MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Highest rated film on IMDb you haven’t s...

Highest rated film on IMDb you haven’t seen?


22. City of God (2002) 8.6
23. Life Is Beautiful (1997) 8.6
28. Spirited Away (2001) 8.5
30. Parasite (2019) 8.5
33. The Pianist (2002) 8.5
39. Modern Times (1936) 8.5

There's 6 from the Top 40 I've yet to see, I don’t care for animation, Chaplin or films by Polanski so I doubt I'll ever see them, but City of God is one film I want to see.


I stopped at 125.

91. Like Stars on Earth (2007) 8.3
103. Pather Panchali (1955) 8.2
106. Dangal (2016) 8.2

Notice a pattern?


Never heard of them!


They're all Indian.


Pather Panchali - the first part of the Apu trilogy - is one of the core classics of world cinema.

The other two titles on your list? *Shrug*


I know what it is, but I hate Indian movies.


Do you? Which ones have you seen?

Most people I know who 'hate' Indian movies are referring to mainstream Hindi movies - your standard musical/romance/dance-around-a-bush stuff. 'Bollywood', basically. I'm not overly fond of Bollywood either.

Pather Panchali is a Bengali film, and belongs to India's 'parallel cinema' tradition. It's about as far removed from 'Bollywood' as it's possible to be.


Eega (2012)
Magadheera (2009)
Dhoom (2004)
A Wednesday (2008)
3 Idiots (2009)

And a few others I can't remember the names to.


Don't know any of those.

India's film industries churn out loads of low quality films. They make so damn many of them every year, it's inevitable. But it's not all garbage. The Apu Trilogy is very fine indeed. If it's any use to you, its director, Satyajit Ray, also used to talk about how much he hated (popular) Indian cinema.

But I'll stop trying to sell it now; Criterion don't give me a commission.


I'm sure there are good ones, but I have yet to see a truly good movie they've done.


Schindler’s List 8.9

I will get round to it.


It's a well made film and superbly acted, worthy of the Oscars it won.


I’ll wait until I’m in the right mood - I understand it’s quite depressing.


Same here. I've seen bits & pieces but I've never actually sat down & watched the whole thing.

But hopefully, I will someday


from the top 40 i haven't seen:

9 the good, the bad & the ugly
12 forrest gump
18 one flew over the cuckoo's nest (i know i saw parts of this on tv when i was a kid, but never the entire thing).
22 city of god
23 life is beautiful
26 saving private ryan
29 the green ile
32 harakari
33 the pianist
38 the lion king
40 american history x


Interesting… Some favorites of mine in there.


name your favourite from that list and i'll give it an honest try.


City of God, Saving private Ryan, American history X and The Pianist are all 10/10 but I’ll go with: The Pianist


it's on netflix - i'll pencil it in for this coming friday.


Prepare for a long, arsh, beautiful and epic ride.


just finished it.
thought it was great. you described it perfectly. nothing for me to add.




I've seen the top 69. The highest rated ones I haven't seen are:

70. Your Name. (2016) 8.3
72. Once Upon a Time in America (1984) 8.3
75. Capernaum (2018) 8.3


Sergio Leone is one of my favourite directors, I just wish he had made a few more movies.


your name is a very neat film, but i personally like that director's followup film 'weathering with you' quite a bit more.


I haven't seen Weathering with You yet, but it sounds interesting. I will have to check it out.


11. Fight Club
12. Forrest Gump
22. City of God
23. Life is Beautiful
27. Interstellar
28. Spirited Away
30. Parasite
32. Hara-Kiri
36. Back to the Future
38. The Lion King
40. American History X
43. Whiplash
46. The Intouchables
49. Once Upon a Time in the West


I still haven't seen Whiplash either.


I thought everyone here had seen Fight
Club and American history x.



We have but we do not talk about Fight Club.


Never looked at that list before. I seem to have watched 75% of the top 100 and the ones missing are more recent (I admit I'd not even heard of some of them) or ones I have no intention of watching (e.g. Schindler's List (1993) which answers the original question).


1. The Shawshank Redemption
6. Schlinder's List
11. Fight Club
19. Seven Samurai
22. City of God
28. Spirit Away
32. Hara-Kiri
34. Usual Suspects
39. Modern Times
40. American History X


What are you guys doing????


I'll probably watch Shawshank. I have no interest in seeing the others.


And can you tell me why you don’t have any interest in Usual Suspects?


I don't like crime dramas revolving around homicide investigations nor any of the actors.


Okay fair enough, but how much can you know about Fight Club to know you are not interested? Have you tried? Fight Club is unique and hard to describe.


It sounds grim, realistic violence with street fighting or boxing. I prefer martial arts and fencing with a heavy dose of escapism and humor.

BTW, I'm not saying the movie is bad, it's just not my type of movie.


Your taste seems to be very targeted and limited. I would never stay away from a movie because it’s has a “crime investigation” or “street fights” if that’s what I didn’t like but you do you. I just think you’re going to pass on some good things in life with that attitude. And Fight Club has like 15 minutes of actual fighting. It’s not a fight movie.


Nope. You didn't read the sentence properly:

"...crime dramas revolving around homicide investigations"

ALL of them revolve around homicides as if that's the only crime! Very formulaic, boring and unimaginative. I refuse to watch the same thing for the zillionth time. I was an early X-Files fan because their criminal investigations were imaginative.

I prefer to watch something original.

"It’s not a fight movie."

Not much to go on so I googled. I actually like psychological thrillers. I MAY read the book which looks better than the movie. Although, losers whining about their lives doesn't appeal to me at the moment.


Haha, I feel y’a.


What's the first rule of Fight Club?


Don’t talk about fight club!


That's why the Fight Club board never trends!


Make sense!


Unseen Top 40 films:

7: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King*
10: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
14: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
23: Life is Beautiful
32: Harakiri
38: The Lion King**

* - I've seen large chunks of at least two Lord of the Rings films, but haven't watched any of them from beginning to end like a normal human being might.

** - This is the one that always amazes people. They are then increasingly freaked out as they run through all their favourite (non-Pixar) Disney animations from the last fifty years only to discover I've barely seen any of them. I never liked Disney, even as a child.


Hard to believe Lion King is rated so highly, I barely remember it.


Neither do I get that one.
