the same way that Matrix Revolutions is a "great movie" - only great if you're a staggeringly-easily-impressed dweeb who's already accepted he'll die a virgin.



"Sole authority"?

I bet you're the authoritarian. Projection is just yet another of their tools (and the tools of defensive douchebags)


This place really is an embarrassing shithole.


You lost me at "irrelevant 1970s and 1950s movies that appeal to "cinephiles" (ugh)".




It's not good. That just shows you your opinion is ridiculously stupid.


