MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How did you cope and survive 2020?

How did you cope and survive 2020?

How did you cope with the changes and burden caused by Covid-19 while still being safe and taking precarious.

-I took trips to the park to go bike riding, excerise, picnic, walk my dogs, and sit in front of a duck lake with my mom and boyfriend all while wearing masks.

- I took like 3 trips to the beach to walk around, enjoy the sound of the ocean, and relax. I went early to avoid large crowds and wore masks.

- I walked my dogs around my neighborhood for like 20-30 mins.

-I worked from home.

-I spent March/April watching Netflix, Hulu, movies on TV, working out at home, and doing Art projects. Since beaches and parks were closed at the time.

- I also included healthier meals and nutrients in my diet to boost my immune system.


Better than most.

I am truly grateful and blessed that my life was hardly affected at all.


Amen! Me too.


Glad to hear it 👍


Same here. Other than wearing a mask in public, social distancing and not eating out anymore, not much has changed for me.

My wife did get it though, and those few weeks were stressful.


Sorry to hear that. How is she? It’s crazy how it affects people in different ways.


Her symptoms were cough, tired and achy for a couple of weeks, and that was just before Thanksgiving. It’s weird because now she is having persistent brain fog as an after effect.


Let’s hope she makes a full recovery🤞

Although I’ll never know, I’m sure I had it February 1st. Fatigued, balance shot, nauseous - ill in a way I’d never been ill before. Lasted exactly 1 week.


I literally survived covid because I had it and ended up in the covid ward at my hospital due to my worsening condition. Thankfully it never progressed past shortness of breath and I never needed a ventilator. Hopefully no long term damage to my body, although I am a 'long hauler' with a few lingering symptoms such as joint aches.


Have faith, hopefully those lingering symptoms go away within a few months.


I feel I'm getting closer. It does ebb and flow, but I've stopped having to ice my feet due to the pain. So that's a big step forward...literally!


Good to know! Happy holidays😎


You think I'd crumble?
You think I'd lay down and die?

Oh no, not I, I will survive
Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
I will survive, hey, hey


That's truly inspiring
I had no idea you were a writer


Hey I like disco.


Nothing wrong with disco:)


I have a sudden urge to roller skate.


I'd join you but I'd break my neck...never got the hang of it


We’ve still got a few days to go!


I have no complaints though I do miss the big gatherings of friends and family

Otherwise all is well here

You are wise to keep active and healthy, I know several people who are climbing the walls right now with all of this business (my poor boss is losing her grip and I'm concerned about two very close friends...a lot of people are having a hard time right now)


my life barely changed. on a personal level, it probably slightly improved, really. most people in my organization chose to work from home, and as one of the few who've regularly come in, i've taken on more responsibility and worked a few more hours, so i've had a decent year that way. & i've become a bit more disciplined in my grocery purchasing & i've had excuses to get out of certain family get-togethers that i generally find unpleasant.

obviously i don't put my slightly better life ahead of a lot of deaths & sickness, but 2020 hasn't put any onerous burdens on me.

i don't really miss most of the things that i used to do. i used to get out to theatres at least twice a month, but not doing that hasn't really left much of a hole, and if they never come back (i think they will, but who knows really) i probably won't miss the experience that much.

the only thing i really truly miss is filling my arteries with death at the indian buffet down the street every two weeks. the day that buffet comes back, i am going to be there every day for a week.


VODKA ! 🍸🍹


When we were actually not allowed anywhere in the summer, before Support Bubbles were brought in so I was on my own 24/7 for about 10 weeks, I installed tiktok and it saved my sanity. It's not all dancing and stupid pranks. Whatever you're interested in, there is content for it. My favourite videos are indigenous people educating us about their lives, Car crashes, and vintage clips from black and white times. Oh, and all the cat videos of course 😸
