MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > how about a like button... and even bett...

how about a like button... and even better, react buttons, with thumbs up, smileys etc

come on, would be great for moviechat. let the posters know that other folks are reading your comments

moviechat boss, can you hook us up?


No these things are annoy and then is just people always having to press like buttons, it become like a Facebook.

I think forum is better where you have to reply in words to this person, like I am replying now, instead of just press one button.

But they should fix the format on mobile where you cannot have long conversation because text falls off screen onto the floor






We need a dislike button so we can dislike all your garbage posts.


We need a dislike button so we can dislike your face.

The internet record for most dislikes will definitely be broken.


Everyone loves my face. I remind people of a baby monkey and everyone loves baby monkeys. What does your face look like? Are you too ashamed to show it?


Don't worry. We all think you're sexy.


Thank you.


That would just make lazy people (like myself) even lazier with replies!

I'd much prefer a forum search option, smileys would be fine but you can add them with browser extensions.




Sometimes though you want to acknowledge the person's post but don't really have anything to add to it. I do agree they can be abused though as per people creating sock accounts just to up vote themselves or down vote others.


Yeah, I'd imagine It would get abused in the politics forum mostly, that place where they scream at each other.


This would cause an explosion of sock accounts for the purposes of spoofing the thumb count.


Emojis would be great, but they're never going to happen on this rickety old 20th Century web site.



Here's a neat idea: how about expressing a response in words rather than hieroglyphics?


Lots of things could be added but it won't happen. Absentee Admin.
