MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Which non-american actor can do the amer...

Which non-american actor can do the american accent best?

Christian Bale to me is perfect. I've never heard his British accent shine thorough. I find it weird hearing him speak with a British accent.

Colin Farrell also is perfect to my ears.

Tom Holland (Spider Man) is very good also. But because he's trying to sound younger than his years, it's a little unnatural sounding at times.

Hugh Jackman is good with soft speaking but when he yells I feel like his Australian accent slips through.


There are so many, maybe a generic American accent is easy to fake...

Andrew Lincoln/Sheriff Rick from The Walking Dead did a very good Southern American accent

Charlie Hunnam from Sons Of Anarchy on the other hand always seemed to struggle with it


Lol I was just gonna say I liked jax's American accent. Had kind of a mishmash of dialects that sounded really American to me.


I loved the show and thought Hunnam was great as Jax but when he got a bit 'shouty' you could hear him fighting with the 'murican accent


Yeah, his acting was eh, but he worked as jax. It was all about tig for me.


Agree on both counts.


Mia Wasikowska ( Australian ) was very good in ' In Treatment ' (2008) but as you say when she got loud her American accent would slip a little back to Australian. Eliza Scanlen ( Australian ) sounded perfect to me in ' Sharp Objects ' (2018) but I don't recall her getting loud.

Damian Lewis ( English ) also sounded perfect to me in ' Band of Brothers ' (2001).


Ryan Reynolds. You can't notice his Canadian accent at all.

Seriously though, I would say Danielle MacDonald. I had no idea she was Australian.

Charlie Cox, Toni Collette, and Hugh Laurie are pretty good at American accents as well.


Which American accent are you referring to?
After all, we've got New York City accents, Boston accents, Southern accents, Chicago accents, etc., etc., etc.

That being said, I was quite impressed with Jude Law in the film Genius (2016), where he played author Thomas Wolfe, who was from Asheville, North Carolina.
Oh yeah, Colin Firth played New York publisher Max Perkins in the same film, and he was excellent as well.
Ditto for Guy Pearce and Dominic West.
Pearce played author F. Scott Fitzgerald in Genius and West played Ernest Hemingway.


I like jude law. I haven't seen genius, but I need to give it a viewing.


Tim Roth.


Bob Hoskins and John Mahoney were great examples.


Andrew Lincoln and Carey Elwes seem good at it.


Gary Oldman. /thread
