MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weekend plans y'all?

Weekend plans y'all?

Im getting a saw table, two ladders and a small cellar freezer plus a random bunch of mechanic and yard tools from my Bro-in-Law...
He is moving the fam to Florida and told me to clean out the place...a favor to him and a gift to me!

Oddly enough i never really liked him but free tools are a sweet deal🔦🔨🔧

Sunday i will clean the bunny hutch and pull some weeds
Then its pool time🏊

Tell me about your weekend plans if you please;)


Watching YouTube videos, spending time here, playing video games and listening to Sigue Sigue Sputnik.


I dont know Sigue Sputnik...i will have to check them out
Have a good one dude👍


They're amazing!!!


If they are like that Snollebock band im running for the hills!


Almost as good!


You've never steered me wrong😁


Exactly! So go to iTunes and buy their debut album!


"Love Missile F1-11" and "21st Century Boy." The two songs to start with.

Holler back to tell me what you think when you hear them. They're definitely not bound to be everybody's cup of tea.


I will give them a look tonight

Are you the HodWatt guy on Youtube who makes the short films?
If so, good work and i quite admire your effort!
I have great respect for indies...


I am the guy on YouTube, yes. Thanks for the feedback!


How old are you 16 ??


19 now.


Good stuff!
Im going to watch more this week

I admire indy storytellers...very cool dude👍


Watching the world cup on internet, while enjoying some milk tea and homemade sandwich.
France vs Argentina. It will be brutal because I like both team. Can't wait...


Solid plan


I work today. After work, I will watch a movie. Haven't decided which one yet, likely something I own but haven't seen. Tomorrow is Canada Day. I will watch a couple movies and go to church. That is the extent of my plans.


Solid plans Allaby
Happy Canada Day🇨🇦


Hopefully do something fun for Canada Day tomorrow. Have no plans as of yet though....


No plan can often work out just fine!
Enjoy Canada Day;)


Thanks yes, I'm going to just go with the flow I guess and probably have some guests over. :) Enjoy your weekend as well!


So, tell me, Shogie, are the tools Craftsmen? As much as we try to love family, if they're toxic, they're not worth hanging around. Do you like to swim in real cold water? I swim froggy style, pushing off with the back legs.

I'm hoping to reorganize my book, movie, and TV collection. I've already moved in some new shelf space and cleaned my room. It seems like in order to clean a mess, you have to make another mess. (o_0) I'm still watching the World Cup with B, not really following the games but having fun being with B nonetheless. Been catching up on WWI and WWII YouTube videos too, scratching my historical war itch. A grandad of mine, Papa, contributed to the Allied war effort in Europe during the Second World War.


Hi Twin
Some are Craftsman but its really quite a hodge podge of varying brands...8 large storage bins of power tools and assorted materials...screwdrivers, paint, a sweet saw table, two step ladders, an enormous amount of hardware to sort through!
A brand new Axe! I needed old one is nearly worn out
Im not sure where to store some of the garden stuff...the barn and garage are filled to bursting already
I feel like i won the guy lottery today lol

Oh he was my least favorite of the brothers in law ive managed to wind up sure i was an ass to him once or twice so im not without some guilt!
He gifted me a ton of tools but i get the pleasure of tying up his loose ends, clearing the yard out and disposing of the furniture he left behind when he split...gonna be a busy week

Cold water...i dont mind it but George Costanza said it best...Shrinkage! LOL
Im an awful swimmer but i float real well

Sounds like a great weekend to-do list👍
I love the history shows...awesome stuff

Cheers TwinA🍻


Went theme park, weekend goes too fast.


I like theme parks but all of the rides make me queasy

Im more of a food court guy and i like the games...i rock at Skee Ball
Won plenty of stuffed animals at Skee Ball
That's my jam

Weekends are too fast!
5 days of work for 2 days of play has always struck me a a rip off:(

Oh well, Saturday night is just a few hours away!
Lets do this right Miss🍻


I like theme parks but I'm scared of the big rides.

We should work 2 days and have a 5 day weekend :)


Me too!
Uggh...when i was a kid i puked on that big spinny one...the Rotary i think it was called lol😆
Never again!!

If you are running for office with that plan consider me part of your cabinet...i'll be bodyguard, secretary AND driver!
Lets make it happen


I'm scared incase i fall off or have heart attack, maybe im overreacting.

I know good idea,but still be paid the same,lol.


This !

Been waitin' all day. Relief. Temps dropping, distant rumbles, ominous silence, all the portends. Bring it. Like Rusty Nail said, " Love a good rain.... washes everything clean. "


Joy Ride?
Good movie!

Hope its cooled off for you is sweltering here in NY!


Been savoring a nice cool breeze since early this morning. It dropped from 105 to 88 since I posted that.


Yes... Im Sorry
Got busy with family stuff and chores and ran out for a while
Im glad to hear that your temps are manageable though!


Nothing to apologize for. I'm aware you've got a busy week end.


🍻thx man

I like to respond in a timely manner...


Oh, I get it. That didn't bother me at all. I know it's not always a realistic expectation.


I'm gonna do a Saved by the Bell marathon tomorrow!


I should have figured this... You surprise me everytime lady!


I kinda imagine you being a sneaky prankster like Zack!😘


Oh not me!
Im super innocent and pretty sure thats why you like me😁


Well, that's disappointing! You better not show that side next Friday, WHIPPING!


Oh my!
What will we do if no whipping is involved!?!
Do you have a plan B cuz iv'e got all sorts of thoughts!


St. Elmo's Fire, of course. Success guaranteed!


Here we go again!
Fine...St Elmos Fire it is...
You do know that Schumacher's 'Falling Down' was a WAY better movie and if your'e going for Brat Pack you should go with The Breakfast Club every time...Jeez!
Dutch girls...why are they so hot and crazy!?!


Well, I did just discover a tv movie from 1990 featuring Rob Lowe and Jennifer Grey called "If the Shoe Fits". I haven't seen it yet, but it sounds absolutely fantabulous. You're game?


'fantabulous' sounds like us in a nutshell😍
Ive never won any of these games of ours but i just cant quit playing games with you
Count me in


As long as you love me and everybody rocks their body! I'll throw in some BSB for good measure.😘


I love you almost as much as you love me😛

Im pretty sure all of our MC peeps are constantly rocking their bodies...they really are the cool crowd dont 'cha know!

I have no idea what BSB is but if your'e bringing it i'll have a double and pour it on rocks for me sweetie😍


You're the one who keeps quoting the The Backstreet Boys!


Well, that makes sense because i was in that band...i was the cute guy you had dreams about

Your'e welcome!


I had dreams about ALL of them...getting it on with each other! Hot!


Again...your'e welcome!


She wanted me to scourge her over a brain fart, Shogun but I just can't go there.


Oh she is simply too much...a real pain in the neck

(and simply impossible to not love!)


She does have a barbed wit I find entertaining.


I'm also VERY bendy!😘


Now there's a mental image I can definitely foster.


She is one of our very best and thats saying something

She gives me hell constantly...
Love that crazy lady:)


Hell no! I give you HEAVEN and you know it!


Lucky me😳


