MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Weekend plans y'all?

Weekend plans y'all?

Im getting a saw table, two ladders and a small cellar freezer plus a random bunch of mechanic and yard tools from my Bro-in-Law...
He is moving the fam to Florida and told me to clean out the place...a favor to him and a gift to me!

Oddly enough i never really liked him but free tools are a sweet deal🔦🔨🔧

Sunday i will clean the bunny hutch and pull some weeds
Then its pool time🏊

Tell me about your weekend plans if you please;)


Beach, beer and hopefully some dog too.

Off to the tropics.


'Dog' as in hotdogs?
Yellow Mustard is best...we determined this on a recent thread by the fabulous TheWaitress...she just recently appeared and we all just fell in love with her

What tropics?
I seem to recall that you are a Scottish not awful at geography...i would figure you for a heathery meadow kind of guy...


Dog as in some mangy hound which calls a beach its home. I might grab a couple of chilli dogs though as they make for good lounging food and give the pupper a bite or two.

The Waitress is a gift to the site Yonkers, although I still prefer Dijon or English mustard.

I'll be in the Tropic of Cancer, sweating my rear off. Scotland gets good weather for one month per year and that's in August so South East Asia here I come (Again).

Pool time sounds like fun though, is it your own pool?


Cant go wrong with chili dogs...real pups are another matter
Way too much work:/

TheWaitress is so sweet
Im pretty sure all of the boys have a crush by now
Im pretty sure i do!

Sounds amazing
Enjoy man🍻

Yes, my pool but its not very big...
Only 18 foot round but it keeps the family happy


PLenty of splashing can take place in an 18 foot diameter pool, getting a barbie on the go at the same time?


Oh sure ... The BBQ is usually going
Chicken, pork, steaks...
We do it all and its nice!


:) Smiling because of how sweet you are and because a chili dog sounds so delicious right now. Have a good weekend!


safe travels


Cheers Hownos!

I'll have to finish up with this account prior to setting off and so let's see if I can hit the 3K mark this time around.


a gift! :D that's nice of you to say. Hope you have a pleasant weekend 8. :)


long weekend here Canada Day bbq on Sunday. Very hot/humid. Rather stay inside with the A/C.


Sounds like a fine plan!
Enjoy Amigo


Lucky you to be getting some free tools!

For me, staying cool. Other than that, who knows?? I may spend time catching up on my watch list.


Don't you have a window air conditioner ???


Nope. I'll manage with my fans. I can always go to Mr & Mrs Neighbor's house and hang out there if it gets unbearable - they escaped north to their lake place so I would have the house to myself, but I prefer being here.


Give the bunnies some hugs and kisses from me!😚🐰


Will do😁


Yard work Yonkers, in the blistering heat, 🙄 but it has to get done.


I have yard work to do, but I'm not doing it. It'll still be there when it cools down.


The heat is my enemy
I will meet it on a sweaty field and kick its ass

I really enjoy the fight...i really dont feel right unless im sweating rivers and gasping for air!

I dont quit😡


Glutton for punishment, as they say. I've learned to kick back and not worry about it. After all, tomorrow is another day.


You make a fine point Sweet Glen...i really adore you❤️
I wont argue with you Glen...not ever!

But big dumb boys like me like to throw punches and take a few👊🏻


You might, but that's okay. Does the word 'macho' fit here?


Macho dudes are chumps
Im not macho in the least
Im just really good at violence

I love these 'Macho' boys...a guy said something bad
to my kid sister some years ago...he was a 'black belt' in Karate according to the neighborhood jive...

I beat him til blood came out of his nostrils and eyes...

Macho is a pose...aint shit to me


I beat him til blood came out of his nostrils and eyes...

Really?? Yikes, I'm staying away from you.


Im much more of a kind fellow tbh...the lads just need to watch their tough guy crap around me😉

Im very gifted at busting a dudes grill or starting a fire lol

Not a joke


Yes, I know you're a kind fellow. But who starts a fire and why?


I start fires, i love fires..

Fire is always a fine could argue that life couldn't exist without fire...
I burn stuff all the time

Controlling a big blazing fire is another need to have serious control for a big blaze

I keep a level head and just burn worries!

Im a fan of the flames...


I LOVE having a backyard fire! If it wasn't so hot tonight, I'd have had one. My kids used to have them quite often. It was a great way to hang out with their friends - just sit around the fire and chat. Kept them out of trouble during their high school years.


Great have a very sweet and cute way of describing things

I adore you Glen😊


❤️️ Same here!


I loathe the heat! UNLESS< I'm at the beach, one of my favorite things to do is bask in the sun near the ocean. Heavenly🌞


Oh i nearly die at the beach every time...large, see-through white guy here😁
I sweat, bitch about the sand in my shorts and burn wife is a beach girl and she tortures me every summer a few times with the beach trips!


It's raining heavily here,nowhere to go


A rainy day is the best excuse for being lazy and watching movies for hours on end!




Oh my yes!!


Rare Saturday off, plan on watching so much with charliekelly & lounging around. :)


Sounds like a good time
Have fun you guys...lots of fun!


I'm building a trampoline for the kids and then some more football later on TV. Have a good weekend 👍


Sounds Like fun
Thank you🍻
