MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I literally could not survive in the 90s

I literally could not survive in the 90s

I have information at my fingertips at all times.

I couldn't imagine having to drive to a library to research something.

Or phone around everywhere asking questions

Or going out with pals and someone gets separated and having no means to message them.

Or going to a travel agent to book a flight that I can do in 3 minutes online.

The 90s must have been endlessly running errands. No thank you.


I thought the 90s was a comfy time to live. Obviously, if my present self transported to the 90s I'd miss some stuff, but yeah. Oh, ignorance is bliss I guess.


Like if I time travelled to the Victorian era, I'd be pissed of with the lack of toilet paper and flushing toilets. But they knew no better.




You know, I have to say, humanity has done just fine for easily tens of thousands of years, without internet or telephone at all. *shrug*


They did, but I'm really grateful for having internet in my life now.


Yeah ya could, Buttercup. You wouldn't know about all those wonderful things,
so you wouldn't miss them.



I think the 90’s had the best cars and video games. They also had well made Tom Clancy films.


A lot of good came from that lack of technology too.


Such as people being engrossed in a movie or book.


The 90s were a blast!!


This is why you idiots need made up genders, gay flags and BLM tearing down real leaders while exalting criminals. Without them you are unable to contribute anything to society.


I would.

Back when Tom Brady was a total nobody, Pearl Jam was the biggest band and most influential rock band of the decade, the New York Yankees still dominated baseball and baseball fans were still okay with watching players do steroids and Cher’s Believe (1998) came out and she was still still popular.


That's not survival. That's memories. And boring ones at that.
