MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you try to maintain a tan?

Do you try to maintain a tan?

I live in a costal city, if you don't have a tan you look like an out of towner.


I live on the ocean as well and love basking in the sun. I did a lot of fishing this year, so I unfortunately have a racoon tan from my sunglasses. Seasons over now and the cold is on its way.


Fishing means sun reflecting off the water, a hat won't stop the racoon tan lol.


I work outside so I’ve had a tan for longer than I can remember.


Same here. My tan just takes care of itself.


I gave up decades ago.

I'm very fair-skinned, and I burn and don't tan. I said "fuck it" to sunbathing in my twenties.


I'm fair skinned but after a month of regularly sitting out I can build up to being fairly brown.

I'm doing it extra now to fight off my post-covid headaches and the vitamin D is helping.


I don't know why so many caucasians want to do away with their white skin by getting a tan. In the old days it was regarded as being healthy but then they didn't know any better.


Well, Asians usually like to get whiter skin (in the old times, it's regarded as a sign of wealth,) they also love to color their hair. It's the grass is greener on the other side thing.


No, I'm likely to burn


Hey Sweet Cakes, of all subjects to run across at this time in my life. I’m on my bi-annual trip to Florida, my home state, from Mississippi. Getting a tan...burning your skin while soaking up those rays. Being a Florida gal I’ve been sun-burned many time especially when enjoying what I was imbibing from my red Solo cups. 🥤🥤🥤🥤🥴

My husband enjoyed the sun also, not basking in it, but surf fishing all his life. He always wore a cap, didn’t lucky he was. I say was...because he died in June from the skin cancer which began on his head. Right now he’s in a box on the floorboard of my truck. I’m finally taking him home to Kissimmee, Florida where he was born and raised. When we crossed into Florida I looked down and told him “You’re almost home where you can finally rest.” Home to the state and city he loved pre-Disney. He loved to fish, so I plan to disperse him over the lake in which he fished and swam...small town boy. He will be at peace.

I haven’t let loose yet, but I came close driving the miles alone, and reflecting on years past. We were married for almost 58 years. He died a pitiful broken man, but memories of him when I met him came back to me. I could remember how he looked 58 years ago as if it was yesterday. He was young again, strong, virile who had a smile which melted me. I choked up, tears were finally going to come, but I yelled “Not now, Lord! I’m driving! Later dear Lord, later...”


That's a terrible experience K and I'm very sorry for your loss
There are no good words at a time like this

Your plan is a great one and sounds like it would please him very much
Take care on the roads, enjoy your home grounds and know that you are loved sweetie😙


Thanks much. Your thoughts were appreciated. It was all I could do to continue to hold it in while I was posting. I’ve been flying home for the past 18 months, but I needed to get him home. I don’t drive it in one day any longer. It may be silly to some, but my age is catching up so I stop half way and stay at the Holiday Inn Express. I’m not as stressed attempting to get an early start. Besides I lose an hour going from CDT to EDT. Orlando is so built up now and I don’t want to drive at night. Years ago I knew the area like the back of my hand. I made the best time I’ve ever done...300 miles in 4 hours!

I did buy myself a new firearm...a Ruger LCR .22 Mag. I sold all of his and my three. I don’t have the strength to chamber using a slide. This one is a light weight revolver...still larger than I wanted. I’m planning on having a Crimson-Trace laser installed.


That's impressive time!

Nice piece, I never fired a .22 Magnum but I checked out a couple of Youtube videos
Is the grip and trigger pull to your liking?


I did some dry firing and it seemed OK...about 7 lbs. Not too sure about the grip until I fire it. I traded in my North American Arms Pug .22 Magnum. This Ruger LCR is still larger than what I wanted, but it’s not as heavy as a Smith and Wesson. The titanium makes it lighter. The manufacturers need to design a revolver between the Pug and this one... I would be a happy camper!


Nope - I've had all three types of skin cancer. It's been 16 years since I had a very early, non invasive melanoma removed and I will do all that is necessary to never have another one.

Fair skin is pretty.


That's terrible. May I ask what part of the world you live in?


I live in Ohio, but I'm an avid cruiser and for years I would go to the Caribbean and constantly be out in the sun. One time I got sun poisoning in Phoenix.

It all adds up.
