MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why is this girl being silenced?

I don't think the reason why is any secret. 1984.


The anti Greta I like it.

Ever noticed that conservative women are better looking and more pleasant than Socialist women?


Yes, I'm sure the Nazis had more babes than the Jews and Poles, etc.
Cheap and shallow broads will look for refuge wherever they can while smart people with integrity will stake out their own claim.


Comparing conservatives with Nazis??? How do you come up with this idiotic stuff???


By believing people like Greta.


I have to say, I like all of these activist kids, it's good to give them some attention

Opinions may vary but at least we could hear them all out


We can't ๐Ÿ™„


I think it's good to hear these kids out, listen to what they all say, even if they are dummies which most kids are

America was built on protest, the natural born right to yell and break windows and beat the hell out of Redcoats...And be free๐Ÿ‘

I do applaud the activism even if I disagree with the message from these girls


she speak english?



Well at least there are reputable, unbiased news organisations like DC Dirty Laundry to help promote her agenda.

Hopefully one day she can be as hated as Greta is.


Easy, she pushes traditional values, which are the kryptonite of globalists.


There's a big difference between being silenced, and not being publicized.

The latter is a billion times more common.
