MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's your favorite gun?

What's your favorite gun?

Name and describe your favorite firearm.
You don't have to own it or even fired a weapon at all.
Anything with a chemical reaction propelling a projectile is fair game.

Mine is my Mossberg M590a1.
12ga pump shotgun. Only shotgun to pass US Armed Forces mil specs.


I own a Beretta 92FS with a 15 round magazine.

I got it back on my 21st birthday in the '90s after seeing Mel Gibson completely open that thing up against the helicopter in Lethal Weapon. I had to have it.


That’s the scene that I always think of from that movie too.


I have the M9. Same gun, issued to military. It's truly a work of art.


How do you feel about the new military sidearm? I've never handled a Sig, but have only heard good things about them.


I haven't paid much attention. The reviews are great. These days it's hard to go wrong even with the cheapest firearms.


I guess the kind that doesn't kill anyone?


So you like them all.


So you mean that if I pull back my index finger, I can kill people??? I don't even need a gun for that? Wow, thanks, man!


Guns don't kill people. You know that.


No, like you said, I can just pull back my index finger and kill people. I'm gonna go out tomorrow and give it a try!

In the meantime I'm going to cut up the steak I'm having for dinner with my AK-47. Because, you know, that's what it's intended for.


It would be just as easy to bash your brains in with a rock. Or strangle you until the capillaries burst in your eyes. Or drive the bridge of your nose into your skull. It would be easier and simpler just to snap your hyoid bone and watch you slowly asphyxiate.
Recognize the common theme? Every one is a person brutally murdering you.
And using the most original means known to mankind - their bare hands. No mechanical means necessary! Imagine that.
You know just like everyone else on the entire planet that a firearm without a human is a damn paper weight.

But let's talk about the only important issue here. Everyone on this post, including and especially the folks who can't, don't, won't own or fire a weapon, of any kind, has been having entertaining or at least civil conversations. Generally having a good time.

Then there's you. You're like a having a cold bucket of vomit dumped on you midstroke. The only one to come on here and immediately act like an ass and open up with some pathetically obvious ignorance.
You don't like it, I don't care. You know exactly where that Ignore Button can be found.
Please please PLEASE put me on that list.


Because guns are to be found in nature, right??? You know just like everyone else on the entire planet that a firearm is designed to kill or at least cause harm. That's the point.

Look in the mirror, buddy. I just made a comment that I'm not a fan of guns. It's not a mortal sin and there was nothing uncivil about what I said. You were the one who responded with a childish, intentionally obtuse remark. And look at the vitriol you're spewing right now. You're an embarrassment to every gunlover.

If you can't stand hearing a different opinion, then YOU should use that Ignore Button.


Wah. Cry a little more. Poor baby.


But let's talk about the only important issue here. Everyone on this post, including and especially the folks who can't, don't, won't own or fire a weapon, of any kind, has been having entertaining or at least civil conversations. Generally having a good time.

Then there's you. You're like a having a cold bucket of vomit dumped on you midstroke. The only one to come on here and immediately act like an ass and open up with some pathetically obvious ignorance. 
You don't like it, I don't care. You know exactly where that Ignore Button can be found.
Please please PLEASE put me on that list.

I'm not the one crying here, buddy.😐


Are you still talking, garbage?


I think you need a diaper change...


You're so easy... in so many ways.


Why, thank you for the compliment!


Anytime, bucket of cold vomit.


My Lord, that escalated quickly!

May I suggest pistols at 20 paces?

Maybe not.


Butter knives at 40 yards perhaps?

Stratego is a legend and Cruz is very cool

Let's not fight right now my peeps


L1A1 (SLR), King of the rifles.


Great pick ;)


wow! 155 posts in 2 days , This threads really brought the gun nuts out!
I mean that in a nice way .

p.s. mines the UZI, but only cos its easy to handle in "Warface" (a video game)


The US has at Least as many firearms as citizens. Yeah, they're popular.
But it brings out the idiots, too. Finally had to bar stratego.


I'd like to um, explain something foolish that I did yesterday. We've all been (those of us who responded to this post) having good, friendly conversations about personal weapons, fantasy firearms, wish lists, etc and I've done my best to stress care and responsibility, recommend types and ammo for particular situations, body types and such. Safety is SO important. Overall it's been a good time.
I was surprised that it took so long for a detractor to speak up, but I was prepared to attempt to educate and pacify whoever it happened to be. Without losing my cool. Anyone who's familiar with me knows that if I feel I've been insulted I will push back. Hard if need be.
Yesterday I had a detractor. This person had no intention of joining the conversation or being civil about their opinions. The post was immediately sarcastic and rude. This is normal behavior for this person, they enjoy insulting others and seem to get some kind of charge from it.
This is the same person, of two, that decided it would be just fantastic to see me go completely off the deep end when I first started posting on MC. I apologized profusely to both, along with everyone who had the misfortune of being subjected to that stupidity.
This one, apparently, accepted my apology. The other, after a longer and even more sincere apology continued to be an asshole and he doesn't get to talk to me anymore. Good riddance.

Yesterday Stratego joined two others on my "Fuck You List".
Good riddance to that garbage, too.

I'm sure these folks have friends here, I'm sorry to have bruised any feelings. I tried to be civil. It doesn't always work, I freely admit, because I can be an ass and I can have my feelings hurt too.
But I honestly tried.


P.S. - The foolishness I'm referring to is the fact that I engaged in mutual back and forth.
I feel dumber for having done that.


Did I touch a sore spot?


You're part of "the garbage" on here, always have been. Stratego just fell for your phony apologies, decided to give you another chance, much to her detriment as we now see. This is why I nipped it in the bud with you from the very beginning.


Gatling gun.


Like from the Civil War or the latest rendition?
I think they're both beautiful.


Both of them.


The GE models shown mounted in choppers are amazing!


Small plastic water gun. The cheap ones that came in neon colors.

My friends and I used to spray our water guns at each other during mock battles during the summer.

Best of all, if we became thirsty, a nice cool ready gulp of water was handy.
