MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 🕷️ Early Halloween spider scare

🕷️ Early Halloween spider scare

Following my morning shower, already dressed, I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror doing my hair. As I looked in the mirror I suddenly noticed a good-sized spider descending slowly down his silken thread - just a few inches from landing on my left shoulder.

No, I didn't

But I did
And immediately stepped back out of range.

I quickly decided that the best plan was to wait until he descended lower, and then I gently blew the spider over the sink. He swung back a bit but kept descending, and I kept blowing until I got him to land in the sink. At first I thought I'd missed because I lost sight of him, (NOOoo!) but then found him crawling down from around the faucet base and into the sink. Busted and drowned down the drain.

GE 1
Spider 0



That spider probably thought the day was going to be great when you started blowing him.


GE is a sweet Lady
Let's treat her that way, huh?


Sorry, didn't mean to come across as offensive. The wording of the post just brought an amusing image to mind. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended.


I have a family of spiders living in my car. Every morning I find a few spider threads on my dash. I’ll be driving down the freeway and a tiny white baby spider will come down on a thread from my sun visor. I’ve killed five so far. They are still tiny but I will freak out if full grown spiders start appearing.


I have found a spider in my car a time or two. Nah, they don't belong there, either. I don't want any bugs in my car. Talk about distracted driving!


I don't mind finding a spider in my house. These ones don't bite here and they catch other bugs.

That being said, when they descend on you, that's just not right! Super creepy!


That's one reason I don't freak out so much over them - they keep the other bug population down. But I do draw the line at them dropping down on me. Eeek. I prefer they stay in the cellar, not join me in the bathroom, or bedroom, or kitchen, or living room, or dining room, or...


I've had some close calls with these critters


I swear I would lose my mind if this happened to me.


I've discovered a couple in my bed before, a place where people are often bitten because they're nocturnal. Once, it was a live one crawling on me in the middle of the night. I somehow just woke up before feeling it. The second time, I discovered a dead one in my bedding shortly after waking. After that encounter, I told a Christian coworker later the same day that I felt a sense of "divine protection".


While I do kill spiders, agreed that they are far less offensive than insects and bugs. They have no interest in getting into human food.


Uh, is it possible that was a spider from Mars?


I kinda, sorta doubt that he was from Mars. If he was, he came a long way just to be washed away. Although maybe he thought he was off to a river cruise or something.


I couldn't help but think of this clip lol


I either pick them up by one of their legs, which normally makes them go all limp like an insideout umbrella or I'll use a spider catcher like this and then I'll let my daughter release it into the garden.
