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you like star wars?

I loved the original, in highschool they were back in theaters, i'm not super crazy but i had toys and stuff as a kid

didn't love the prequels as much but the visuals were really nice but after the new disney episodes i enjoy them a ton more

and now to current date: disney star wars , i liked the solo movie though it did not make money they wanted

the force awakens was a rip off but i got enjoyment from it but realize it was nothing new
the last jedi was a horrible mess that i did not enjoy


Yes, I'm enjoying them
Solo was a letdown but I'll rewatch it some time

Rogue One was excellent


i never gave rogue one a chance but seen scenes of that robot on youtube and it looked cool,
i liked the actors in solo, emilia clark and woody Harralson , (crap i just forgot his name for a sec)


I appreciated Rogue One in that it laid down the espionage and war scenes pretty heavily...there were casualties and it all felt realistic in terms of the themes the characters were experiencing


Did you enjoy the Holiday Special?


when was this? i have a crappy download of star wars Christmas but the image is really blurry


I only like the OT as released in theater (or at least close to it). That's why I prefer to watch Harmy's Despecialized Edition. I actually went to see Phantom Menace in theater, but I have no interest in the prequels or sequels.




Of course I liked the original 3. Years later when the next 3 came out...disappointing but not horrible IMO. But I lost interest after that. It's for children now IMO.


Well, I know I watched the original trilogy with my older siblings when I was a kid.
Then I saw "Phantom Menace" at the cinema and went to an exhibition at my town's local museum.
However, it is not my favorite movie franchise.
And I don't think I care about ever seeing the new installments at all.


The most recent 2 I didn't enjoy at all , they felt rushed and I'd stopped caring about the characters. But 'The force awakens' I really enjoyed , the first scene with kylo ren is excellent in my opinion , he exudes menace !!. I feel like the correct amount of time and thought went into that one , but the following movies felt rushed


I've since rewatched Solo and liked it a bit more but it's still not great imo

Rogue One is the best of any after the OT for me after several rewatches, that movie is awesome!


this is funny


That nerdy guy came so close to insider info but he was too busy being nerdy😂


I believe it's a deep fake, but it's still very funny.


Upon a second watch you may be right

These deep fakes!! I don't know what to believe anymore but it's very impressive tech😁


I stand corrected. It's NOT a deep fake!

I figured the best way to know for sure was to find the original film. Done!

It's called "Nuclear Waste: Fission Products & Transuranics" and is part of a series called TH. Scroll down to the 8th film and George appears around 13:30.

It's still LOL!


Nice detective work Keelai👍


Give them time, Disney will someday make a movie about this!

Where did George go? What was he up to? Is the bald guy Lando's pal from Empire?
So many unanswered questions!


Never even seen the first one. I don't understand all the hoopla.


In a galaxy far, far away Kevin Bacon teaches the Hobbits the joys of dance and music again
