MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do unnecessary sound effects bug you?

Do unnecessary sound effects bug you?

Sometimes the foley crew go too far.

Like computers buzzing and clicking as they process information.

My computer has never done that.

But most annoying is when they add sounds that don't exist.

In Terminator Dark Fate, a fly is cut in two and falls on a dining table. Both parts of the fly make a sound as it touches the table.

Perhaps half a fly hitting a table would technically make a sound, but humans wouldn't be able to hear it.


Usually when it's gunshot noises.


Firearms are incredibly loud
It's always a 'WTH' moment when some guy shoots another guy in a car or small shop and nobody seems momentarily deafened or shaken up at all

Shotguns and large caliber hunting rifles are particularly deafening but in movies they all sound like BB Guns


I was once with a couple buddies and one of their dogs when we were out in the woods and they decided to let the ol' 57 magnum roar (isn't that the Dirty Hairy model?). Took at least a half an hour to get the dog out of hiding in the woods, and frankly, I agreed with the dog. Leave me out of this kind of entertainment.


The Dirty Harry revolver was a Smith and Wesson model 29 .44 Magnum

I don't own one and likely never will as I think it's a bit overpowered
I've seen big dudes at the gun range unable to handle the kick

I've yet to fire one though, I don't know anybody who has one


Been a while since this particular day and since I don't have an affinity for guns, I don't recall the particulars, but the original point, which you made, is Guns Are Loud, and I was appalled at how freeking loud that report was.


Firearms are good but very loud


Me and the dog agree, they are very loud, haha.


It's not the loudness, it's the sound itself. It actually does the "pew pew" sound.


One movie I recall having more realistic gunshot sound was Traffic (2000).

I think in typical movies gunshot sound has too much bass. In Traffic it was not bassy just loud af.

And if played loud enough, from the kitchen it sounds very close like as if there were real shootings around the house. So I understand why filmmakers choose to use unrealistic gunshot sound. I think it's deliberate.


One of my favourite movies.


Laugh tracks on sitcoms causes me to avoid them at all costs.


Some of those old sitcoms from the 1960s were unbearable. The same limited laugh sound clips over and over and over.


Agree - I don't need any reminders to laugh. The absence of a laugh track is one of the reasons I like Young Sheldon so much.


I can tell by that statement your taste in comedy is so refined.


Are you being sarcastic?


I mean, if you have to ask.


I never make assumptions. Really not sure what refined comedy is - do you mean sophisticated?


You never make assumptions? Flat out lie , we all do, but it's a turn of phrase so I'll let it slide. I just thought it was funny that out of all the comedy's you could use to prove a point, you choose Young Sheldon. It doesn't have a laugh track, true. But it's pretty pedestrian.


I don't make assumptions on message boards about the tone of a post when the meaning isn't clear to me. Perhaps you meant something else - I asked to avoid confusion.

I happen to like Young Sheldon - it makes me laugh and isn't that the point of comedy? And one of the reasons I like it is because it doesn't have a laugh track - it was the first thing that came to my mind.


Yeah bro. My bad. I read back what I wrote and I definitely come of looking like the cunt. to tell you the truth I like tonnes of comedy's that would be considered kinda shit. I apologise for my attitude, I've had a couple beers, it tends to make me a bit fiesty.


Absolutely NP.


Sheeyit, dude. I'm a fairly affable person but sometimes I'll get a response notification and I'll wonder what the hell did I post last night?


The laughs on Seinfeld are real and fake mixed together. Sometimes they sounded too real with one particular laugh punching through too much. I was like "that guy thinks this is hilarious".


Like, even in a NON parody or NON comedy, when the character is pulling out a small knife from a sheath and you hear a chingggggg like its a 4 foot sword. I love that.

Or when a cowboy is in a desert and the first sound is a bird off in the distance. Usually the exact sound as the last cowboy movie. Damn, buy another bird sound.


And tire screeching noise even on dirt surface lol.




Yes, (to echo another) indeed.
I've seen SO MANY scenes where tires screech in the sand, in the mud, in the snow, in your mind.
It's funny how the director feels it necessary to include a SCREECH any time a car is involved.


The same sounds of gunshots and the accompanying bullets ricocheting off objects were used in practically every old Western.


I love the bullet ricochet sound too LOL.


To digress, I actually like the effects when they hit the rock or the window sill and leave evidence of a bullet strike.
Not that it's difficult, but they went to the effort to make that part of the wood (or whatever) explode and leave a mark.
Rudimentary artistry.


I loved the ricocheting bullets in Blood Diamond (2006). It makes the scene look super dangerous. Feels like you can't really hide safely, any piece of debris and random delfected bullets can hurt you at any time.


loud music and you can't hear the dialogue.


I will agree about laugh tracks. A lot of my favorite sitcoms have them. Sometimes the laugh track goes on a little too long. I would not mind one without the laugh tracks.


They often sound too generic, but then again, if it's some cackling hyena every go around, that's fake too.


Only if they're unnecessarily loud. If you can barely hear speech over them, or they're loud like a jump scare but aren't a jump scare or comedic in any way, then they bother me.


But on the other hand, I also dislike the overly loud and clear dialogs in old movies. Sounds like they were on a stage talking to microphones. Really destroys the immersion.


I think that's more because it seems fake rather than because it's too clear. If scene-placed noises sometimes interfere with dialogue, that makes more sense, but if it's constant, that seems equally fake.


This happens a lot. I've always had very good hearing, so even average sounds in movies bug me. Any scraping, excessive bells or tumbling noises grate on my ears.


The same overdone metal sound effects replayed whenever a sword is unsheathed! Like it's being pulled out at an angle to grind the metal against the scabbard.
