🏠 Insanity

Mr & Mrs Neighbor put their house on the market yesterday. They have 24 showings scheduled for Saturday. Yes, 24! 😲


How are they planning on doing that? Assuming it takes half an hour each buyer, that's 12 hours, not including the time it's going to take for the possible buyers to arrive, as well as the time they plan on sleeping.


I have no idea but I know they're starting early - 8am.


Oh and Mr & Mrs Neighbor are leaving (escaping) on Friday evening for their new house up north. She asked me to go nextdoor and turn on a couple of lights - ones that the agents won't be aware of.


I hope you responded with, "I'd love to. I could use the extra money".


🤣 Nah. They've been fabulous neighbors, like siblings to me.


They could just set up a card table at the front door and hand anyone who shows up a paper with information on it about how to contact them (or someone else like a real estate agent) later on if they like the house and are interested in buying it.

That's also the kind of thing that you'd see happening on the channel where people would buy and then FLIP HOUSES.

In other words, after they buy a house and fix it up, then they'd also have an "OPEN HOUSE" where several people could come and check out the house and then purchase it later on if they liked it.

So my guess would be these people are probably also going for an OPEN HOUSE kind of a situation as well.

That would also be easier than meeting and dealing with 24 people on different days at different times.

In addition to turning on lights, I'd also put up NO PARKING sign (maybe place one inside of a LAWN CHAIR) so that your driveway isn't used or blocked by people coming to see the house next door.


But GlenEllyn said they were "showings". I don't think an open house would count as a showing.


If you come to see the house, then you will still have SEEN it (whether or not someone actually shows it to you or not).


No, it's not an open house, although maybe it should be.


It could be multiple agents.


I suspect it is. Housing inventory is so low right now that just about any house properly priced and under $200K is going to sell within days. Heck, some of them sell before the full listing is posted.


One thing about staying with viewing appointments is that you know who will be in the house at all times. Buyers are escorted by their agents at the appointed time. You don't have random strangers wandering through your house. I'm sure it's safer this way.


Is this the bad neighbor? The strange guy with a junkyard for a lawn and other oddities?


I wish, but it's not. 🙁



Nope. Minnesota.


real estate is going crazy here also.


I think it's going crazy just about everywhere.

Mr & Mrs Neighbor have already escaped to the northland. I checked with her and we don't know if there are more viewings scheduled for Sunday. She'll be talking to her agent tomorrow evening and will let me know.

Seems like they could have just had an open house. Seems like it would have been easier, but that's just me.


Sorry to hear you are losing them as neighbors, you've always spoken highly of them


Thanks. I'm pretty bummed about it. But I'm happy for them getting to do what they want.

I think they're a bit loco to move farther north to even colder country, but that's where both of them grew up, so I understand it. And they like small town life. The other thing is, they bought a big house. All I can think of is the all the work to clean and maintain it in their senior years. I'm sure the new place is twice as big as the house they have next door. But not my problem. 🤷‍♀️


Property taxes are probably also much less in a smaller town???

So maybe they also plan to hire someone to clean the larger home with the money they'll save by not having to pay as much for taxes???

Plus they might also be able to hire someone to cut the grass for them as well???


Sometimes they're worse in small towns due to a smaller tax base. I know my daughter pays quite a bit more because she lives in a small town. I'm sure there are variations of this out there, though. I'm sure they'll be paying twice what they pay here, although some of that is due to the difference in assessment value of the two houses.

I have no doubt that Mr & Mrs Neighbor will eventually hire someone to take care of lawn mowing and snow removal. I'm pretty sure they have the money to do that.

I think it's a bit crazy to buy a huge house for retirement, but that's just me and I'm not them. More power to them. Mrs Neighbor has visions of the grandchildren coming to visit, so she wants the space. I understand this, too. But half of her grandchildren live 1500 miles away, so the chances of them visiting more than once or twice a year is pretty small. I just can't see paying to heat, cool, and maintain all that space for a couple of visits per year. But again, that's just me.

Yeah, I'm weird.


What age range are they in? I also met a couple who lived in a huge METAL WAREHOUSE (that use to be a business and is located inside of an industrial area with several other BIG METAL BUILDINGS that run other businesses). Because they were also waiting for the house they plan to move in being fixed up.

And they also said they still plan to keep the WAREHOUSE building (for storage) after they move into the house.

So imagine what the utility bills might cost for living there inside of what they also said is a 2 bed apartment that it contains.

Plus they'll also be paying utilities and taxes for both the house and the BUILDING.

Before he retired The hubby also use to run or manage the local office of a famous REAL ESTATE company.

So they can probably also afford what they do too.


Mr & Mrs Neighbor are in their early 60s. Mr Neighbor worked for an energy company for ages, but was pushed out a couple of years ago. Mrs Neighbor is an LPN working for the school district. She'll probably work for a couple more years once they relocate.


The other couple are in their mid 70's. And they're also a very nice couple as well. I also asked about moving into the place that they've been living for the past year or so, but probably also couldn't afford to pay for whatever the utilities would cost to heat and cool the place (with it being so huge a building).

