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Children's films with horrible scary stuff

Anyone who has seen it knows



That scene in Pinocchio is the reason why I only see the feature once a year. Jiminy Cricket is funny when mad, "Go ahead, make an [arse] out of yourself!" It was a different time, the early 1940s, when it was released.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure:

Caveat Venditor (Buyer Beware) at 1.22 in the video, a real jump scare!
[Edit] Corrected the link.

The movie can be enjoyed by adults too. I know Shogun really likes this film as much as I.


Love it!
We toss Pee Wee's awesome lines at each other ALL the time around my house


Anyone who can take Godzilla for a ride, literally, is ok in my book!


For a second there i thought 'take Godzilla for a ride' was alluding to an...*Ahem 'incident' at a particular type of theater


Hahaha, got me on that zinger, Shogie!
Only in Florida, my home state, could "Pee Wee's Playhouse" take on an entirely different meaning.


😵 that made me jump!
I've never seen any Pee Wee movies.


Pee Wee is everyone's inner child, his odd quirks and splendid demeanor.



And that's why he causes his own troubles. I can see why.


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

The Child catcher gave me nightmares.
This was last night!



He was one of the few characters, even as a kid, that really scared me.
He was perfectly cast.



He is just terrifying. Even now he makes me shudder.
His looks and his voice.
Looks like I won't be able to sleep again tonight after looking at this, so thanks for that.



If you meant that CG Astro Boy movie, I agree. It was forgettable at best. However, the father rejecting Astro Boy was actually taken out of the source material and most other versions would treat that moment a lot darker. But the movie felt tonally uneven regardless. Particularly between what could've worked as compelling to dark moments, and then some generic lighter moments with modern movie cliches done to keep it more family-friendly.


Willy Wonka: The tunnel scene.


Oh thats a good scary one!
Wonka was super creepy too...Wilder, not that other dumb crap


That is the stuff of nightmares, that tunnel!


I'm obligated to share this now, Wah-HaHaHa!

There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going.
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing.
Is it raining, is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing.
By the fires of Hell glowing,
Is the grisly Reaper mowing?
YES! The danger must be growing,
For the rowers keep on rowing,
And they’re certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing!
[hellish, inhuman scream at the end....]


"Well...I've seen enough. Come on, Charlie. We're going home."


Yep. That one gave me nightmares for weeks!


Good example, Dazed. Pinocchio is just horrible. And to think the novel is even worse!

The Witches is also pretty scary.


Gulp....What happens in the novel?

Yes The Witches! When she takes her human mask off "Vitches of Inkerlant... "


The other kid that was turned into a donkey dies from abuse. Pinocchio also kills the talking cricket. And there's more dark stuff.


how does he die?? =(


Pinocchio finds him working on a farm still in donkey form and he dies from exhaustion.


Alice in Wonderland

"Off with her head!"


The whole thing is someone's bad trip I think!
I devoured the book as a child.


I did too. I remember as a child getting the feeling there was more to it than I could grasp, but had no idea what. As an adult I got the annotated version, and finally knew the things I'd missed!


Something Wicked This Way Comes had some pretty violent stuff in it.
Severed bloody head I think?

It also had The Dust Witch who was sexy as hell.
So it all evened out in the end.



I think it was labeled as a kids/family movie.
Kind of how Watcher in the Woods and Labyrinth were.



I’ve never thought of Ray Bradbury as a children’s author. At all. Nor Stephen King, and King has a lot of children in his stories.


The Watcher in the Woods....Let's put a Satanic ritual in a kids' film. Makes perfect sense



But weren't witches in real life mostly used to be beautiful girls?

