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Student refuses to pay for date's meal after she ordered lobster and a $90 bottle of wine.

What a role-model this young man is; men need to start wising up to this behavior, and be strong and empowered. Such entitlement is almost like "sexual harassment". Hopefully, he found a nice young woman with no manipulation agenda:
A user on Reddit shared a text exchange with a woman he dated.
She was not interested in a second date because he refused to pay for her meal the first time.
This was because she ordered the lobster and expensive wine while he only had pasta and a beer.
As a result, she called him "rude" and said he "must be gay."
Users commenting on the post think he did the right thing.
There are certain red flags you can pick up on a first date that show someone might not be a good fit for you. Demanding you pay over $100 for their meal might be one of them.

Reddit user CuteBananaMuffin experienced this on a date with a woman, which he shared in a post two days ago on the subreddit r/ChoosingBeggars. He titled the post "Well... There goes the 'friendship' with her."

The thread consists of the text exchange between the reddit user and his date, after the first time they met. He sent her a message asking her if she wanted to go out again, and received the response "After what you did last time you expect me to go out with you again? Wow."

Confused, the reddit user asked what he did wrong, and she responded that she had to pay for her own food and drink.

The man explained that while he only had a bowl of pasta and a beer, his date had ordered the lobster and and €80 ($90) bottle of wine, totaling €110 ($126), while his meal only cost €17.50 ($20).

"And you were expecting me to pay for that? I'm a student not your sugar daddy," he added.

"Wow you are so rude!!!!" the date responded. "I'm never going out with you ever again, if you can't pay for a girl's food then why accepting the invite?"

She went on to add that "gentleman always pay for girls' food."

Then she accused him of only wanting to have sex with her, to which he replied of course he did, but realized "I might not have €20 for that."

The Reddit user told Bored Panda that he usually pays the whole bill on a date, but as a student, €110 euros was far too much for his budget, as he works 60 hours a week to pay for food and books.

"The date was fun at first until she started talking about another guy and how much she liked him, but I thought 'let's eat, talk and leave' since she's into another guy, and it all crumbled when it came to the bill," he went on. "She was shocked that I let her pay. She didn't say anything at the time, but from her facial expression I realized she was furious."

In the comments below, one user said: "Anyone that expects that royalty treatment is not someone you want in your life. Good move." Another said the exchange gives "women a bad name."

"Lobster!!" exclaimed another user. "Would loved to have seen her face when the bill arrived and you said lets pay for our own food. She tried a fast one there."

RELATED VIDEO: Modern Dating Etiquette "By Two Old People" [Provided by Southern Living]

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Great story !!


So, he was trying to teach her a lesson because she agreed to split the bill and reneged, or that only he assumed they were paying 50-50 from the start? The article seems sketchy on that matter. But, the point is that these women really have been taught to feel so blatantly entitled; other men have likely paid for whatever she ordered


She was straight be trippin


I'm glad there was no internet back in the 80s. I never would have gotten married.


How come,Hownos?


Because of your post. One bad date could ruin a guy's or gal's reputation.


That's what I figured you meant, but wasn't sure, Yes, the internet and cell-cameras makes the world an eavesdropper and witness to whatever you do.


She's a definite manipulator, he did the right thing.

But hey, at least she didn't do something like dropping a date rape drug into his drink.

One person not long ago saw a guy dose a girl's drink at a bar or restaurant while she was in the bathroom, and put a stop to it.

Have you ever posted one of those stories? Asking for a friend.


I'm glad the guy didn't pay for her. But please explain how this is akin to sexual harassment. We also don't see any of the conversation that they had during the meal or why she thought he was paying. I'm not saying that she isn't entitled, she sounds high maintenance, but you do go on to say that

the point is that these women really have been taught to feel so blatantly entitled; other men have likely paid for whatever she ordered

What about all the men that feel entitled to have sex after paying for someone's meal? This didn't have to be a gender bashing post. Just a bad date with perhaps a not so nice individual.


You say gender-bashing, except men don't expect a woman to pay for their dinner, or other items.. This is not really an isolated bad date; many dates likely experience this. I agree we don't see any of the conversation beforehand in order to get the whole picture, which I mentioned.

It's akin to sexual-harassment (or abuse), since these days almost everything a man does or says is twisted into sexual harassment, but women get a free pass for doing the same thing or have a double-standard. The particular woman in the article sounds like she thinks she was harassed (going by her remarks) for not having her entitled-food paid for.

Or, if it's not paying for her food, some woman would accuse a given man for touching! her during dinner when she did not allow him permission. That is how extreme it has become. A woman can have her hands all over a man ,during dinner or anywhere--but it's not interpreted as "offensive".

As for the sexual entitlement., unless a woman is naive, she likely knows the man has sex on his mind, but in that case, don't bother even accepting the invitation if she knows she will be uncomfortable when the eventual question pops up. Women have to turn down sex after dinner all the time, but they have learned how do it in a tactful way.

(Too bad we "need" to have so many gender-bashing posts against men, by the way)


I was just saying for this individual it was an isolated bad date which he took to the internet to shame her. I am not really in the dating world these days but any blanket generalization doesn't do anyone any good. There are a lot of men who are fine paying for dinner. There are also a lot of women that don't like a man to pay because of expectations.

I'm sorry, but I do not believe that the number of false accusations are that high. If men are so concerned about a women putting out a false accusation against them so maybe they shouldn't make the invitation.

On the other hand I do agree that there is a double standard with women touching men, and I do not think that it's okay. I wish more men would come forward and address these issues. But this is where generalizations and gender stereotypes and expectations do no one any good.


But generalizations are made for a reason; men pay for a women's dinner far more than he doesn't, whether he enjoys doing it or not.(unless customs have changed that much and I didn't know it) And I never said anything about false accusations in my reply. We may have had some miscommunication


I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it… beat her up so bad she ended up at a hospital on Guerrero Street.


I did not hit her. It's not true.


Oh hai, Mark!


I got a question for you. Do you think girls like to cheat like guys do?


You can love someone deep inside your heart, and there is nothing wrong with it. If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live.


Of course, girls cheat--but it's more often chalked up to being emotionally-distraught and needing companionship, while a man's cheating is because he's just sex-hungry.


Just wanted to bring it full circle. :)


You don't understand anything, man. Leave your stupid comments in your pocket!


Wake up, man, what planet are you on?


Anyway, how is your sex life?


Oh man, I just can't figure women out. Sometimes they're just too smart. Sometimes they're flat-out stupid. Other times they're just evil.


You know what they say, "Love is blind!"


People are people. Sometimes they just can't see their own faults.


I just wanted to hear your sexy voice. I keep thinking about your strong hands around my body. It excites m...wait, this is getting out of hand!!!😅


You're just a little chicken. Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep!

Lol. I'm going to have to go watch this just so I can stop quoting it.


God...forgive me.💥🔫


Stratego, are you sure you don’t work the phone numbers beginning with 900? We already know you wear red stilettos 👠👠, wear a black bustier, and crack a you own basement! 😏


Lol good for him. Good read.


"Men have been dealing with this bullshit for too long."