Plus the entire building also only has 2 small windows, a front door, a PULL UP GARAGE door, and 2 big doors on the side. So it would probably also be pretty dark inside (which could also run up one's electric bill with needing to keep lights on all of the time).

Plus there's also a BAR near by that has live bands and plays the music too loud (which is also why they called the cops to complain). So being woke up or kept awake by loud music probably also wouldn't be very much fun either.

Hope your new neighbors who end up moving in next door to you will be also be nice people.



Hope your new neighbors who end up moving in next door to you will be also be nice people.

I sure hope so. The current Mr & Mrs Neighbor made this a great place to be. I moved to this town knowing no one. Neighbors make all the difference.


Keeping fingers crossed for you that the new neighbors turn out to be as nice as the former residents !!!

Also be sure to keep us updated as things progress along towards the sale of the house!!!



There was another stream of folks coming through today, it wasn't nearly as many as yesterday. I knew Mr & Mrs Neighbor were going to meet with their agent when they got home this evening. They got 15 offers on the house! They've sold it for more than the asking price to a single woman. That's all I know.


How long does it usually take for the paper work to be processed before she'll be able to move in???

Hopefully she'll either have or know someone else with some handyman skills !!!



Closing is set for the end of June. Who knows? The buyer may be handy herself.

Another single gal who lives a couple of houses up my block has remodeled almost every inch of her house, on her own. She's got amazing skills.


Fruitcake city.



That's pretty common where I live, whenever someone puts their house on the market. Houses are highly sought-after in CA (despite its reputation). I remember seeing our current home during an Open House, when there were people all over the place, walking around and looking at the gloriously tacky collection of knick-knacks the owners had. We actually had to compete by presenting different housing prices! We had to outbid at least 2 other buyers to get this house!


Doesn't surprise me. My son and I bought a fixer-upper 4 years ago. He lived in it while it was renovated and we put it on the market back in January. It was a stunning renovation and we sold it with only a virtual walk though before it even hit the market for $10k over the asking price and if we had held out we probably could have had a bidding war.

Nice houses and good buys aren't lasting long.


A very short time ago I talked to the agent for Mr & Mrs Neighbor's house. Five offers so far. And more showings tomorrow. Their house is in great shape and shows really well, so I won't be surprised if they have even more offers.


That's a nice position to be in as a seller.


It is. The agent "promised" she'd find me a good new neighbor. 😜


Did you "sneak a peak" and check out any of the people who came to look at the house???

If so, what's your impression of those who showed up???

Did you also see 24 people arrive today???

Be sure to try and check out some of those who arrive tomorrow and give us updates on your impressions of them!!!



I didn't see all 24 groups today because I left for a while. I admit that a few didn't look like they'd appreciate the steps in the house (they were older than I am). Beyond that, who knows?


They could always get one of those electronic chairs that you see advertised on commercials as a way to deal with the stairs.

And If the older folks buy it, Hopefully you don't also have any teens who like to play loud music???

Because based upon the other older couple in their 70's (who called the cops about the loud music coming from the bar), and upon another neighbor near me who is in her mid 60's (who also did the same thing), that might also end up being an issue for you???



I think it would be nearly impossible to install a "lift" on the stairs in that house because the staircases are too narrow, but what do I know?


Maybe so ... but it also looks like the LIFT chair can fold down whenever it's not in use???

And maybe they also have a variety of different sized models as well that can fit on a variety of different sized stairs???

Or maybe even a model where you would STAND on a small platform rather than sit inside of a LIFT chair (so it would work more like an elevator)???

They also have a lift chair for stairs located outside of the house as well (which also seems odd with the chair being an ELECTRIC chair).


Like I said, what do I know? I suppose if the chair is foldable, it might work.


If not, and IF they have enough money, then maybe they might also be able to afford to install an elevator???

How many square feet is the place???

How many bedrooms does it have???


It's about 1600 sq ft, with 2 bedrooms (the current owners opened up a previous bedroom and made it into a den area). There's enough space to create a third bedroom if needed. Mr & Mrs Neighbor thought the 2 bedrooms would be a big drawback when selling, but like I said, there's space to make a third. I don't see how anyone would fit an elevator into the house. It's an old home, built in the 1920s.


Found this site where the elevator looks like a closet:



It's already 100 years old???

That's impressive that it's still is good enough shape to sell it.

Wonder if the pipes and electrical system in it have been replaced???

If not, then someone could also be in for expensive repair bills at some point.


Mr Neighbor is an excellent handyman and has spent the past 20 years upgrading the property, so any buyer will be lucky to get it. Mr Neighbor has helped me with several upgrades to my house that is the same age.


Sounds like you've been very lucky to have had him for a neighbor!!!

Hopefully whoever replaces him will also have some handyman skills as well !!!



I have been very lucky. They've been a real godsend. Mrs Neighbor was nearly a friend before I even met her! I moved myself (no moving company) and my brother, driving the rental truck, arrived at this house while I was still at the closing. Mrs Neighbor had a key to my house and let him in so he could start unloading before I even got here.
